=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === JanC is now known as Guest1967 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === esv_ is now known as esv [23:13] where can one get ubuntu.tar.gz? [23:14] heh? [23:14] what exactly would a ubuntu.tar.gz contain? [23:17] chroot image. kinda like a VM image but without the VM. [23:18] hmm, not aware of any vm image, not even a container image except if you want to count docker, lvm images are built on demand [23:18] maybe that is what you want, for a chroot [23:18] look at debootstrap [23:19] what is docker if not a fancy chroot [23:19] docker is not a chroot [23:20] you have to user overlays to make the image, it can be annoying [23:20] debootstrap will make a flat image, normally used to make lvm containers, since they dont use overlays normally