
nexauuApparently the ubuntu-emulator package does not exist.00:03
leftyfbnexauu: what is "ubuntu-emulator" ?00:04
leftyfbthat was removed back in 2014/201500:05
JanCmaybe the ubports people have one?00:05
JanCCanonical no longer works on Ubuntu Touch, but ubports is a community that does: https://ubuntu-touch.io/00:08
nexauui already looked at that website00:09
JanCmaybe Google's Android emulator will work too? (I think that's what it was based on?)00:13
JanCbut I would ask the ubports community what they use for quick testing...00:14
leftyfbnexauu: https://forums.ubports.com/00:15
dervish77newprothey guys i need help00:53
dervish77newprotE: The repository 'cdrom://Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS _Jammy Jellyfish_ - Release amd64 (20230807.2) jammy Release' does not have a Release file.00:53
dervish77newprotN: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.00:53
dervish77newprotN: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.00:53
leftyfbdervish77newprot: remove the cdrom repository from /etc/apt/sources.list00:54
dervish77newprotany command?00:54
leftyfbdervish77newprot: this repo should have been removed as part of the install. What is different about your install?00:55
dervish77newprotwell  i tried to update but it will display this mesaage00:56
leftyfbdervish77newprot: is this a server or desktop?00:56
leftyfbdervish77newprot: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list00:57
oerheksin desktop, see settings.. or phisical remove the cd00:57
dervish77newprotwell i don't have a cd drive at all on this laptop00:59
dervish77newprotit's a toshiba protege01:00
oerheksseem update settings, cdrom01:00
oerheks1st tab, installation medium ..01:01
dervish77newprotthanks guys i fixed it01:04
oerhekshave fun!01:05
Guest1982Hi, Newbish Linux User. Having issue with updating 20.04. 'sudo apt-get update' : ...Err:16 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal/main Sources01:43
Guest1982  File has unexpected size (846504 != 1064). Mirror sync in progress? [IP: 80]01:43
Guest1982  Hashes of expected file:01:43
Guest1982   - Filesize:1064 [weak]01:43
Guest1982   - SHA256:a844c3001307051761b817d1755e36c62a0d2ce86d487133d9a787905f25c93101:43
Guest1982   - SHA1:05907406d846652477faac7f391602cfb569a657 [weak]01:43
Guest1982Tried a bunch of things from stacked a while back. couldn't figure out the issue...01:45
arraybolt3I think this kind of problem is supposed to just clear up on its own.01:45
Guest1982Can't seem to install any new programs either. Which kind of need to reinstall QGIS01:46
arraybolt3"Mirror sync" is when the Ubuntu mirror you're using gets its packages up-to-date with the primary ones on Canonical's servers, if I'm understanding correctly.01:46
arraybolt3So the solutions are, 1: wait, or 2: switch to a different mirror.01:46
Guest1982ya, all are .ca servers... so check each one. thanx01:47
arraybolt3If you want to do the latter, edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and change all of the "http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com" lines to point to a different mirror. A good list of mirrors is at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors01:48
arraybolt3Probably you want one of the ones in Canada. I'd recommend using http over https.01:48
Guest1982why no s?01:48
arraybolt3(since https doesn't provide any extra security for package downloads and it just slows things down)01:48
Guest1982thumbs up01:49
arraybolt3apt does signature checks and checksums for everything so unless you're trying to hide what packages you're downloading from a third party, https doesn't provide any advantages. (There are times when you want to hide that you're downloading packages, like when you have a frustrating ISP, but I'm guessing you're probably not in that situation.)01:50
arraybolt3(correction - you *can* tell apt to not do checks, but by default it does and you really shouldn't tell it to skip those :P)01:50
Guest1982Thanks @arraybolt3 Was able to update a fair amount. It now warns: W: Target Sources (main/source/Sources) is configured multiple times in /etc/apt/sources.list:2 and /etc/apt/sources.list:702:52
