=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:36] ChmEarl: if you're getting UBSAN errors, something is wrong. I tried 6.7-rc1 and I only saw one error, and that was in a driver that's normally disabled. [02:36] You should post your dmesg somewhere. === john-cabaj1 is now known as john-cabaj === john-cabaj1 is now known as john-cabaj [16:02] https://pb.dynavirt.com/view/raw/6b04ac36 [16:03] UBSAN errors booting Noble ub-24.04 xen VM (pvh) [16:03] its messy [16:03] plot summary, the errors come from xen drivers [16:04] booting pv does the same thing [16:04] the CPU is ivy-bridge [16:05] TimurTabi, ^ thanks for looking [16:24] https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217693 [16:24] -ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- bugzilla.kernel.org bug 217693 in Drivers "UBSAN: index 1 is out of range for type 'xen_netif_rx_sring_entry [1]'" [Normal, New] [16:24] xen team linked me this ^ [16:35] 3 weeks ago kernel-6.4 was tested in ubuntu xen/Pvh domU and no ubsan errors appeared === NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey