
xu-irc41wit looks like there is a real chance that my old laptop isn't long for this world, how badly would xubuntu react if i simply popped the hard drive into a different computer?00:52
xu-irc41wwould it just "figure it out"?00:53
rfmxu-irc41w, usually works, might have to install video drivers for best performance, 01:18
xu-irc41wok thank you01:23
xu-irc41wthe power port is failing and i can't find a place to do a repair so i'm going to attempt it01:23
torvxu-irc41w: Like rfm said: I use an external SSD with Xubuntu on it that I plug into machines to service. Only if I don't get a desktop I know a video driver has to be installed which ist still doable via console then.01:31
=== rud0lf is now known as hatifnaci
vons0dergrenSo I've installed Xubuntu on my old macbook (pro 15 inch, late 2013) but i cannot seem to find a solution to install the WIFI driver. Any tips?12:57

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