
=== beans is now known as beans_two
Roeyhello all02:46
Roeywhy does X freeze once I log in at the login screen, after system bootup?  I upgraded to 22.10.  I am using NVidia drivers.02:47
RoeyI tried getting rid of ~/.Xauthority but that didn't change anything.02:47
Roeyboth SDDM and LightDM are installed on my system (dunno which is running at the moment)02:47
oerheksupgrade plese, 22.10 is EOL02:48
Roeyo/ KE0VVT02:48
Roeyoerheks: sorry I meant that I am on 24.1002:49
KE0VVTRoey: Hope your issue gets solved. I don't use X anymore though.02:49
Roeyok thanks.02:49
RoeyI wonder if I can switch to Wayland w/ nvidia drivers?02:49
KE0VVTRoey: NVidia with Wayland is a bad time.02:50
KE0VVTRoey: I remember Fedora having a frozen KDE session a while ago. Maybe this is the same thing?02:51
RoeyKE0VVT: I don't htink it even brings up KDE session, it just freezes after I hit <enter>02:52
KE0VVTRoey: Ah...02:52
RoeyI got this to start up by doing ctrl-alt-f3 to get to a tty, then logging in, then doing "startx"02:52
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=== beans_two is now known as beans
=== beans is now known as beans_two
beans_two@Roey maybe something to do with the double install? IDK, I use KDE, which is Wayland anyways.03:06
beans_twoAlso hello all03:06
Roeyo/ beans_two03:07
RoeyI want to know how to install Wayland on my system, then.03:07
beans_twoWell KDE is a Wayland based desktop03:07
beans_twoI personally recommend it, works super well, apps are good too. In fact I'm using Konversation as an IRC client rn.03:08
beans_twoIf I were you, since you already have two desktops, I might just try either re-installing the OS completely or uninstalling both desktops in recovery and then installing KDE. I think it's safest that way, so you don't break anything. Look up details on the internet though before committing.03:09
beans_twoAlso after you install KDE, re-install your NVidia drivers just in case. Can't hurt :/03:11
beans_twoAlso, I myself have a question. I'm trying to set up TOR with a VPN layer before the TOR layer. As far as I've read online and in man pages, it should be as simple as connecting to the VPN, staritng the tor service, and all is well. However, to route my traffic through TOR, I would have to set a proxy to a locally binded TOR address on port 9501. Great. But would the internet traffic route from the VPN ***back to the local port,*** and THEN through TOR? Or03:17
beans_twois there an exception made for local internet traffic not being routed through the VPN? Thanks for the help.03:17
Roey<beans_two> Well KDE is a Wayland based desktop <- bzzzzzzzt, no.  KDE is just the GUI environment03:29
Roeybeans: KDE is on both Wayland and X03:29
RoeyI'd like to keep my OS without re-insallig it03:29
Roeythank you for your advice, btw03:30
RoeyI switched to NVidia driver packages from Kubuntu, rather than relying on the commercial drivers03:30
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dreamhaw1Your_Dog: Im running latest, 23.1007:21
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Guest32Hi, can someone please tell me the default repos for kubuntu 23.1008:28
Your_Dogdreamhaw1: so the latest KDE, can you still get into settings? can you unpair all of your devices?12:01
dreamhawkYour_Dog: hello! Unpair what ? I have nothing on bluetooth . Settings seems to work without issue12:34
Your_Dogdreamhawk: oh so you are getting the errors when you have nothing paired? because the error was suggesting that there is some device connected to it but cant get it's device id12:43
BluesKajHi all13:49
dreamhawkYour_Dog: Alright... No only cabled schtuff... Keyboard, headphone, mouse, network, camera, monitors.14:33
Your_Dogdreamhawk: oh right the way how pairing works in kdeconnect is via wifi, but if you aren't using kdeconnect, you can safely remove it, sudo apt remove kdeconnect15:00
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user|90What can I use to write iso image to a usb stick ?16:04
diogenes_Vx15user|90, Linux ISO?16:04
user|90S'ok, I got it. Etcher for MacOS.16:06
diogenes_Vx15well there are many many ways, there is Etcher, gnome-disk-utility, ventoy, you can even do: sudo cp /path/to/linux.iso /dev/sdX (sdX your USB drive).16:06