Guest1982is that line 2 and 7?02:52
arraybolt3I believe so.02:53
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librehatssince staff has a bystander effect problem I come here for public logging04:04
librehats#ubuntu is a goto chan for a court of record04:04
librehatsdid you get TorTV goingbyetbfor republican form live executions04:05
lotuspsychjenot here librehats04:05
librehatsdid you get TorTV going yet for republican form live executions04:05
lotuspsychjethis is a support channel librehats04:05
librehatsyes is it still publicly logged04:06
librehatsurl pls04:06
librehatslet me check04:06
lotuspsychje!guidelines | librehats please read this04:06
ubottulibrehats please read this: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:06
librehatsUbuntu channels are logged, many officially and all of them unofficially by individual users, and the contents of all channels are considered to be in the public domain.04:08
librehatsPD wax04:08
librehatswax me04:08
librehatsguarunteed a republican form of government = live and tekevised death row04:09
* librehats yells death row! and arms another syrategic nuclrarvweapons krytrin triggrmer04:09
* librehats yells death row! and arms another syrategic nuclear weapons krytron trigger04:10
librehatswax me04:10
librehatsPublucDomain wax04:10
librehatsget TorTV online04:10
lotuspsychje!ops | librehats bad news04:12
ubottulibrehats bad news: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant04:12
librehatstriitium investments for a krytron guaruntee04:12
librehatswax me up04:13
librehatsPD wax04:13
librehatsmy heart melts like wax as crooks edit the logs like04:13
librehatsit's why Pontious Pilate asks " what is truth?"04:14
librehatsI AM04:14
librehatsget TorTV online may judgment Day be televised ?04:15
librehatsguarunteed a republican form of government04:15
librehatsdoes a krytron capacitor sound like a 1980s camera flash powering up PICTURE PERFECT04:17
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lotuspsychjewelcome i2p06:35
i2pThanks @lotuspsychje06:36
spinningCati try to connect a wireless connection hereanad i got error about handshake something06:39
spinningCatand i do forget network and try to connect same naetwwork i got same error again06:40
spinningCatbut i can connect that wireless with my phone succesfully06:40
spinningCatwhat can i do to solve this error?06:40
elias_aspinningCat: Adhoc connection?06:41
spinningCatlet me check06:42
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spinningCatthis is the error btw Error performing TLS handshake: The Diffie-Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough).06:43
elias_aspinningCat: You should know by know. Adhoc means connecting two devices without using wifi network created by a wifi box.06:44
spinningCatwhen i think it is staarbucks connection06:45
spinningCatthaaat should be aadhoc06:45
elias_aspinningCat: No it is not. The error means you are trying to use such a crappy TLS secret that the device that gives you the error drops the connection handshake due to lack of security.06:47
spinningCatI see06:48
spinningCatso i cannot use that connection?06:48
elias_aspinningCat: I don't know what you mean with "that connection" as you have not told even what procol you are using.06:57
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
spinningCatif you ask for security it is none06:58
spinningCatit is public connection06:58
spinningCat,when you connect that sends you sms06:58
spinningCatyou connect with sms verification06:58
elias_aspinningCat: You are talking about something that 1) is not an Ubuntu support issue and 2) you have not described into detail: how exactly are you trying to connect the two devices.07:06
elias_aspinningCat: I have to go now. Hopefully someone else reads your messages and helps.07:07
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Yakovi see my usb Kingston Technology DataTraveler SE9 but I can not open it with nautilus10:11
Yakovsee with lsusb, pardon10:11
akikYakov: you might need to change the permissions of the files and dirs on it10:12
akikYakov: if you only have your own data files on it you can do it with "sudo chown -R username /where/its/mounted"10:13
