[07:32] Started adding some Swedish to 24.04 now [07:33] keep that for #ubuntu-discuss bittin plz [07:46] alright [11:04] Hi, so I am trying to get Ubuntu Server installed on a Dell PowerEdge T330 with a PERC H310 (since the server did not come with a SAS compatible controller), and currently I have two Samsung 400GB SAS SSDs installed [11:04] When I try to install Ubuntu server however, it does not detect any of the SSDs [11:06] They show up however when I run lshw, under the RAID section, and with logical names /dev/sda and /dev/sdb [11:07] The disks utility (when run from a regular Ubuntu live disk) lists /dev/sda and /dev/sdb as "no media" [11:08] I should also point out that the PERC H310 in this case has been flashed to IT mode === justThanks is now known as justTesting === justTesting is now known as justThanks [22:12] Is there a good way for me to sort out why the kernel module 'nft_counter' is no longer available with the linux-aws v6.2 packages? [22:13] ghavil: #ubuntu-kernel might be better, that being said, if it's part of the kernel configuration, you might consider git blame then following that back to the originating commit, hopefully having some kind of rationale in it. [22:14] Disclaimer: not a member of the kernel team, don't know what I'm doing besides basic configuration and building/installation of a kernel :) [22:14] haha sounds good, I'll ask there too [22:14] ghavil: And just in case, if you're new around here, idling is helpful, they're at an internal sprint right now so it might take time :) [22:14] I'm also not super familar with this portion, just noticed we're failing to load it w/ the upgrade and trying to understand why [22:14] Yeah no worries, glad I could point you to a better spot :) [22:14] Ah yeah I have a ZNC bouncer so I perma-idle [22:14] Perfect :D [22:15] ghavil: If you don't hear anything in the next week, I'd try again, like I said, maybe more visibility after the sprint. You might also try the mailing list :) [22:16] Cool deal, sounds good to me, thanks for the tips [22:16] Of course! [22:16] ghavil, according to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=278611 nft_counter stopped being a separate module at some point, presumably whatever's trying to load it will catch up at some point [22:17] Ah nice find! It's something we wrote that's trying to simply modprobe it, I already prepped the change to stop doing that but was trying to understand why it's needed [22:18] ooo I see, started in kernel v5.17, we're upgrading from 5.15 so this all makes sense [23:51] hello [23:55] I installed Mutillidae on Ubuntu Server but the installation is not working well. The commands in the virtual machine are not working well. [23:59] hello