[01:34] * arraybolt3 shouts in victory - libfm-qt's symbols file has finally been updated! [01:41] * arraybolt3 sighs in defeat - I did the update wrong and now need to rebuild the whole thing from scratch [01:43] Note to self, when a soname bump occurs, change the soname number in the symbols file BEFORE building the package on all six architectures, otherwise pkgkde-symbolshelper will somehow miss the newly introduced symbols and sorrow will ensure. [01:51] [telegram] Niceeeeeeee, glad you're getting it sorted [01:51] [telegram] Been there done that, several times [01:53] :P [01:53] sigh, I really also need to start SSH'ing into my RISC-V emulator rather than relying on the horribly bad-at-its-job serial console. [01:56] welp, at any rate, build started, so I guess now I'll do something else while my fans whir like crazy. [05:10] [telegram] Have not seen same error on other flavors (re @tsimonq2: @Leokolb is this only Lubuntu?) [05:52] libfm-qt is still giving me trouble with its symbols file, seemingly because pkgkde-symbolshelper is doing something not quite correct when patching the symbols file [05:53] somehow it transformed _ZNKSt10_HashtableINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESt4pairIKS5_St10shared_ptrIKN2Fm8FileInfoEEESaISD_ENSt8__detail10_Select1stESt8equal_toIS5_ESt4hashIS5_ENSF_18_Mod_range_hashingENSF_20_Default_ranged_hashENSF_20_Prime_rehash_policyENSF_17_Hashtable_traitsILb1ELb0ELb1EEEE19_M_find_before_nodeEmRS7_m@Base [05:53] 1.4.0 into (optional=templinst|subst)_ZNKSt10_HashtableINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESt4pairIKS5_St10shared_ptrIKN2Fm8FileInfoEEESaISD_ENSt8__detail10_Select1stESt8equal_toIS5_ESt4hashIS5_ENSF_18_Mod_range_hashingENSF_20_Default_ranged_hashENSF_20_Prime_rehash_policyENSF_17_Hashtable_traitsILb1ELb0ELb1EEEE19_M_find_before_nod [05:53] eE{size_t}RS7_{size_t}@Base 1.4.0 [05:53] which are getting recognized as different by sbuild [05:55] I can't tell why the (optional=templinst|subst) part is getting added [05:56] not one single logfile from any architecture build has that part added [05:57] so idk why it did that, I'm going to just manually tweak it and try another build, but we should keep in mind that sometimes this think isn't always trustworthy in how it patches things [05:59] unless... oh, I wonder if it's choking on {size_t} [06:01] if so I'll need a symbols guru to help me out since the thing it's replacing with {size_t} is different on armhf than it is on all the other arches [06:01] grr, that IS what it's choking on [06:01] crud [06:09] actually, wait, I think I know how to handle this [06:13] here's hoping this works, tried duplicating and tweaking the offending symbol and using the arch-bits tag to separate the 32-bit form from the 64-bit form [06:14] YAY it worked! [06:14] Last PPA build and then I push it and declare it ready for review [06:42] alright, I also just got myself signed up for a bunch of Ubuntu MLs so I should catch things now (and I also typoed my email once so now whoever owns arraybolt5 or whatever is now getting offered a subscription to ubuntu-studio-users...) [08:12] tsimonq2: libfm-qt ready for review: https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/libfm-qt-packaging No alarming Lintian messages, symbols have been updated and I believe are correct for all arches. [08:15] I did NOT build the last iteration of this on riscv64 but the chances of the symbol not being right on riscv64 are extremely slim. (There was only one symbol that I tweaked in the file that was giving me trouble, the way I tweaked it works on all arches other than riscv64, and the symbol is identical between all 64-bit arches and riscv64.) If it [08:15] would make you comfortable, I'll do one final riscv64 build before asking you to upload to the archive, but I think it's good to go in its current state. [08:15] Also this update has a soname bump so I think that means it's going to end up being a "new" package. [08:15] And with that, I'm going to finally go to bed, it's 2:15 in the morning where I'm at :P [15:00] Gooooooooooood morning!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 [15:00] arraybolt3: Nice work! I was just talking to someone about how difficult symbols are ;) [15:00] arraybolt3: Let me review your patches to be sure, but I'm ready to +1 you for ~lubuntu-dev [15:07] Heading to my usual Wed 10 AM early, so I can grab a bite to eat. I'm walking there/back, so I'll probably be around again by 11-12. [15:38] arraybolt3: You're being offered a subscription to ubuntu-studio-users? Interesting. I hope it's not trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty. [15:52] [telegram] Eickmeyer: that'd be the eeickmeyer email sending to yourself about your car's extended warranty isnt it :P [15:53] @teward001 I hate it when that happens. :P [16:57] Eickmeyer: no I meant I tried to subscribe