[00:00] or only large ones but not small ones, etc. [00:00] Your_Dog: sorry, we get a lot of people who just want to stir up trouble so we're automatically suspicious of random youtube links === madmax__ is now known as madmax [00:07] nah, it's cool [00:08] Hello friends what is your favorite flavor of ubuntu, I like popos :) [00:10] ale: popos is not a flavor of ubuntu, it's a derivative. Feel free to discuss further in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss [00:11] I think Pop_OS has a channel too? #pop!_os [00:13] Thank you for your insight :) I guess xfce is just a derivative too [00:13] xfce(xubuntu) is a flavor of ubuntu [00:14] oh I get it === coz_ is now known as lonelyoldman === lonelyoldman is now known as coz_ === kimiamania468 is now known as kimiamania46 === hatifnaci is now known as rud0lf === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [04:28] Hai [04:30] Need help here [04:30] https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2492352&p=14164595#post14164595 [04:30] Can some one please help me. [04:33] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [04:33] snaps are slow! [04:33] :( [04:39] is every thing allright [04:44] webchat59: missing snap.yaml searching [04:45] what i have to to fix these errors [04:50] the yaml should be included with the livepatch snap so I can only assume the issue is with the latest snap I also see several other posting simular issues --file a bug repot [04:50] https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/report-ubuntu-bug.html.en [04:52] some one else here may be able to help more that I in that area [04:53] Thanks toddc i will do that. [04:53] Can ypu please have a look into 2nd issue in the link. [04:53] Waiting for someone else response. === madmax_ is now known as madmax [05:04] webchat59: amd ACPI errors relate to power managment in the bios check for a bios upgrade but should not cause any major issues [05:09] Thanks toddc for the information. [07:35] Bendiciones2023 [07:35] Hack The Planet! [07:37] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54ItEmCnP80 [07:49] https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/204950294-EdgeRouter-L2TP-IPsec-VPN-Server#2 [07:49] I'm about to try to follow the guide [07:49] and see if I get a functional VPN on my ER4 [07:49] oops [07:49] one letter off here on the channel [08:05] Hi, im trying to figure what i think its a IPtabels issue, on dmsg i got logged that iptables its dropping pings and evertyhing, i try to flush the iptables and still nothing, tcpdump show IN data but not out, im opne to sugestions [09:12] Hello! I'm trying to get an headless script to work, but when I run apt (tested with apt-get as well) I always get the "Configuration file" question for a package, I pass this flags/options to apt -yq -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef [09:13] I forgot, I do run this line before apt "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive" [09:17] zzarr: normally ubuntu has a yes no or compare option you may want to check with debian as it may be different option [09:20] toddc, I see, so there might be a config to disable the check I guess [09:22] zzarr: or a complete rewording of options tho I usuall do not recommend a force command it can break things [09:24] toddc, I understand, but in this case the particular package that asks can not use the default config and it must be headless [09:25] zzarr: more details would help but there are a lot of changes between the distos so we could make it worse plus we would not be able to try to duplicate with certainty [09:26] toddc, I think I might have found a solution, installing the package first, then overwriting the config file [09:28] good luck [09:28] thanks [09:36] I'm on jammy. what systemd service/package do I need to install so ssh-agent is run on my DE session? [09:37] I search for ssh-agent in packages.u.c and it only finds the binary and a completion file for bash and for a shell called yash: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=ssh-add&mode=exactfilename&suite=kinetic&arch=any [09:37] StucKman: server or client ? sudo apt install openssh-server [09:38] StucKman: client should be in network manager gui assuming Gnome [09:39] (k)ubuntu desktop [09:39] network manager? [09:39] one sec [09:40] notice I mentiones ssh-agent, not sshd or ssh [09:43] StucKman: I wanted to verify same just uses keys this guide should help https://linuxhint.com/ssh-agent-ubuntu/ [09:46] StucKman: ssh can be run client side gui in Remmina ignor the network manger [09:52] Hi. Is anyone having problems upgrading to mantic ? [09:52] It's failing here with: KeyError: "The cache has no package named 'ubuntu-minimal'" === Shine is now known as Guest243 [10:32] hi all guys. what is this text? こんにちは。