=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === Guest123 is now known as RadioGuy86 === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === __singing_cats__ is now known as singing_cats [13:09] would anyone know a file renamer with a gui that could turn all lowercase filenames to full uppercase? === bakcsa is now known as zb983 [16:44] how can I install telgram, zotero, obsidian, discord that gets update automatically? [16:49] have you checked flathub? [16:49] why not snap? [16:50] the discord client is definitely available on flathub and should get automatic updates [16:50] i suppose its on there too [16:50] I mean what is the difference using snap, or flathub [16:50] or other things [16:51] from a strict usability standpoint, probably not much [16:51] flathub is much better integrated into kde Discover than snaps, in my experience. I installed snap integration for discover but still have to update snaps manually in the terminal [16:51] oh damn [16:52] thats a shame [16:52] how can I enable this flathub? [16:52] i uninstalled snap [16:53] klinda: search for the Discover Flatpak backend and install it [16:54] then you also have to add the main flathub [16:54] https://apps.kde.org/discover.flatpak/ [16:54] ? [16:54] in settings under flatpak [16:54] any idea why my KUBUNTU keeps taking screen shots randomly? [16:55] klinda: that looks like the right one, yes [16:55] via spectacle [16:55] normally the prntscreen key triggers spectacle [16:55] is it possible that the spectacle trigger got reassigned? [16:56] maybe check both the spectacle and system-wide custom key shortcuts? [16:56] hmm, okay will check thank you! [16:56] speaking of flatpaks, is there anyway to save a .flatpak file off of flathub? [16:57] Spectacle -> Configure -> Shortcuts, and Settings -> Workspace -> Shortcuts [16:57] Default is None on Current Monitor and Active Window [16:57] Capture Active Window is Default Meta+Print... [16:57] would that cause this to happen?! [16:58] does spectacle randomly start with no input, or can you narrow down what input might be causing it? [16:58] ___ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ __ [16:58] / / |/ (_|_) |_ ___ ___ | _ \ __ _| |(_) ___ _ __\ \ [16:59] | || ' /| | | __/ _ \/ __| | |_) / _` | || |/ _ \| '_ \| | [16:59] < < | . \| | | || (_) \__ \ | __/ (_| | || | (_) | | | |> > [16:59] | ||_|\_\_|_|\__\___/|___/ |_| \__,_|_|/ |\___/|_| |_| | [16:59] \_\ |__/ /_/ [17:01] but for the dark mode one should get the breeze dark? [17:02] you could [17:02] there are other colour themes too, though [17:02] i love that kde still has that [17:03] other OSs and DEs kinda ditched colour options only to bring back one dark one [17:03] KDE never ditched them [17:04] nate and the rest have to be some of the best GUI devs out there [17:58] I have home that size is 28 gb, and I can only track one folder of 11 gb, how is possibile? [18:00] ruled out hidden files? [18:01] I have .cache [18:01] with a lot of gb [18:02] i always clear out my cache folder [18:03] well not always, but i make btrfs snaps with timeshift and always clear it out of the cache folders on the snapshots [18:04] if your really irked by those kind of things you could install bleachbit [18:04] *youre [18:05] well I have only a partiton of 50 gb for kde [18:06] I have 11 gb just for conda enviroment [18:06] still showing 28.9 gb [18:07] refresh the folder [18:08] dolphins display of free space in the bottom-right corner isnt realtime, you need to refresh or change folders [18:09] maybe is a bit bugged [18:09] because on bottom I see like 17 gb [18:09] how much space has kde? [18:09] kubuntu* [18:09] 20 gb? [18:10] probably not but theres also the swap file [18:10] which will be about as big as your ram, i think [18:10] yeah I need to increase the size I think [18:11] i still use a swap partition [18:11] im not sure of btrfs supports a swapfile yet [18:12] is there a gui thing to see all the space size of folders and things? [18:12] there is, i forget the name [18:12] ill see if i can find it [18:12] theres filelight or kdiskfree [18:14] Hi guys, need some advice here. I installed kubuntu next to windows, dual boot. I have Lenovo yoga laptop with only 250 gb hard drive , and I didn't left enough space for windows for only program I use there. Now , how can I reparation the hard drive , or mabe is even better if I leave all for windows, as I don't store any data on laptop but external drive, and start kubuntu from USB drive for dayly use ? [18:16] using linux on a usb isnt great, you wont have changes stick unless you set persistence and that only saves stuff in the home folder, irrc [18:17] you could boot into the usb and delete the linux partition, resize the widows one and than reinstall linux on the smaller one [18:17] or just resize both, but that will take longer [18:18] Thank you !! [18:18] or if youre on windows and you can fit aomei partition manager on there, that will do resize stuff decently [18:19] no prob [18:20] i cant remember for sure