
blucahi andersson123 - may I annoy you with autopkgtest trigger problems? :-)09:57
andersson123of course, what's happening 09:58
blucabeen getting error 500 for 2 days09:58
blucaerror 500s with: A server error has occured, please contact a member of the Ubuntu QA team. You can contact them via the ubuntu-quality mailing list, or via the #ubuntu-quality IRC channel on irc.libera.chat. Traceback: <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden>09:58
andersson123we have recently migrated our bastion, workers and webservers (the webserver that you request a test via) to a new data centre. I hadn't thought about it until now, but my guess is that the auth creds you have set up haven't been migrated. Apologies, we haven't migrated the bastion etc before and this was unforeseen10:00
blucait started tuesday late afternoon10:00
blucaah I see - do we need new creds?10:00
andersson123yep. Our service was down for a little while whilst we migrated and then since it came back up (yesterday) I guess it's your creds giving you 50010:01
andersson123not sure just yet, we might be able to save them from the old bastion, I'll look soon10:01
blucaok, thanks, let me know10:02
andersson123okay, I was lying (involuntarily). The secrets are the same. I can also see your test requests 10:05
andersson123precisely when are you gitting this 403?10:05
andersson123when you are trying to get the results, or when you request the test?10:05
andersson123because we are still working on the storage of the results - the logs etc are not currently publically accessible10:06
andersson123and will give you 403 unauthorised10:07
andersson123like this 10:07
blucawhen the test is requested as far as I can see10:07
andersson123do you have a link to your runner? I'd like to look10:07
blucawhen a PR is opened or when I trigger manually10:07
andersson123or a log from your runner10:08
blucaso there's a retry-github-test on the autopkgtest repo that we lifted - that gives the error too, can you use that to repro it?10:09
blucathe webhook is in the github repo and it's not visible10:09
blucaI can fish out logs from there if it can help10:09
blucaan example URL req is:10:10
blucathis is the script I am talking about: https://git.launchpad.net/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/charms/focal/autopkgtest-cloud-worker/autopkgtest-cloud/tools/retry-github-test10:12
blucacalled through this script: https://paste.debian.net/1297646/10:13
andersson123I'm confused because I can see your tests in our logs returning 200 (at least at the request stage) so if you have a link to any logs from the runner, that'd be helpful10:13
blucaeg: retry-gh-systemd-test 29924 amd64 gives me HTTP Error 500: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR10:13
blucalet me check on a webhook failed invocation, need to make sure there's no secret10:15
andersson123thank you10:15
blucathat's everyting I see for a req/resp on a pr open event10:17
blucafrom an hour ago or so10:18
blucaif you want to see things happen "live" let me know and I can click the redeliver button10:18
blucathis broke at around 5pm UTC on tuesday btw if it helps10:18
andersson123looking now!10:22
andersson123I changed something in the code that should make it easier to debug what's going on. When you have a free moment, could you retrigger a test or something please?10:26
blucabody of response: A server error occurred.  Please contact the administrator.10:27
andersson123perfect ta 10:29
andersson123You can (hopefully) expect this fixed a little later today10:35
andersson123bluca: I've figured out what the issue is, fix on the way :D will probably be a little while though. 12:12
blucathank you!12:30
blucalet me know when it's ready to test12:30
andersson123I have tried a quick (hopeful) fix, pretty sure it won't work but if you could give it a try now and let me know if it works that'd be helpful 12:46
blucagot a 404 now12:48
blucasorry, 50412:48
blucabut no header nor body12:48
andersson123ok ty12:48

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