Yakovhow to find where its mounted?10:14
akikYakov: df10:14
Yakovi suppose its not detected by df? https://pastebin.com/aE0x7gvT10:15
akikYakov: no it's not mounted10:15
Yakovwhat can I do?10:15
akikYakov: you'd need to mount it first10:15
Yakovyes, I did it before, but forgot how to do the same :)10:16
akikYakov: first: lsblk -o +TRAN | grep usb10:16
akikYakov: that'll show you the usb stick device10:16
Yakovsda           8:0    1   7.3G  0 disk10:16
akikYakov: then you can run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" and see its partitions10:17
akikYakov: are you sure it's that?10:17
akikYakov: i'm asking because that line doesn't say usb10:18
akikYakov: ok i see the problem. you haven't created any partition on it10:19
akikYakov: do you know how?10:20
akikYakov: are you familiar with fdisk?10:20
YakovI did before before installing ubuntu from installer10:20
Yakovnot rly10:20
Yakovdont use it much10:21
akikYakov: well i can give the commands for it10:21
Yakovpls, i will put it to my ubuntu commands cheat sheet10:21
akikYakov: "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" "g" "n" "1" "2048" "press enter" "w"10:22
akikYakov: that'll create a gpt table and one partition that allocated the whole of it10:23
akikYakov: then you can initialize it with "sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1"10:23
Yakovsudo fdisk /dev/sda: No such file or directory10:23
Yakovsudo fdisk /dev/sda" "g" "n" "1" "2048" "press enter" "w"10:24
Yakovshould I copy opening and ending quote marks?10:24
akikoh christ10:24
akiksorry i tried to help10:25
Yakovwhat do you mean?10:25
akikyou were not supposed to copy and paste that10:26
akikthey were multiple commands that you should run in order10:26
akikYakov: then you can initialize it with "sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1"10:27
akikYakov: now disconnect it and reconnect it and try to access it in nautilus10:28
akikYakov: if it doesn't work, you need to run the chown command above10:28
Yakovit works :)10:29
Yakovthanks :)10:29
Yakovbut i cant create dir10:29
Yakovneed permissions, right10:30
akikYakov: "sudo chown -R username /where/its/mounted"10:30
Yakovty, your carma is increased10:32
akikYakov: you didn't say where you want to use that stick though so now it can be used in ubuntu10:32
srevehow can I set default rights for new files and directorys for a non admin user?11:11
CosmicDJsreve: google umask11:14
sreveI see ... default its "umask 022"11:15
sreveI want the files only readable for the user and group members of the user group11:15
sreveok ... its a "mask" :)11:17
sreveumask 0006 works for files but not for directories.11:19
sreveumask 0007 is what I want, I guess.11:20
Guest44Hi Mates11:44
Guest44I posted this question in ask-ubuntu forum and want to share the same here as well, was working on this issue for couple of day from now.. no luck, any help would help me make some progress, thanks11:46
OnkelTemHi folks.11:54
OnkelTemWhat is the way to set/change locale on ubuntu 22.04?11:54
OnkelTemI need to apply a system-wide change11:54
OnkelTemlocalectl set-locale doesn't seem to update a thing11:55
akikOnkelTem: /etc/default/locale11:55
OnkelTemakik: so I have to edit it manually to change locales on Ubuntu? %-)11:57
akikOnkelTem: you asked how to change it. that's how you can change it11:58
peirikSeems my Alt+<key-above-tab> switching is broken. Pressing those keys should only switch between windows of the same application, right? But mine keep switching between different applications for some reason. Anyone know why this is happening, and how I might fix it?11:58
OnkelTemakik: meh, let's hope to by 28.04 we will get a command line utility for setting locales. (a voice from the audience: Wait, there is already localtectl set-locale! shut up, voice fomr the audience)12:03
peirikNever mind, I managed to fix it by explicitly setting this keyboard shortcut in settings for "Switching windows of an app directly". Makes me wonder what that shortcut actually did before 🤔12:03
tomreynOnkelTem: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales12:07
