
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== JanC is now known as Guest1967
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== Mirv__ is now known as Mirv
loosefossfreedom_: I've replied on github and had some time to test it locally - if you update the submodule's hash it should work fine :)12:00
fossfreedom_loose: many thanks.  That has worked nicely.  Cheers!13:18
looseyou're welcome!17:11
juliankMy lid switch blanks screen but doesn't lock or suspend it19:41
juliankI'm not sure why19:41
juliankbut also I'm on noble already because you know foundations stuff19:41
juliankI *may* have disabled that earlier because when docked it suspended, but don't see HandleLidSwitch override for systemd19:42
juliankyes i investiated settings-daemon power plugin19:44
juliankhuh it was disabled in tweaks, and I reenabled it19:45
juliankbut I don't see a change in gsettings lol19:45
juliankAh yeesh it's adding a inhibitor19:46
juliankSo uh anyway sorry19:50

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