but i think aomei can just resize both of them at once [18:20] yep I will do that now [18:21] is anyone on kubuntu 23.10? [18:21] I am on lts [18:21] So the live USB is good for only trying linuxs system and installing it ? No point of running the system ? Can not install programs and save files if USB is big enough ? [18:22] reason i asked is because on 23.10, if i copy a file over another, dolphin crashes, always [18:22] on live usb, on install and on vmware [18:23] IrcsomeBot_ its been a while since ive tried but i dont think installed stuff lasts over reboots [18:24] not to mention performance is left on the table [18:31] 👍 Thanks [19:14] desktop snow just came out apparently https://store.kde.org/p/2104435 [19:18] sweet, i now have 19 wallpaper types [21:07] Hi, i had a issue and i've been to reinstall xorg and kde, at this moment I lost the Kubuntu predeterminate theme, where can i get it? [21:11] sudo apt install plasma-theme-oxygen [21:17] yeah finally got 300 gb for home and the root / to ssd [21:17] home is on hd [21:17] nice [21:17] Thank you! stuffandthings [21:17] user|7 no prob [21:18] i suggest anyone try out timeshift if you want to take system snapshots [21:18] its been a massive help for me [21:19] klinda I have the same partition estructure, is the best, but in my case, I have home directory in a nvme 1tb ssd and root / in another nvme 512gb ssd [21:19] so do you advise to use flathub for the apps? [21:20] if the aps are also available in apt, go with apt [21:20] but there are things that are not in apt [21:20] ok [21:21] flatpaks are also installed in your home folder instead of the system [21:22] yay, kde backports fixes the crashing on dolphin [21:26] Excuse me stuffandthings could you say me what's the default dark theme of ubuntu 22.04? [21:27] kubuntu* [21:27] user|7 Breeze Dark [21:34] Hi there! Anybody else using Vim (I'm on 9.0) and finding the mouse interaction changed since upgrading to Kubuntu 23.10? It doesn't put the cursor anymore where I click. [21:38] one sec, ill try [21:41] Seems to me that instead of moving the cursor to the clicking location, it takes some characters its not supposed to receive (like its blocked for the next keystroke...) [21:41] And then moves the cursor to the start of the middle line on the screen [21:42] dont know, it seems to be acting normal on mine [21:42] could it be a rendering glitch? [21:45] Not quite, because if I type, it is really at the wrong position [21:48] im not sure, its acting normal on mine, wish i had a better answer [21:51] jpjacobs, if you copy a file to overwrite another, on 23.10, does dolphin crash? [21:56] Let me try [21:59] No. Not with identical files, nor with different files sharing the same name [22:00] that so weird, i verified my iso and it crashes every time, whether i install, run off the usb, or run in vmware [22:00] but only copy to overwrite, not move to overwrite or delete and only files, not folders [22:05] fortunately, if i update kde via the backports ppa, it fixes it [22:05] thanks for checking [22:07] guess ill just use cubic to update the iso than [22:09] Well, then we're two with unresolved issues. I guess it's a good occasion to brush up on Vim's keyboard moves :P [22:09] Thanks for trying anyway [22:12] no prob, thank you [22:13] actually, i wonder maybe theres a vim ppa with an updated version [22:15] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim [22:15] thats the ppa for vim, maybe it has a different version that fixes it [22:16] nope, looks like its the same version [22:20] uhm I see the download speed slow while downloading packages [22:20] can be some settings? or the mirror is slow? [22:21] guessing the mirror probably is, try changing it [22:21] it's a pip command [22:26] I go on 140 kb/s [22:27] oow, pretty weak [22:28] even if you try another mirror? [22:36] nope stuffandthings [22:36] are you on wifi? [22:38] no [22:39] i dont know, i wish i could help more, i cant think of anything at the moment [22:42] if you try running of the usb, is it the same? [22:44] what do you mean? [22:47]  are you running linux off the hdd/sdd right now [22:47] yes [22:47] maybe is slow to wriite? :P [22:48] oh boy, if it was that slow, youd not be able to do much [22:48] lol [22:48] try booting off a live usb and seeing if it works faster maybe? [22:48] i wonder if something changed with apt [22:48] since the usb would be defaults, its worth a shot maybe [22:51] maybe click on the tray icon for networking and then the chevron on the right side, to see network activity [22:55] Downloading nvidia_cublas_cu12- (410.6 MB) [22:55] that package is slow [22:55] amaybe it has to compile t [22:59] well i know on mine, i added librewolf ppa and everything gets fast except that [23:00] if i do an apt full-upgrade it pretty much flies until it gets to librewolf [23:41] well I put the / partition on the ssd and the /home to the hd, is it the correct way? [23:41] if I run windows the download is fast [23:42] what could be wrong stuffandthings?