
=== madmax__ is now known as madmax
stuffandthingsklinda: I'm not sure whats wrong, to be honest00:09
klindaseems that with another mirror is faster00:09
stuffandthingsmaybe try doing ookla speedtests on the net in linux and in windows to compare00:09
stuffandthingsits better now?00:10
stuffandthingsfor me personally, its usually been fine with the default mirrors00:10
stuffandthingsbut in the past i did try using the mirror checking thing on linux mint, which made it pick one that was way, way worse00:11
stuffandthingsim not sure what im getting at with this00:11
stuffandthingsjust that it might be worth trying to run several speedtests on the net, in both OSs to see if its a networking problem00:12
klindaI am usa conda  (mamba) and it goes to 10 mb/s00:12
klindaI was so unlucky stuffandthings ahah I am really frustrated now00:26
stuffandthingsim sorry i couldnt be more of a help00:31
stuffandthingsi gotta go though00:32
stuffandthingsfeel free to let me know how things go with it, next time you see me here00:32
klindathanks, bye00:32
=== madmax_ is now known as madmax
LaughingRavenHas anyone encountered when upgrading to 23.10 an issue where network connection drops and connects to the loopback interface and then stays connected to lo and unable to connect to the previously connected network?08:16
user|9I need help10:03
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Klindais good to install packages with .deb? they get updated? or better the snap store?12:05
IrcsomeBot_<Omarvx211> .deb is better12:16
CrazyGeckoHei Guys, I get the error message "Neither size nor group specified!" when I try to connect to our netwok drive with smb4k. Does anyone know, what the message mean?13:46
dreamhaw1Hello! KDE Connect crashes at every boot, this is the log https://pastebin.com/6Y8uMJt6 , how can i resolve this? :S16:30
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Your_Dogdreamhaw1: what kubuntu version are you running?23:25
Your_Dogand the KDE version that you have23:25

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