=== hatifnaci is now known as rud0lf [07:04] I'm sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but is there really no way to upgrade an existing Xubuntu 23.04 installation to 23.10? [07:06] You'll have to adapt settings to look for all releases, and not just LTS releases if you'd like to do that. [07:08] I did that months ago, if you mean logo - Settings - Software & Updates, Updates tab, "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version: For any new version". There is no "box at the top" of anything that I can see. [07:11] The documentation mentions editingĀ  /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to make the line "prompt=normal". I just now saw that mine is "Prompt=normal". I wonder if it's case-sensitive? [07:11] Now what's `do-release-upgrade` show you? [07:12] Checking for a new Ubuntu release [07:12] = Welcome to Ubuntu 23.10 'Mantic Minotaur' = [07:13] et cetera. I am not clear about Xubuntu instructions versus Ubuntu instructions, so I don't know if it's safe to treat it as if it were Ubuntu. [07:13] Generally speaking yes, sometimes there's Ubuntu specific aspects but that's more UI based stuff. [07:14] I am running Xubuntu in a VM, so experimenting isn't quite so scary. [07:14] So go ahead and hit y at the Continue prompt, and carry on from there? [07:14] Yeppers. [07:15] ...There's some graphical way to do that, somewhere. I don't really use that though, so I don't know it. [07:15] "Upgrade tool" -- oh, good, I'll be upgraded too. [07:19] It's running. -- I do want to note that it's disheartening to see Google Search say: No results found for "do-release-upgrade" site:docs.xubuntu.org. [07:19] That is, upgrading my system with a command that's not even mentioned in the documentation. [07:29] (something came up here saying "unread messages". I refreshed the page but now nothing is shown. Can anyone let me know whether I missed something addressed to me?) [07:53] Hmmm, well, the update has completed. It complained about a local change to 50unattended-setup or some such, but now lsb_release -a says 23.10, so I'll see. [07:53] Thank you to the people who gave me advice. [08:16] TMTMTM: https://xubuntu.github.io/xubuntu-docs/user/C/upgrading.html#upgrading-xubuntu there's the section on upgrades, fwiw. [08:20] "if a new version of Xubuntu is available, a box at the top of the window will appear saying that a new distribution release is available" did not happen for me. [12:46] Hi [13:10] Hello Roberalz [17:10] Hello [17:12] !hi | Roberalz [17:12] Roberalz: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! === NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey