[03:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Turbocharge your API and microservice delivery on MicroK8s with Microcks @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/microk8s-addon-microcks [03:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Canonical Kubernetes enhances AI/ML development capabilities with NVIDIA integrations @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/canonical-kubernetes-enhances-ai-ml-development-capabilities-with-nvidia-integrations === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [06:25] Bashing-om, not sure if you're aware; Utkarsh sent another noble-flavor involvement ML - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2023-November/005834.html (almost the same as Simon's in uwn 813, but also more on flavors having two contacts); did you see it? [06:26] guiverc: No had not seen - looking now :D [06:27] simon later amended his discourse post to include later detail in Utkarsh's [06:34] guiverc: The Discourse notice is the more newsy - and shows flavor responses/ Seems good to leave as is ? [06:36] we could use (as link) discourse (https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/responses-needed-flavor-participation-for-24-04-lts/40075) link (It has link to Simon's ML + Utkarsh's later ML as well) ... plus responses [06:39] guiverc: I thinks i did go with 40075. lemme check again. [06:46] guiverc: Huh ? Not posted -- though on my editor I have it checked as posted :( - still me thinks to post in the Hub section unless you deem good to move up to General. [06:49] guiverc: Oh - now I see - what you mean and what I did :) Leave in general and use the Discourse link ? [06:59] sorry (stepped outside to water some back, clean up after birbs etc)... [07:00] i am thinking of doing some summaries thus opened page (work from top down) & it has the ML flavor post... thus my comment .. I can't see reason to list ML then discourse later; one or other.. [07:01] guiverc: Agreed - In General with the Discourse link now :D [07:07] to me the item is unimportant.. but I see it as a 'feel good' for the flavor users maybe; ie. great, my flavor is having a LTS... [07:10] guiverc: Yeah - and as it is system wide - then General Section can apply. [07:10] :) [07:12] guiverc: I am going to toddle off to bed - leave you to write away. [07:14] night night; sleep well.... [07:14] i write in mousepad; but copy/paste to discourse every so often.. (esp. if pausing/heading elsewhere..) [07:15] guiverc: Thanks - you sir have a good day at your end // I too do it mousepad wise :P === madmax_ is now known as madmax [20:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::portugal:: E272 a Cimeira Que Interessa @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/e272/