Jim1I am trying to find the latest version of Kubuntu that will run on the Dell Inspiron 910 (mini)...?16:08
user|90diogenes_Vx15 Yes, thanks.16:09
user|90Jim1 Coincidence. Just now installing on a Dell OptiPlex 3020.16:10
Jim1thanks!....so I'd search for "Diogenes_Vx15" for the repo?  Is there an image that can be installed onto a USB-SSD, that I can boot/install from?16:13
diogenes_Vx15Jim1, it was user|90 who replied to you, not me ;)16:15
Jim1sorry...my mistake16:15
user|90Jim1 ... Should just work with the standard Kubuntu download. I say that but have not installed yet. There should be articles out there from people who already tried it.16:17
Jim1Thanks user|90...I'm not familiar with Kubuntu and I'm not sure how far I have to go back for 32 bit support...the recent releases are all showing only 64-bit installs, so i'm assuming I'd need a 32-bit installer for the mini...maybe the recent releases still support 32-bit installs?16:19
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Jim1Sorry..I found a 32-bit installer back in the 18.xx releases...thanks for putting up my my ignorance...16:22
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stuffandthingswould anyone happen to know when 23.10 is getting  plasma 5.27.9?18:19
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RikMillsstuffandthings: it is already in our backports PPA19:16
IrcsomeBot_<Omarvx211> kubuntu 22.04 has it already (re @IrcsomeBot: <stuffandthings> would anyone happen to know when 23.10 is getting  plasma 5.27.9?)19:17
RikMillsputting it in the main archive is a huuuuuuuuge amount of work, and 5.27.10 is already less than a month away19:18
RikMillsbuilding the packages is trivial. the QA to get an entire DE build stack into official updates is huge19:19
RoeyI upgraded from 22.04 -> 22.10 and now my Bluetooth sound devices don't appear to be recognized.  How can I find the specific problem?19:28
stuffandthingsRikMills: if i update via the ppa, then remove the ppa when .10 comes out, will it update smoothly?19:30
IrcsomeBot_<Omarvx211> how19:32
IrcsomeBot_<Omarvx211> it checks the ppa when u run sudo apt update (re @IrcsomeBot: <stuffandthings> RikMills: if i update via the ppa, then remove the ppa when .10 comes out, will it update smoothly?)19:32
IrcsomeBot_<Omarvx211> so no ppa no update for the packages in it i think correct me if im wrong19:33
stuffandthingsso if i update to .9 with the ppa and then remove the ppa, im stuck at .09?19:33
IrcsomeBot_<Omarvx211> as far as i know yes19:34
IrcsomeBot_<Omarvx211> @RikMills im i right?19:36
IrcsomeBot_<Omarvx211> so no ppa no update for the packages from it i think correct me if im wrong19:37
stuffandthingsim just hoping to put .9 on right now and then remove the ppa and upgrade to .10 whenever it lands19:38
stuffandthingsthe current build thats on 23.10 crashes every time on copy-overwriting files19:38
Roeyhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hBb3fqpT6f/   <- I don't see my bluetooth devices available as audio outputs... even though they do connect to the system19:52
matthew28845i've just installed kubuntu 23.10, and i can't seem to get kio-gdrive working21:01
matthew28845i can add my google account just fine in the accounts settings, and it even tells me that i can now see my files in drive, but when trying to open the "google drive" folder in the network it just hangs forever21:02
matthew28845running kioclient5 exec gdrive:/ in the terminal returns "kf.service.services: KApplicationTrader: mimeType "x-scheme-handler/gdrive" not found"21:03
oerheksDo you have KAccounts installed? (Online Accounts page in plasma's System Settings)21:06
oerheksand you found the 2nd auth via webpage, keep that open too?21:07
matthew28845yes, that is installed, that's how i added the account in the first place21:07
oerheksoke, then i am out of clues ..21:07
=== tuna is now known as bbeyrek
mparilloI have found GDrive hit and miss for a long time. This is one of the more recent bugs I follow: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39118622:02
-ubottu:#kubuntu- KDE bug 391186 in kio-gdrive "[kio-gdrive]Access token expires/invalidates after performing a few file operations" [Major, Confirmed]22:02
gabriel_where is located the source code of Timer 2.0?23:05
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