これは何ですか? [10:32] mizuki: UTF-8 worked correctly if that's what you're asking [10:33] where is here? [10:33] the Internet is everywhere [10:36] I asked Google what IRC is. [10:36] ICR [10:37] I have a general understanding of what IRC is. [10:38] well you're IRC'ing right now... [10:38] :-o [10:39] is there a definition of IRC like gnu? Gnu is Not Unix :-p [10:39] * BedMan likes recursion [10:40] fail: goto fail [10:40] heh CosmicDJ :) [10:40] I'm Japanese and rely on Google's translator. [10:40] BedMan: no, but the "B" in "Benoit B Mandelbrot" stands for "Benoit B Mandelbrot" [10:40] 10 goto 10 <-- basic is older-school than C [10:41] gordonjcp: Lol [10:41] good one. [10:41] mizuki: there's a #ubuntu-jp channel, too according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [10:43] >>CosmicDJ Thx! I'll try that! [10:47] toddc: the first phrase of that link says: "ssh-agent is configured to execute on Ubuntu automatically" it's not my case, so I'm asking how to hook it to the session startup [10:49] usually gnome-keyring-daemon does that for you [10:50] (IIRC ... has been i while i had to tinker with dekstop stuff) [10:50] hmm, ok, I'm on KDE instead... [10:50] i'm sure there is some KDE equivalent [10:50] (havent used KDE since 1.2 ...) [10:51] TBH, I think it works on my debian machine, but I can't access it right now (itś at home). [10:53] google says the KDE equivalent is called kwallet ... so i'd dig in that direction [10:54] yeah [10:54] but I heard it's launched as a systemd service [10:54] gnome-keyring too usually ... (as a user-session systemd service) [10:54] does _anyone_ have ssh-agent running on the DE? ps faux should tell you who launched it [11:27] Has anyone upgraded to mantic ? [11:28] most likely. and most likely that's not the question you were looking for an answer for. === valkyrie is now known as nuhue [11:37] Weird question maybe but I am trying to delete a bunch of large >30GB files from a machine that has a very busy IO system. Therefore deleting takes ages. I Googled a lot and cannot find it so maybe it's impossible. But I was wondering if there was a way to just delete the entry for a file from the filesystem file table. Effectively not deleting it physically but the OS would think the space is free? [11:38] This is EXT4 by the way. Also wondering if a diff filesystem might be better. [11:38] Fossil: how are you deleting the file? unless you use srm or smth else that's what rm already does [11:38] CosmicDJ Yeah just rm. But I am wondering why it takes so long then if it just wipes the entry in the hash table. [11:40] modern filesystems are a bit more complex than a hash table... but I get why you're wondering [11:45] Ah I guess it unlinks the blocks. Large file = more blocks = slower. [11:45] Might have to tinker with block size === chao is now known as stenno [12:44] tomreyn, I am asking, because the upgrade procedure is not working for me. So wishing to gauge how many other people are having problems. === esv__ is now known as esv [12:46] Fossil, you can set priority on disk operations. So you could prioritise you delete of 30G files over whatever else it is doing [12:47] jcdutton with nice? [12:47] ionice [12:47] yes [12:48] ionice [12:49] Fossil, you can also move filename to different folders on the same fs, and that is a zero-copy operation. So you could move the files out of the way initially, and then proper delete them later [12:49] Thanks [12:51] Fossil, another thing that is slow on ext4 is if the sheer quantity of filenames in one folder is large, it makes things slow. [12:55] Okok. I will try and experiment when this workload is done. Might try XFS, ZFS, whatever too [12:59] Fossil, I think all filesystems suffer when too many files are in the same folder. So moving to another FS is probably not the answer. The solution is changing the program to shift folders based on time and such like [13:01] There are only 400 files now. But all large files [13:13] Fossil, a good way to tell if you have too many files in the folder is to do an "ls -l" and if it takes way too long, you have too many files there. [13:14] jcdutton Its fast, but slow when the machine has a lot of files open and it processing a lot of files [13:25] Fossil, What sort of storage is it? HDD or SDD or NVME ? Moving to NVME will reduce a lot of the IO load as it will raise the IO headroom considerably. [13:26] HDD RAID10 behind a HP Raid controller [13:27] It's a 20TB pool, getting that with NVME will be costly :-) [13:28] NVME is not as costly as it once was. SSD will also be considerably better than HDD as the seek time latency is what is probably causing your perceived latency. [13:29] massive storage > hdd (mechanical) [13:30] NVME is so cheap these days [13:30] I guess in theory an NVME would be cheaper, there's less to it [13:42] Fossil, something like this, filled with NVME disks should be reasonable: https://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2029/SYS-2029U-TN24R4T.cfm [13:44] Fossil, about $500 per 7TB disk. [13:46] Does anybody dual boot Windows + Ubuntu? If so, do you have a method of encrypting contents on the Ubuntu side? I have Bitlocker on the Windows side, but I didn't see, or missed, an option to encrypt my home folder on the Ubuntu side. Can I do that after the fact, or apply something to specific files or folders? [13:48] jj_: I'm thinking about using fscrypt + pam to encrypt my homedir (which is on an EXT4 fs)... [13:49] jj_: https://jumpcloud.com/blog/how-to-encrypt-ubuntu-20-04-desktop-post-installation is one way [13:50] thanks! [13:55] jj_, backup all your data before encrypting it [13:58] sy to inform ladies and gents that ecryptfs-utils is highly deprecated [14:20] why does gnome shell disable all extensions by itself? [14:20] how can i prevent it from doing that? === iconoclasthero_ is now known as iconoclast_hero [14:53] i finally found out: I was running gdm3 instead of sddm, so the whole Xsession infra seems to be ignored. I could confirm, but I would have to logout twice :-P [14:58] hello, an application is attempting to open a web browser and failing [14:58] it is running on an appimage [14:59] is there anything obvious to do with the ubuntu permissions to allow this application to open a web browser? [15:18] for developing wsgi with apache2 on an ubuntu host, how should the perms be for the python venv files? [15:19] i guess (not sure) the apache2 runs as www-data in group www-data, also its python stuff? [15:19] does that mean that all files should be owned by www-data:www-data and the webdev users join the www-data group? [15:20] right now the files are owned by root but given rw to everyone, which most likely is wrong [15:22] alternatively i probably also could create a new group webdev and join all developers and www-data to it then own the whole tree to www-data: webdev [15:22] not sure, which approach is best? [15:22] or rather: is there already a pre-defined way to grant web developing users access in ubuntu? [15:45] Hi! [15:45] I was trying to set Plex and found this instructions to allow Plex user to access certain folders https://www.linuxcapable.com/install-plex-media-server-on-ubuntu-linux/#Configure-Media-Files-Folders-Permissions-with-Plex-Media-Server-on-Ubuntu [15:45] So I wrote: [15:45] sudo chown -R plex:plex /home/ [15:45] But the process was taking to long and I kill it. And after I wrote: [15:45] sudo chown -R plex:plex /home/myuserfolder/Videos [15:45] And when I restarted my user is like I've just installed Ubuntu 23.04 √°°✓ [15:45] I've lost all my settings? Anything I can do? How I can backup the next time to prevent something like this? (or maybe to migrate account to a new installation...) === swifteh8 is now known as swifteh === zniavre_ is now known as zniavre [16:33] Hello, I would like to extend a partition that is used as a pv in lvm. Can I do that? Gparted refuses to do it [16:33] I need to "deactivate" the partition first, but I don't know what it means [16:34] Bardon: https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/resize-lvm-simple [16:35] Bardon: https://networklessons.com/uncategorized/extend-lvm-partition [16:35] Bardon: 1st and 2nd result on google for "lvm extend partition" [16:35] leftyfb: I am not sure that link applies here. my disk /dev/sda has one partition sda1 and a lot of unallocated space. sda1 is used as a pv, and I'd like to extend the size that pv can use [16:36] I do not want to extend a lv, which I believe your (first) link explains how to do [16:36] but maybe I missed something [16:37] I could very well make a second partition on my disk, using all the unallocated space, then create a new pv, add it to the same vg, then extend my lv [16:38] but I don't think it makes sense in my case to have two pv in two partitions of the same disk, being used in the same lv, so I'd like to avoid it [16:38] Bardon: do you need to resize the volume or the partition? [16:38] the partition used by the pv [16:38] I'd like to extend /dev/sda1 to use all the space in my disk [16:38] and my pv uses /dev/sda1 at the moment [16:38] Bardon: then use resize2fs [16:39] but that space is unallocated [16:39] resize2fs would extend my filesystem to use all the space available in my lv, right? [16:39] Bardon: sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1 [16:39] I'd like /dev/sda1 to use all the space available in /dev/sda, which at the moment is split between sda1 and unallocated storage [16:39] ok ill try that [16:40] it says that ressource is