spinningCatCannot create RT messagebuffer thread: Operation not permitted (1)12:07
spinningCatRetrying messagebuffer thread without RT scheduling12:07
spinningCat how can i allow this12:07
tomreynspinningCat: please don't cross-post, please use a pastebin for pasting more than one line.12:08
OnkelTemtomreyn: that generates locales, not sets them12:09
OnkelTemat least it hasn't changed something here12:09
akikOnkelTem: do you mean you couldn't do it with localectl? sounds like a bug to me12:12
tomreynOnkelTem: the command i provided should bring up a menu which lets you configure which locales are to be generated (and thus become available)12:13
tomreynit does not configure which locale your system or user uses by default12:14
OnkelTemakik: localectl set-localte does change locales, but doesn't save them. I guess that's because on Ubuntu there is no /etc/locale.conf12:14
OnkelTemand as for /etc/default/locale, it isn't updated as well12:14
akikOnkelTem: ok well change /etc/default/locale then until the bug is fixed12:15
OnkelTemtomreyn: I know, I was wondering how one changes locale on Ubuntu aprt from manual editing /etc/default/locale by root12:15
OnkelTemakik: sure12:15
geirhaI just tried running localectl set-locale LANG=... and /etc/default/locale did get modified12:15
tomreynOnkelTem: looks like i misunderstood you then, sorry12:16
OnkelTemtomreyn: yw12:16
Guest44Out of curiosity, any other -- more specific -- Ubuntu group to post this question?12:43
en1gmaany idea when we can start getting ubuntu 23.10 dailies again or any good 23.10 iso's anywhere?13:20
en1gmai need to test an m.2 ngff drive out from a live distro. what is a good test to do? just copy back and fourth large files and check CRC?13:21
en1gmathe drive is 512GB and i would really like to write most all of it back and fourth to check it out good13:22
lotuspsychjeen1gma: 24.04 is going on daily devel cycle now13:25
lotuspsychjeen1gma: and at this early stage, they act a lot like the 23.10 release13:25
lotuspsychje!next | en1gma13:26
ubottuen1gma: Noble N is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.13:26
Some_PersonI have a problem where my system won't always shut down all the way14:17
Some_PersonI can't reliably reproduce it, but sometimes it just sits on this screen: https://i.imgur.com/chEkn3Q.jpg14:17
ctravenhello all14:25
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sotaoverridewhats a good introductory read for compositors14:27
StucKmanlxd is installed by default on ubuntu server?14:27
StucKmanhow can i find out?14:27
sotaoverridetry man lxd14:27
StucKmanit's the other way arouns, I have LXD installed, I want to know if a sysadmin has beenplaying around or it's a default thing14:28
StucKmanyeha, weird situation, I'm the new sysadmin in this huge place, they gave me some server to herd, and I keep finding stuff on every corner14:29
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leftyfbStucKman: the snap is installed by default but not enabled/running until you configure it or try to run lxc14:41
StucKmanso I just enabled it on a server, how can I disable it?14:41
leftyfbStucKman: sudo snap remove lxd14:42
StucKmanthat sounds like it removes it, not disables it, maybe just a misnomer?14:43
leftyfbStucKman: why would you want to leave it installed but disabled?14:43
StucKmanI just want to leave it in the same state I found it14:43
leftyfbStucKman: are there any containers installed?   lxc list14:44
StucKmannothing, as I expected14:45
leftyfbthen just remove it14:45
StucKmancan I just disable it and figure out if I want to remove it from 20 severs later?14:46
leftyfbyou ran an lxc command on 20 servers?14:47
StucKmanno, just one, but I have it on all 20+ servers, yes14:47
leftyfbthen just remove it from the 1 server and leave the rest alone14:48
leftyfbthe default ubuntu server install sets up a socket that listens for anyone running lxc commands which will then fully install and setup lxd. I do not think it's worth going back and setting this up again. Just remove lxd and if you need it again later, just install it. The alternative is a lot more work and testing14:48
StucKmanI see14:49
StucKmanleftyfb: can I quote you publickly? :^) mastodon, to be more precise14:52
