
sergiodjadrien: hey! I've noticed that gnutls28 is blocked on proposed because there are some dep8 tests that assume TLS 1.0 will be available. could you take a look into it, please?07:12
adriensergiodj: argh; I thought these were passing! I'll have a look as soon as I can but it might be only starting tomorrow07:17
sergiodjyeah, ISTR running its dep8 when I sponsored, but apparently I didn't :-/.  thanks!07:18
adrienI think the reason is that the behavior change is caused by a change in /etc/gnutls/config and therefore it doesn't apply before the package is installed; it's been a bit annoying to test07:22
adrienthinking more about it, we might want to do things differently so that these tests still run but that's for another day07:23
sergiodjwell, that's what dep8 tests are for, so I think things are working as expected in this case, right?07:24
sergiodj(unless I misunderstood what you said)07:24
bittinStarted adding some Swedish to 24.04 now07:32
adrienwhat I meant is that we want to disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1; the tests are therefore expected to fail; but at the same time, the code is still there and a system administrator could re-enable them07:35
adrienfor TLS 1.0 and 1.1, that's mostly rethorical but the same thing could occur for things that are less clear cut (that's related to something I've been working on)07:36
adrienthe global question is how to have stricter defaults that disable some protocols/algorithms, but still test them because they make sense for a number of situations07:41
sergiodjwe could have a test to make sure that the protocols are disabled as intended, and then another to test whether reenabling them works07:46
adrienthe thing I've been working on involves system-wide configuration changes (I'll be giving a lightning talk at the engineering sprint this afternoon) and some things like that will probably be needed across all the configuration profiles if this goes forward07:52
adrienI think I need an ethernet cable to be able to do testing here07:58
andersson1234bluca: are you still getting 500's for your upstream systemd tests? My guess is no so I just want to check you're all good.09:13
adrienafter a bit of debugging and finally noticing a left-over apt proxy setting on my system, I could reproduce and fix the issue; I'll be busy with other things this afternoon so it'll probably have to wait for tomorrow; current diff can be seen at https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qCFp7VxVwZ/ and there might be some changes esp. regarding the first hunk10:29
schopin@pilot in11:32
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schopinI'm not going to do *active* pilot stuff because we're right in the middle of an internal event at Canonical, but I'll still be available to try and answer questions :)11:33
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