
valorie"Question to flavours: touch base on flavour participation for 24.04 LTS!" email is out00:10
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RikMillssanta_: thanks11:13
RikMillsvalorie: I have answered on the discourse thread asking the same thing11:13
RikMillssanta_: uploaded https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/noble/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=11:45
santa_RikMills: thanks a lot, let me know if we need to correct something11:45
RikMillsnp. will do11:45
BluesKajHi all13:49
ahoneybunHeyo BluesKaj14:57
ahoneybunRikMills is 24.04 going to happen?14:57
RikMillsahoneybun: why would it not?15:03
RikMillsif we are short staffed, tsimonq2 has offered to help some15:04
RikMillsEickmeyer has an interest in all KDE things being updated as studio relies on that 15:05
ahoneybunI'm just checking rather than assuming.15:06
ahoneybuntsimonq2 sent an email to flavors so I wanted to make sure someone replies but I didn't want to assume.15:06
RikMillsahoneybun: I replied on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/responses-needed-flavor-participation-for-24-04-lts/4007515:07
RikMillsif something weird happens and we have to back out, then that could happen15:08
RikMillsbut we should be in the game from the start15:08
RikMills24.04 is not likely to be a huge task if we are sticking with 5.2715:09
ahoneybunIs there things that I can do to assist? I'll be limited after Nov 20 until Dec or 15:10
RikMillsbiggest thing is going to be the new installer15:10
ahoneybunI would love 6.0 to be in 24.04 but I think it might be too late in the cycle and too early for a big release like that in an LTS.15:10
ahoneybunYea are all flavors required to move to it for 24.05?15:10
RikMillsrequired no15:11
RikMillsbut canonical are unlikely to give much help installerwise to flavours who do not switch15:11
RikMillsso if we want an installer that is well supported over the LTS cycle, then we need to switch  15:12
ahoneybunAre they not going to help with moving to it at all?15:12
ahoneybunYea that's fair.15:12
ahoneybunI'd like for someone from their IT to help update the website too lol15:13
RikMillsI think they will15:13
BluesKajhey ahoneybun, RikMills....running 24.04 here, quite stable so far15:17
ahoneybunThere hasn't been a lot of changes from 23.10 so far I think.15:21
ahoneybunRikMills well I can test some images if you need help or something like that.15:21
tsimonq2I was fairly optimistic in my RFC about flavors potentially switching to Calamares.16:39
* tsimonq2 looks over at RikMills with a smile, wondering if this cycle Kubuntu will finally switch ;)16:40
tsimonq2(Nah, the realistic part of me expects Lubuntu to be the only Calamares flavor, at least for 24.04 LTS.)16:40
valoriethank you RikMills20:10

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