leftyfbStucKman: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/containers-lxd#:~:text=LXD%20Server%20Configuration14:53
leftyfbStucKman: it's best to quote the documentation14:53
StucKmanright, tx14:53
StucKmanTBH, your explanation is way more concise :)14:56
en1gmaim running an ubuntu 22.04 live and have an m.2 (512GB). i want to check for any errors. im currently usings "disks" to format the drive fat32. do i just download a large iso and transfer from my ram to the drive and do a CRC check and delete the one in ram and then copy the one on the drive back to ram and again check the CRC and then do this about 100 more times? is there a better way than that?15:24
en1gmadisks started out formatting it at 750MB/s and said 11mins left and now 5mins later its formatting at 75MB/s and says 1hr and 19mins left. this is with "ERASE" = On15:26
ph88was my message posted ?15:28
en1gmaif you typed it was.15:29
en1gmai just joined so cant see it15:29
ph88my release upgrade is not working15:30
en1gmawhy is it taking my M.2 taking so long to ERASE using DISKS. its only 512GB and it does do 1500MB/s write15:31
en1gmadownload the latest ubuntu 22.04 daily and write it to a usb stick and do fresh install?15:31
en1gmathey pulled all the 23.10 stuff because of abuse15:32
en1gmaas far as ISO's for 23.1015:32
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Menzador... it was reuploaded last I checked16:44
Menzadorbut they're gone so oof16:44
Menzador(with all of the bad bits removed)16:44
lbracherHello! I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and my keyboard uses fn key in order to access F[1..12] keys. I'm trying to use the Shift+F7 (using fn key), but it's being catched by Gnome as volume up. I'm trying to disable it, but I couldn't find it in `gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings` or in keybindings window. Where it can be?17:02
CrtxReavrlbracher, can't disable the Fn lock with Fn-escape?17:07
lbracherCrtxReavr, no. I'll try to do that on BIOS, thanks anyway!17:08
CrtxReavrNo. .. not on bios. . . on the keyboard.17:08
CrtxReavrIt's a pretty standard think on laptops, hold down the Fn key and hit escape to disable the Fn lock.17:08
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elias_aUbuntu 23.04 on Thinkpad T450s, bluetooth not recognized. Any advice?18:13
leftyfbelias_a: make sure it's turned on via the BIOS and/or button18:14
=== justThanks is now known as justTesting
elias_aleftyfb: I rebooted and checked BIOS settings. No BT on/off there. There is no physical switch for BT in the laptop as F8 is supposed to toggle both wifi and BT.18:28
AHemlocksLieHow can I get connmand to stop listening on port 53? I'm trying to run Pi-Hole on a home server and can't figure out how to get it to stop19:11
leftyfbAHemlocksLie: remove the package? Disable the service? Why did you install connman if you didn't want to use it?19:21
fwehtugh just tried to setup an astro project and ubuntus nodejs is too old, i use ubuntu 23.10 which came out quite recently, why dont they include an up to date nodejs?19:22
AHemlocksLieleftyfb, I don't recall installing it, so I assume it came stock. From the name, I assume it's a connection manager, which is great, but I need the DNS port freed up19:22
leftyfbAHemlocksLie: it's not stock19:23
AHemlocksLieApparently it runs some sort of DNS proxy? I don't have a service for it even, it seems19:23
AHemlocksLieI've seen recommendations to edit the service file to disable that capability, but the file isn't where people say it should be19:23
leftyfbAHemlocksLie: sudo apt remove connman19:23
leftyfbfweht: sudo snap install node19:24
fwehtleftyfb: aah thansks so much!  will there be a contradiction between node from apt and node from snap?  should i uninstall apt node?19:25
leftyfbfweht: I would recommend removing the apt version19:26
fwehtand here i just agree / use --classic? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/TRczDweq/19:26
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to make sure nothing depends on connman for some weird reason before I rip it out... I have no idea when it got installed19:27
leftyfbyes, include --classic in the command19:27
leftyfbAHemlocksLie: a default install of ubuntu does not install nor rely on connman in any way19:27
AHemlocksLieI've got a handful of other things set up on here, though. This isn't a fresh install19:28
AHemlocksLieif it's not stock, I have to assume it was installed for some reason19:28
AHemlocksLiewhy in the world is cmst, a GUI for Connman, installed on a headless server...19:29
AHemlocksLieBecause LXQT is installed... Why tf is LXQT installed...19:30
leftyfbAHemlocksLie: good luck sorting out your machine19:30
AHemlocksLieIs there a way to tell if I accidentally installed a desktop version instead of a server version?19:31
fwehtleftyfb: so in the future, if a package is available on snap and apt, should i always use snap?  is snap going to replace apt?19:31
leftyfbAHemlocksLie: do you have a desktop running?19:31
AHemlocksLieleftyfb, I don't have a monitor hooked to it, so I'm not entirely sure. I'd assume so since there's one installed19:32
leftyfbfweht: the snap versions tend to be more recent versions and can potentially be provided directly from the vendor as opposed to a community maintainer19:32
leftyfbAHemlocksLie: how did you setup ssh without a monitor?19:32
fwehtleftyfb: sweet, thanks a lot19:32
fwehtnice community here19:32
AHemlocksLieI don't remember, I think I hooked it up to the TV initially for basic setup and installing Ubuntu, but I would have just done things from the command line unless a desktop popped up19:34
AHemlocksLieLike I would not have installed LXQT just to get through basic setup19:35
elias_aleftyfb: My mistake! There was after all a selection that turned off bluetooth. It was categorized under I/O settings. :D19:35
leftyfbAHemlocksLie: you can look through your dpkg logs in /var/log/19:35
AHemlocksLieThere's a huge flood of packages installed around the time connman is, so it's hard to make sense of. Can I expect the "trigger" package to appear at one end of the list, like at the start of this huge flow or the end of it?19:49
oerheksapt-cache depends connman19:52
leftyfbapt rdepends connman19:52
oerheksoops, you are correct19:52
leftyfbthere are no packages that depend on connman other than the connman-related packages. modem-manager-gui shows in the results, but in my testing does not pull in connman19:53
mario_hey all, thanks for any assistance19:54
mario_did anyone's "snap refresh" break w/ 23.10?19:54
mario_seeing this message a lot: "Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h: 487: elf_machine_rela_relative: Assertion `ELFW(R_TYPE) (reloc->r_info) == R_X86_64_RELATIVE' failed!"19:55
mario_seeing that message on "snap refresh", as well as when i did "apt --reinstall install snapd"19:56
mario_also seeing it on "apt update"19:59
leftyfbmario_: sounds like you have something seriously wrong with your system20:00
leftyfbmario_: not snap-related20:00
mario_yeah looks more widespread20:00
mario_what would you recommend?20:00
leftyfbmario_: sudo dmesg -T20:00
leftyfbdo you see any errors ther?20:00
mario_oh wow yes i do20:01
leftyfbmainly around I/O ATA20:01
leftyfbcorrupt filesystem and/or bad storage device20:01
mario_is there any way you know of to test the storage device and/or fix the filesystem?20:01
leftyfbmario_: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/fsck-command-linux20:02
mario_seeing a lot of segfaults w/ "gvfs-udisks2-vo"20:02
mario_in fact i first noticed these issues w/ udisks220:02
leftyfbmario_: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-check-an-hard-drive-health-from-the-command-line-using-smartctl20:02
mario_leftyfb, thank you20:02
kostkonmario_, did you upgrade to 23.10 or was it a clean install20:03
mario_thanks leftyfb i'll try fsck20:04
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en1gmai dont have ubuntu installed yet. usually i just grab a live daily version of 22.04 / 23.10 and install it but since 23.10 is not available for now can i install 22.04 and dist-upgrade to 23.10 or is that blocked for now too?20:49
mario_en1gma, 23.10 is available20:50
CosmicDJen1gma: what do you mean 23.10 is not availabl20:50