and thought that I punched in the wrong email :p [16:57] Turned out the subscription confirmation just went to spam. [17:28] tsimonq2: Is there going to be another grilling session like the first time? Because if so, I think I can probably take it :) [18:20] arraybolt3: I'm hoping we can skip it this time, but just know my questions will be much harder this time (and I already grilled you like a DMB member would for a Core Dev candidate), so you should pray for the answer to be "no." ;) [18:21] Believe me, there's harder curveballs you haven't thought of yet. :P [18:21] heh, ok :) [18:24] (there's plenty of tools I either haven't used or only barely used that I see mentioned frequently like rmadison and the like so I easily believe that) [18:49] arraybolt3: Sent you a PM on Matrix with the first of my yet-to-be-approved public bear poking ;) [19:11] arraybolt3: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/responses-needed-flavor-participation-for-24-04-lts/40075 also in ubuntu-devel ML [19:13] can confirm I got the email, I think I'm set up properly now. [19:34] [telegram] @kc2bez I approved ^^ our participation unilaterally as team lead, but I assume you don't have any objection to that [20:12] [telegram] No objection. Thank you for replying! [21:15] arraybolt3: https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-menu-data/pull/18 [21:15] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Pull 18 in lxqt/lxqt-menu-data "Makes the package arch independent" [Merged] [21:15] arraybolt3: I just merged that, since it's now +2 upstream. [21:16] woot [21:33] teward, kc2bez, wxl: Can we vote on whether arraybolt3 should go through another grilling session before we vote on his permissions? -1, I'm satisified. [21:34] tsimonq2: we should probably take this to the council (for which i need an invite again) [21:34] (I would, however, still expect a review of his recent work in your vote.) [21:34] tsimonq2: he already proved himself, putting him to a second runthrough of that is not going to be worth it since the answers haven't changed. [21:34] for *grilling session*, -1. Review of contribs yes, but he doesn't need another grilling session [21:34] wxl: IIRC we set up ~lubuntu-dev to be self-repleneshing :) so no LC vote needed, I *think* [21:35] teward: Cool, same page, asking you all for opinions never hurts :) [21:35] you still need to give me the details for the sandbox if you want me to DNS it [21:35] ah right heh [21:35] i'm sending doom to Canonical IS right now until they get my massive list of changes done [21:35] and those qt6 deps [21:35] yup [21:35] teward: I told them to invite IS to the next flavor sync, they seemed to take that request pretty seriously [21:36] so there's light somewhat at the end of that tunnel [21:36] [telegram] I always enjoy a good BBQ but I too am -1 on grilling. [21:36] So that's settled, even if wxl is +1 he's overruled :) sorry wxl [21:36] still need that invite [21:36] to the channel or the list :P [21:36] teward: teward: teward: ^^^ [21:36] [telegram] standby [21:36] [telegram] channel [21:37] I just like pinging teward XD [21:37] someone's paying attention [21:37] *pushes tsimonq2 off the ledge like a cat might push a vase off a ledge* [21:37] arraybolt3: Congrats on not needing another grilling ;) [21:38] * tsimonq2 pushes teward off the Grand Canyon [21:38] which btw *is* stupidly massive XD [21:53] teward, kc2bez, wxl: Go ahead and take a few days to double-check the uploads he has ready. I'll sponsor a few, but I'll go slow until Friday in case anyone wants to take a sponsorship request or two for themselves. I'll check back around the early weekend for a vote. [21:53] my audio won't unmute, I missed all the action just now :P [21:53] arraybolt3: ohai :) better get reading! lol [21:53] wait i thought we weren't voting? [21:54] wxl: no we're voting just not grilling [21:54] just read the backlog :) [21:54] Windows 11 apparently likes to hork all my hotkeys for volume changing :-/ [21:54] (er, my Win11 VM likes to hork those keys I mean) [21:55] wxl: (I have a sneaking suspicion he'll be a +3, but we should do *some* due diligence in case the DMB asks.) [21:55] arraybolt3: hah nice [21:55] hey speaking of which [21:55] yeah? [21:55] Does anyone else not have working brightness keys, or is it just me? [21:56] i think it's you [21:56] Dunno, don't have a Lubuntu hardware rig at the moment [21:56] wxl: #SimonsFault XD [21:56] My brightness keys work in Kubuntu Jammy but I get the feeling that's not the answer you wanted [21:56] use xev and make sure your keyboard is sending the right sequences [21:57] I recently was given a desktop machine I could probably turn into a full-time Lubuntu rig but it'll also consume 15% of my desktop space [21:57] and of course I have my usual assortment of laptops, probably one of those would be better [21:58] [telegram] I am