
=== esv_ is now known as esv
myj3384I'm new to cloud-init and searching for support15:34
minimalwhat sort of support exactly?15:43
myj3384First, thanks for answering. I want to create a kubernetes cluster at home, using 4 raspberry pi (for learning purpose).16:27
myj3384I would like to use cloud-init to configure automatically the sd card at first boot by readjusting the partion table before ubuntu installation16:27
myj3384And I'm struggling to do it.16:27
myj3384I tried, at the beginning to use following command in the user-data file :16:27
myj3384  layout:16:27
myj3384    name: lvm16:27
myj3384  config:16:27
myj3384    - type: disk16:27
myj3384      id: disk016:27
myj3384      ptable: gpt16:27
myj3384      path: /dev/mmcblk016:27
myj3384      preserve: false16:27
myj3384      name: ''16:27
myj3384      grub_device: false16:27
myj3384    - type: partition16:28
myj3384      id: partition016:28
myj3384      disk: disk016:28
myj3384      flag: ''16:28
myj3384      format: xfs16:28
myj3384but it was not considered at first boot and therefore ubuntu extended the initial partition to the end of my sd card16:28
minimalmyj3384: so you're installing Ubuntu server? (which comes with subquity and cloud-init to act as an installer). If so then the #ubuntu-server channel is probably a better place to ask any questions18:22
minimalcloud-init by itself is *not* an installer, it is something that runs at boot. However some distros, like Ubuntu Server, make use of cloud-init as part of their installer (i.e. Subquity for Ubuntu Server)18:23
pepperoniis there a way to create an interface in a down state in cloud-init? I have several and want one to be off.21:22
minimalpepperoni: cloud-init doesn't create network interfaces, it configures them21:59

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