en1gmaall the servers have been down over a week because someone put negative propaganda in some of the files20:51
CosmicDJen1gma: that was weeks ago20:51
en1gmaso they pulled all the images until it is fixed20:51
en1gmai was just trying the servers yesterday20:51
en1gmaand many days before that20:51
CosmicDJwhich servers?20:51
en1gmaall of them'20:52
leftyfben1gma: https://releases.ubuntu.com/23.10/ubuntu-23.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso20:52
en1gmayea. they goto blank servers20:52
en1gmaor they did*20:52
iknownothingWorks for me20:52
leftyfbit was fixed almost a month ago20:52
en1gmastill do just checked20:52
leftyfben1gma: https://releases.ubuntu.com/23.10/ubuntu-23.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso20:52
en1gma"ubuntu 23.10 daily build"20:52
en1gmaclick any of the links20:53
leftyfben1gma: https://releases.ubuntu.com/23.10/ubuntu-23.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso20:53
en1gmaso that is the only one we are supposed to use? dang i been just googling it and clicking those20:53
en1gmaok will try it. thanks20:53
en1gmacool. 23.10 here i come20:53
en1gmagrabbing it now.20:54
leftyfbhttps://ubuntu.com/download/desktop and then scroll down to 23.10 and click "Download 23.10"20:54
leftyfbnot sure why you're using google for that20:54
en1gmacdimage has been reliable in the past. guess they not populated the new images yet20:54
en1gmayou would think the official ubuntu server would come up20:55
leftyfbyou mean this one? https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/23.10.1/release/20:55
en1gmathe first 10 links it gives for 23.10 are all cdimage20:55
en1gmathen its videos on youtube20:55
en1gmanone of the links are the official ubuntu server. omfg. like 25 links and no ubuntu server? for real?20:56
en1gmaalmost everytime i just pop open my browser with google set as home page and i just type ubuntu and the release20:56
leftyfbor just go to ubuntu.com, click download -> Get Ubuntu Desktop -> "Download 23.10"20:57
en1gmalesson learned20:57
en1gmayep yep20:57
en1gmaill do that from now on. for at least a week i been checking every day for the 23.10 images to populate. omg. too funny20:57
iknownothingAnyone using Rolling Rhino?20:58
leftyfbiknownothing: not supported here20:58
CosmicDJen1gma: don't you read anything else? the release was on distrowatch, 9to5linux, etc etc.20:58
leftyfbiknownothing: Rolling Rhino is also a dead project and no longer supported by it's maintainer20:59
iknownothingOh, I thought it was an official version, never mind. :)20:59
arraybolt3iknownothing: While this is off topic, you may be looking for Rhino Linux. (I believe that's the successor to Rolling Rhino.)21:17
arraybolt3actually it doesn't look like the successor, but it has a similar goal21:19
leftyfbit's literally the successor21:19
leftyfbfrom https://rollingrhino.org : "In October 2022 I wrote a blog post detailing that Rolling Rhino Remix would no longer be reciving any further development, in favour of its successor project, Rhino Linux. A lot of development has happened since then, and I am proud to announce that Rhino Linux is ready to be released soon!"21:20
arraybolt3ah, I couldn't see Martin Wimpress anywhere on Rhino Linux, thus my confusion.21:21
arraybolt3for some reason I thought he was the guy behind Rolling Rhino21:22
Maikarraybolt3 he developed the script to change Ubuntu into a rolling release also called Rolling Rhino21:32
sybaritenHey hey, asking like yesterday, does anyone here use fzf? I'm not getting the behaviour i expect, after having watched tutorials21:35
dervish77newproti have issues with my linux ubuntu terminal'22:04
Maikdervish77newprot please try to elaborate so others may help you. Just coming into a support channel saying you have a issue doesn't work. :)22:08
oerheks.. waiting for details22:08
mario_leftleg_, thanks a million!22:19
mario_just fscked via usb, fixed everything22:19
mario_i mean leftyfb22:19
mario_anyway have a great day everyone22:19
bjorkintoshis there an issue with network printing going on?22:24
bjorkintoshUbuntu automatically recognizes my Brother printer (lasrbruh) almost instantly.22:43