not in front of my computer right now but my brightness keys did work in 23.10 the last time I tried. [22:01] ah, "Installation Successfully", exactly the way I want to be told that the virtio-win drivers installed right coming from what's supposed to be a professional piece of software. [22:02] Either drop the "ly" or append " finished", please pick one :P [22:02] arraybolt3: sir v0lte when [22:02] (ifykyk) [22:02] voice over LTE? [22:02] idontgetit [22:03] It's stupidly hard to implement in open source phone stacks, from what I'm hearing. Typically people with poor English, who can't read the clear announcements saying it's hard to do, always ask. :P [22:03] (I guess that's a little unfair, but "sir v0lte when" always makes me laugh.) [22:03] ah [23:02] almost finished packaging lxqt-qtplugin [23:19] if y'all bored can someone check out discourse.lubuntu.me and see if its working again? [23:19] https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lxqt-qtplugin-packaging ready for review [23:19] lxqt-themes didn't get a version bump so I skipped it [23:19] teward: ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID [23:19] oh i know that [23:19] that's because i have to put it on certbot main again [23:19] but the site works if I override that [23:20] reissuing now [23:20] ye good i didn't want to do the standard certbot stuff until i was sure it was ready [23:20] should work now [23:20] nice, no more certificate warning [23:21] ye [23:21] i'll handle CSP issues as they arise [23:21] that's why Sentry exists on my end [23:22] but at least it's 'alive' again [23:22] hmm, emoji issue? [23:22] CSP issue [23:22] as i said i'm making revisions as we go [23:22] ah [23:22] but there's also legacy crap in people's caches [23:22] https://i.imgur.com/LftXlgv.png though you're probably aware of this already [23:22] they'll have to nuke their caches [23:22] because the CDN changed [23:23] arraybolt3: nuke your cache try again [23:23] i can't help you when you don't give me direct post links either [23:23] 'cause i need to see it on my end for more debugging ;P [23:23] hmm... how to do that in Vivaldi [23:23] right, sorry [23:23] sigh, this is going to log me out of EVERYTHING [23:24] isn't vivaldi a dead browser [23:24] nope, very much alive and well [23:24] it doesn't support half of the things they ahve to though so [23:24] lightweight != useful [23:24] it's just a Chromium fork [23:24] opposite of lightweight [23:24] [telegram] with better tab management [23:24] they just took the guts of Chrome and threw in everything and the kitchen sink in terms of features and customizability [23:25] teward: cache nuked, emojis still weird, see https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/made-a-new-wallpaper-with-lubuntu-logo/2650/13 [23:25] what the heck is ggtyler[.]dev and why are we trying to use icons from it on connect in here [23:25] [telegram] "Control+Shift+R" worked well for me [23:26] teward: only you are even able to know the answer to that [23:26] so why are you using ggtyler[.]dev for icons? :P [23:26] i'm not, someone is [23:26] arraybolt3: send me privately what IP you're using [23:26] oddly enough, Discourse loads just fine in Vivaldi, but it seems to be hung loading in Chrome [23:26] for your connection [23:28] teward: see https://i.imgur.com/H08b8UK.png [23:28] ok so it looks like images are trying to use the *legacy* CDN [23:28] i thought i rebaked posts. *goes to rebake again manually* [23:28] so for some reason Vivaldi works without issues but Chrome can't load it [23:28] oh wait nvm [23:28] ctrl+shift+r and now it loads in Chrome just fine [23:28] grr [23:29] but yeah, emojis still a problem [23:31] ye i'm having to tweak things on the regular [23:31] again caching is a problem [23:32] but i know why those emoji in *that* post aren't working [23:32] because the URL isn't updated and the post needs edited and resaved [23:32] i'll have to talk to DIscourse about it [23:33] because it's working fine but not working on legacy posts so SOMETHING is up probably caching that's breaking things [23:33] let me see if i can do a workaround [23:34] btw thanks for all the work you put into this stuff, if you vanished I think Lubuntu would probably keel over for an entire release trying to get it's footing without our infra [23:34] I'm just here using Phab, Git, Notes, etc. like nothing since you keep things working well :) [23:36] hehe yea Discourse had some problems with disk I/O on the one box so i just moved it to *my* OVH box which is SSD backed and stuff heh [23:37] one of the biggest problems though is [23:37] StackPath CDN that we've been using is going away [23:37] so i have us on a different CDN provider [23:39] so ye i'm still at the mercy of Canonical IS for DNS udpates. :P [23:58] https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/obconf-qt-packaging ready for review