being used [16:40] and it can't find a valid superblock [16:40] which makes sense because sda1 is a pv, used un my lv (which is unmounted) [16:41] Bardon: why do you even have lvm setup on a single drive? [16:42] because it makes resizing partitions (lvs) in this case easier [16:42] and I can add a second drive more easily later if needed [16:42] i use lvm on all my single drives [16:42] Habbie: I also do, but only for FDE [16:43] What does "deactivate" a partition means in gparted? [16:43] It seems I need to do that before I can resize it [16:44] Habbie: I guess I don't understand your setup if neither resize2fs nor lvextend applies [16:44] Bardon: I guess I don't understand your setup if neither resize2fs nor lvextend applies [16:44] i don't understand the setup either [16:44] Bardon, can we see 'lsblk' in a pastebin please? [16:45] I have one drive sda, which has one partition sda1 and a lot of unallocated storage. sda1 is set up as a pv. I would like sda1 to span the whole disk [16:46] Bardon: lsblk -o +type -e7 -f | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:46] nice [16:47] that computer is currently booted on a liveusb and doesn't have internet access, give me a minute [16:48] then how was the partition in use? [16:51] It is used to store some user data, while the rest was used by Windows. I have just removed the windows partition, which is now unallocated space, and I'd like to install Ubuntu there [17:13] Just upgraded to 23.10 and now my Super+ function (move window position) seems to have changed. Now, everytime I move a window to the left or right I'm prompted to select a new window for the opposite side of the screen. This is very annoying. Anyone know how I can change it back to just moving the initial window without being prompted? [17:26] peirik, try turning off "Advanced Tiling" in Settings->Ubuntu Desktop [17:29] rfm: many thanks! that fixed it 👍 [17:29] hey [17:39] Was das [18:01] Is there some way to "mask" a package from being installed (or preferably a glob of packages) and have apt throw a fit if a different package of similar purpose is flagged for removal? [18:02] The context is "something keeps replacing the upstream NVIDIA drivers with the Ubuntu repository ones that don't yet support my hardware properly, and I need that to stop" [18:02] !pin | Guest93 [18:02] Guest93: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto [18:05] leftyfb: is a version required to be specified or is it safe to simply define the package name? The NVIDIA repository names their driver package differently from Ubuntu's main repository, and I mostly just need >= 535 [18:08] jhj === interlacedly is now known as CrazyEddy [18:56] I'm having trouble with gnome extensions on Ubuntu 22.04. I can't enable/disable any extensions from the gnome-extensions gui(all switches are grayed out). And from the CLI I can only enable/disable the ones that came pre-installed and screen-capture-protection@citrix.com [18:57] There doesn't seem to be any errors or logs of any sort that I can find indicating why nothing works. I can run `gnome-extensions enable ` then `gnome-extensions list --enabled` but nothing changes and no errors [19:00] Even tried moving extensions from ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ to /usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ then restarting, after which the extension shows up in the "Built-in" list in the gui, but still won't enable [19:00] mvanorde did you log out and in again after installing the Extensions manager? [19:00] yes, even tried rebooting [19:00] weird [19:03] Even the extensions installed from gnome-shell-extensions package won't enable [19:04] mvanorde: Do you own this machine? I notice a Citrix thingy and am wondering if perhaps you're using a machine managed by your organization. [19:04] If so, perhaps your workplace has disabled your ability to change certain extensions. [19:07] It's a work laptop, but AFIK the level of management is only ensuring certain packages and VPN settings are installed [19:08] I'd check with them anyway. It is possible to restrict how a user can change their GNOME Shell extensions, so if the machine isn't letting you change those settings, then it's fairly likely they've locked them. [19:08] I even tried enabling extensions via dconf editor. I'm unable to change the /org/gnome/shell/enabled-extensions setting though. It just resets to the saved default: ['screen-capture-protection@citrix.com'] [19:09] (like, the ability to lock those settings is a feature of GNOME.) [19:09] that's more than likely an admin system [19:13] Didn't know that was a thing. A quick google search and I was able to update the list of extensions with sudo :) [19:13] Thanks [19:14] nice [19:15] hmph, lotta good it