bjorkintoshI printed a bunch of things just fine without an issue, and then it simply stopped printing.22:43
bjorkintosh12 hours later, I saw some zombie print jobs pop out of nowhere.22:44
bjorkintoshand it still didn't print.22:44
leftyfbbjorkintosh: reboot, both your pc and the printer22:58
willaydSince upgrading to 23.10 I've noticed that snap installed apps do not scale at all on my secondary monitor, unless fractional scaling is enabled22:58
willaydAny ideas what might be causing that?22:58
bjorkintoshdon't know willayd. I refuse to upgrade if I have work to do. I'd rather wait till the next long term release to upgrade to that.22:59
bjorkintoshbeen bitten far too many times.22:59
bjorkintoshleftyfb, I'll try that. it's still strange that it printed 6 documents just fine without a hiccup and then 10 minutes later it simply stopped printing anything.23:00
leftyfbbjorkintosh: I'm gonna guess either a job got stuck or the printer disconnected from wifi23:00
bjorkintoshit never disconnected from wifi. I could see it through the cups interface and through the brother web interface.23:01
bjorkintoshand it faithfully printed out config reports.23:02
bjorkintoshjust not anything else I wanted.23:02
toddcbjorkintosh: I have several brother lazer printer scanners I ended up using the brother drivers23:14
bjorkintoshtoddc, I downloaded the brother drivers and installed them.23:15
bjorkintoshworked fine and then simply stopped. the printer's fine.23:15
bjorkintoshbut there's a problem along the 'buntu<->wifi<->lasrbruh line.23:16
toddcbjorkintosh: ok mine are are all ehernet connected so you have traced to wifi no idea stick around till the right person sees your post   ( I reall i did have a print job fail and had to delete it as leftyfb commented23:19
toddcprint spool in windows terms23:19
bjorkintoshwell I deleted the failed jobs, but nothing else printed after that.23:19
bjorkintoshthen the damned thing popped up the print jobs from the night before attempting to print again.23:20
bjorkintoshno matter what I do, I can't delete the printer from ubuntu. it autodiscovers it.23:20
toddcwifi dropped packet but no idea how to test that23:21
bjorkintoshtoddc, repeatedly over several hours? I guess I can always reboot the entire network.23:22
bjorkintoshmaybe pihole is eating it up23:22
leftyfbit's unlikely pihole. Pihole is only a DNS server. The printer is being discovered by avahi/zeroconf and then added by it's ip address23:27
JanCunless it's some sort of crazy "cloud printing" thing where both printer & computer need internet access...23:33
JanCbut I doubt that23:33
bjorkintoshyeah avahi sees the printer just fine. and it printed just fine. and then it simply stopped accepting jobs.23:41
bjorkintoshlike it was some exclusive company or something.23:42
JanCif you're lucky the printer only refuses to print on Thursdays & tomorrow it will start working again...23:51
Your_DogJanC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wsjroVlu823:53
leftyfb!ot | Your_Dog23:54
ubottuYour_Dog: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:54
JanCthere was an actual bug where printers refused to print (some things) on Tuesdays, so why not on Thursdays...23:54
Your_DogDang, I linked the video because that's how I would react if my printer ever does that to me23:55
jjjoooeeehaving a problem when booting and typing in my crypt password, the system freezes.  this happens in plymouth graphical prompt as well as in text prompt in rescue mode, on both most recent kernels.  filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2042043 a bit ago but no response, is there a better way I can diagnose this to provide23:59
jjjoooeeeenough info for help?23:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2042043 in linux (Ubuntu) "system boot freeze while typing crypt password" [Undecided, New]23:59
JanCbjorkintosh: after removing all jobs from the print queue on both your computer & the printer, and maybe even restarting the printer, does it still happen?23:59
JanCbjorkintosh: also, try printing from different applications, see if it is only print jobs from one application that fail23:59

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