does to "manage" a system only to let the user have sudo access to it XD perhaps they should have just given you a vanilla system and told you how to set it up [19:15] but anyway, I'm going off topic [19:17] hello - i wanted to ask if anyone can give me information about the current mainline kernel builds or knows why there are currently no new ones? [19:18] Infrastructure problems resulted in the builds no longer being done. [19:19] no eta for a fix [19:19] but they will? thank you for the update. === catties is now known as Catty [20:53] leftyfb: Habbie: My problem was solved by using parted to create a partition at the beginning of the disk, then pvcreate to create a new pv, then vgextend to add it to the same vg as my other pv, then pvmove to move the data to the new pv, vgreduce to remove the old pv from the vg, pvremove to remove the pv, parted to extend the disk partition which the new pv uses finally pvresize so that the new [20:53] pv spans the whole partition :) [21:00] I have another question.. I am trying to install Ubuntu 23.10 from a liveUSB, on a laptop that has two lvs: one that I want to use as /home and the other one as /. If I choose a manual partitioning, those lvs don't show up [21:00] I was having some problems with realvnc so I disabled wayland and installed a dummy graphics driver. This fixed my vnc issues. I now boot to a black screen because of the change. Why does ctl+alt+f1 not take me to a console on Ubuntu 22.04 [21:00] Does the installer support lvm? [21:07] How can I install a later package version on a specific version of ubuntu? I need libpqxx=7.8 on ubuntu 22.04 for use on github actions, which is only packages for noble. is it possible to add the upstream repositories for installation? [21:07] libpqxx-dev* [21:07] majuscule: that's not supported [21:12] Why do lvm partitions don't appear in the installer? [21:13] not appear* === mrelcee_ is now known as mrelcee [21:27] p0d: Ctrl+Alt+f1 is probably intended to take you to a GDM screen. Try Ctrl+Alt+f3 to get a console. === filipurh is now known as filipurh2 === filipurh2 is now known as filipurh === filipurh is now known as ficoPRO10 === NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey [22:59] I do ip link add link bond0 name bond0.1000 type vlan id 1000; then ip addr shows a link called bond0.1000@bond0. Where does this "@bond0" at the end come from? I was doing this on the same machine a week or two ago and that wasn't there. [22:59] Then when I ip addr add dev bond0.1000;, I get "Cannot find device "bond0.1000"" ! [23:01] I have this stuff in /etc/network/interfaces, and when I ip route, I see x.y.w.z via dev bond0.1000; and it looks like they're not working. It seems like they wouldn't work because the bond0.1000 device got renamed to bond0.1000@bond0! === akcraft2004 is now known as ak [23:02] hello [23:16] hi guys, my firefox wont run and it needs not to be there so i can re-install it. how can i delete firefox ? [23:18] Mrpanda: try to delete ~/snap/firefox first [23:18] if that does not help: sudo snap remove --purge firefox; sudo snap install firefox [23:19] it got zapped by an unfrebly website [23:19] the first command deletes all user data of firefox [23:19] so that should fix it then [23:19] tried to start but abandons it [23:25] wont accept that.. can you type exactly what i need to type please [23:25] -/snap/firefox [23:27] Mrpanda: ~/snap/firefox not -/snap/firefox [23:27] or "rm -r $HOME/snap/firefox" [23:34] it says its a directory... should i delete the directory ? [23:34] Yo, I just installed KDE. I'm wondering if there's a way to run a terminal command from a custom keyboard shortcut? Like meta+print = flameshot gui (not just the application Flameshot) [23:46] maxtim: I suggest to go to #kubuntu, that's the official irc channel for kubuntu distro flavor [23:46] but to answer your question, yes: https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/kmenuedit/kmenuedit/kmenuedit.pdf [23:47] thanks, dog. I was just stabbing at it. Thanks for the manual... [23:51] maxtim: you could also try this out too, seems straightforward enough: https://www.joe0.com/2019/02/15/how-to-take-screenshots-using-flameshot-in-kde-plasma-desktop-ubuntu-18-10-and-associate-it-with-the-print-prt-sc-keyboard-shortcut/ [23:51] Your_Dog: I actually already got it from that manual [23:51] that replaces spectacle with flameshot [23:52] It wasn't that difficult [23:52] when you press the print screen [23:53] I'm guessing you want to replace spectacle with flameshot right? considering there is no need for flameshot since spectacle is part of KDE unless you prefer flameshot for whatever reason [23:55] Your_Dog: it's better, imho. Or I'm just used it... probably more that I'm just used to it... [23:55] heyoo