=== DemonDerg is now known as Guest745 === A_Dragon is now known as DemonDerg [00:41] I have 32GB ram and am showing 27Gi used and 2.3Gi available. Firefox uses the most memory at 6%. It feels like I should have more memory listed as available. How do I know if this is using memory correctly? [00:44] FKAShinobi: Linux uses memory differently, in terminal, check > free -h [00:44] jeremy31: same [00:46] I wouldn't worry unless things get really slow [00:50] Fair enough. Thanks [00:54] hi [01:03] This is a sort of cross distro question why the the which command in fedora different from the one in ubuntu the fedora one has flags like --all --skip-alias while ubuntu's manpage gives a different description [01:03] 'which' [01:04] are the which commands from different sources in both distros === secretar is now known as Rabbitz === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian [04:06] does anyone know why cron is refusing to run a script for xinput to disable something specific at reboot? [04:07] i did a chmod +x on it and everything [04:07] the only thing that works is running it manually [04:08] xinput requires X to be running and active for it to work. [04:08] By "running and active", I mean that, obviously, it has to be started, but also you have to be on the console that X is running on. [04:08] ok well how do i disable this touchscreen at boot then. there's no bios option for it [04:08] Try throwing the xinput line into your ~/.bashrc perhaps? [04:08] That might work [04:09] k [04:09] i thought about it, didnt try it as it seemed sort of hacky [04:09] Then it will run at login and every time you open a Bash terminal, and if it runs at login it will *probably* be run on the correct console while X is running. [04:09] If you don't like that it will run every time you open a terminal, you could also try putting it in ~/.profile [04:10] then it will run only on login shells [04:10] yeah it didnt work [04:10] hmm... [04:10] bc u have to launch terminal to use bashrc [04:10] what DE are you using? [04:11] You might be able to run the script using your DE's autostart feature if it has one. [04:11] it's gnome [04:11] yeah ok [04:11] https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/shell-apps-auto-start.html.en [04:11] that's almost certain to work [04:11] btw you're using GNOME's X session intentionally right? [04:11] GNOME uses Wayland by default [04:12] it says this is running X [04:12] good [04:12] profile worked sort of but it shows up on the greeter too [04:12] sorry i meant it works on the greeter* [04:13] oof, dunno if turning the touchscreen off on the greeter is going to be easy [04:13] (I assume that's what you're trying to do) [04:13] the greeter is independent from GNOME and I don't think it runs as your user account either [04:19] yeah [04:19] well either way it's my girlfriend's computer and she's happy with it being off after login [05:19] I have a strange problem. My service fails on reboot, but when I use a command to restart it, it functions normally. I have discovered that it is using an old version of the node script, which doesn't exist anymore - it's like cached somehow... and I don't know how. Log shows that the first attempt from the server to start it fails to launch the server and uses an old outdated script. However a simple restart to systemctl and [05:19] it works? [05:19] https://paste.ee/p/0GKhT [05:23] I can't seem to get the server to fire the service on reboot... it's a strange strange thing. [05:24] jumpcutking: what command does it use in the systemctl file? [05:24] can you share the service file maybe it has any clues [05:25] https://paste.ee/p/J20rV === JanC is now known as Guest1967 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [05:32] jumpcutking: what's this related to? The Command "ua.start" is not yet registered. maybe something else needs to start that hasnt yet or something? [05:34] It’s the old old script [05:35] The new version finds the command. [05:35] Like I said, just systemctl restart app_123 and it works immediately [05:36] That script builds a command list from files in a folder. That file structure is very static’s [05:36] Static* [05:39] Quite baffled… but hmm [05:40] jumpcutking: i'm guessing it might have to do with needing something else [05:41] like some service or maybe the user to be logged in or, i'm just going by logic and what might be likely [05:42] Nope, I wrote this service. It’s not doing anything like that. [05:43] try as a test adding, ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 60 or so and login and see if it starts right without rebooting [05:43] *rebooting the service [05:43] I will do that first thing in the morning! [05:45] the only interesting difference i can spot in the paste is the 2nd having 1905 node --trace-warnings /my/path/here/commands/ua.js not sure the relevance, sorry dont know much about systemd and node here :) [05:47] the stallion.js is supposed to also run node /.....commands/ua.js ? === maxtim1 is now known as maxtim [05:50] hello === zofrex2 is now known as zofrex [06:23] Sort of yes, it’s a multiprocess process… === t22 is now known as sarpeyc [07:42] gay [07:42] fuck you [07:42] fuck you [07:42] fuck youfuck youfuck you [07:42] fuck you [07:42] fuck you [07:42] fuck you === mrelcee_ is now known as mrelcee [08:25] i have an ubuntu vm installed with virtualbox on a mac and I'm trying to write a script on the mac that ssh into the vm and then uses 'ip link' to set up a CAN-dongle. But it requires sudo "RTNETLINK .. Operation not permitted". How can I get around this? [08:27] tennisanders, is 'use sudo' an answer? [08:28] Habbie, but I want it to be automated. The script on the mac is meant to run at startup in case of accidental shutdown to setup the whole system again. It's a remote machine so I wont be able to manually type the pwd [08:29] you can tell sudo to work passwordless [08:29] you can also set up ssh for root [08:29] there are several more options [08:30] Habbie, okey thanks. Sounds like setting up ssh for root might be the "safest" way? [08:31] tennisanders: I'd just tell sudo to let you run the ip command without typing in a password [09:02] Hi. Did anyone manage to boot a riscv64 image (e.g. https://download.freebsd.org/releases/VM-IMAGES/13.2-RELEASE/riscv64/Latest/) using virt-manager / QEMU? Somehow virt-manager did not include a loader when just choosing the default values; while I can try every single available combination, I welcome any hints to save a lot of time. (So far, amd64/arm64 work flawlessly, although the latter also required some work.) Surely, there are some virt-manager [09:02] users in here? [09:08] CosmicDJ, can you describe how that's done? [09:09] Also, while https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/focal/ lists *preinstalled-server* images for a number of architectures, https://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/jammy/ does not -- did those get moved elsewhere or were they dropped? [09:45] tennisanders: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/18830/how-to-run-a-specific-program-as-root-without-a-password-prompt [09:47] ummm use passwordless sudo [10:08] hiii [10:08] hi [10:08] hi [10:08] anyone know for kali linux channel? [10:08] !kali [10:08] The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/ [10:09] jea0p: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net [10:09] thank you [10:09] welcome [10:34] hello how can i log all the connection on a specific port i allowed via ufw? [10:34] *connections === lhpitn_ is now known as lhpitn [10:43] pydev: the ufw manpage has an example: ufw allow log 22/tcp [10:43] CosmicDJ, what does it do exacty? [10:43] store connections dropped and allowed on a specific port? [10:44] where exactly ? [10:45] "Specifying log will log all new connections matching the rule, and log-all will log all packets matching the rule." again, read the ufw manpage [13:00] I have several files that have several hard links across the file system. I want to move these files as hard links to a new files system. Is there a command that would essentially copy the files to another filesystem, preserving directory structure and the hard link relationships on the destination fs? [13:02] can i add my own folders to the sidebar with Downloads, Desktop, etc. but not below in the bookmarks area? === esv_ is now known as esv [13:18] fweht: as far as I know, Not with the standard Gnome desktop [13:18] LnxGnome: thanks! [13:19] FKAShinobi: have you tried rsync with the opt to preserve links? [13:21] FKAShinobi: rsync has an option --hard-links/-H (see its manpage) [13:26] fweht: you can just drop any folder into the sidebar [13:27] LnxGnome, JanC: No, I'll give it a look. Thanks! [13:28] ravage: yes, but they live below the seperator [13:28] i have a few folders which i consider equally important than downloads or desktop [13:28] id just like to customize the whole thing [13:28] cant help with that then :) [13:49] Hi all [13:49] ^ [13:52] fweht: yes, you can. It's called favorites. Just drag a folder over there and towards the bottom [13:52] leftyfb: yes, but i dont like the seperator :) [13:54] hey folks, I am setting up an ipsec route using both the GUI and the command line, when I setup start the connection via the GUI, I get a tun0 device, an ip address in the proper range and a route to my default gw with metric 50, but when I add it with the command line: ipsec up xxx, it adds an IP alias to the existing network device and does not add the default route. [13:55] I tried modifying the /etc/ipsec.conf file to use: add=route but does not seem to be doing the trick. [13:55] this is in ubuntu 22.04 [13:56] is there any particular thing I should look for or do differently? if I add the route manually, the connection works just fine. [13:56] it used to work just fine up until a few days. [14:05] this is my ipsec.conf: https://dpaste.org/RhJBf [14:11] so i have two partitions in my laptop, one windows 10 the other this ubuntu, i created a usb with linux tails but it won't boot from it [14:11] anyone familiar with linux tails [14:13] dervish77newprot: sorry, but your issue has nothing to do with ubuntu. We cannot support linux tails here. Try #linux or look to see if tails has it's own IRC channel [14:13] ok [14:25] where can i get ubuntu 23.10 daily builds for amd64-desktop? i know the main ubuntu website has 23.10 but i need daily builds as i run a live usb setup and dont want to be 4 months out of updates [14:26] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ [14:26] sweet. thanks [14:27] is that for 24.04 dailys or 23.10? [14:27] how do i get the idVendor and idProduct of a device that is connected via bluetooth? [14:27] come on man. i asked for 23.10 daily builds [14:27] i already know how to get 24.04 dailys [14:28] https://ubuntu.com/download/desktop should have a link maybe [14:28] it does but that is not for dailys [14:28] en1gma, or here [14:28] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/20231010/ [14:29] its just the one from 4 months ago [14:29] that is ubuntustudio i already know how to get all of those [14:29] where is the 23.10 daily builds is what i asked [14:29] Enissay, google the ubuntu version + daily builds [14:29] and you dont think i did that already? [14:29] There are no 23.10 daily builds, en1gma. 23.10 is released. [14:30] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/jammy/daily-live/ [14:30] BAM! [14:30] thanks seere [14:30] That's 22.04 [14:30] there are 22.04 daily builds [14:30] Because LTS builds continue for the next point release [14:31] Eickmeyer is right that is 22.04 dails again [14:31] dang it i was getting excited [14:31] indeed. [14:31] en1gma: 23.10 has no more daily builds. It's released and will have no further builds. [14:31] en1gma, why 23.10? [14:31] oh wow. i been checking about 3x a day for this [14:32] because 24.04 is very limited and dont hardly have anything [14:32] 23.10 was just right [14:32] dang it [14:32] it was in between lts and bleading edge [14:33] how its always been in the past [14:33] en1gma, ah "LVL" lINUX VERSION LAMENT [14:33] The daily images don't start from a clean slate. They build on the last release. [14:33] i know [14:33] you could make your own ISOs of course [14:33] The last one available is 23.10.1 from last month, but no daily [14:33] but there is 3 versions just like debian basically. stable, unstable and bleading edge [14:33] 22.04, 23.10 and 24.04 [14:33] so no more unstable [14:35] Ubuntu doesn't have an equivalent like that. [14:35] en1gma: this analogy to stable/unstable/bleading edge is not quite right. [14:37] i got this bt dongel: 'Bus 006 Device 050: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)' how do i list the devices that are connected, i need idVendor and idProduct (for udev) [14:37] i been running ubuntu since the day it came out. so there will be no more unstable releases anymore ever or is it just 23.10? [14:37] 4.10 was a long time ago :) [14:38] there never were "unstable releases" [14:39] i know. now we are just playing with words but its very similar and you know what im talking about [14:39] it's not similar [14:39] en1gma: the best analogy to unstable is each release on it's way to get ready like 24.04 currently. [14:39] unstable in Debian doesn't have releases [14:39] en1 debian or perhaps another distro would be more appropriate if you prefer unstable or rolling releases [14:39] en1gma, ^^^^^^^^^^^ [14:39] 23.10 was screwed up and put out alot of propaganda against ukraine so they pulled it. why dont you just say the truth? its all over the internet [14:40] ? [14:40] read about it on google its everywhere [14:40] why do you think the official 23.10 release is still on ubuntu.org and no dailys? [14:41] and all the dailys that did get released have been pulled [14:41] I'm out if it is going this way. Tin foil hat spotted... [14:41] everyone knows what happened, that's why there was a new 23.10 release some days after [14:42] the 23.10 release on ubuntu.org is the original from july isnt it? [14:42] Yeah, this is old news, guys; the hate speech was removed in a re-release [14:42] you can stop trolling now en1gma this is a support channel, not a quiz [14:43] well he tried to play like a fool. i come here to find the 23.10 dailys and he said there will never be no more [14:43] 23.10 was released in October, and then replaced when the translation issue was discovered [14:43] so im trying to figure out what to do [14:43] oh it is from october on the official ubuntu,org website? [14:44] so there is no "original from july" [14:44] en1gma, as I mentioned there are distros with testing or rolling releases you can try.. Fedora rawhide, open suse, arch, etc [14:44] the one currently on the site is the re-released (fixed) one from October [14:44] ok that makes a difference for me as thats what i was wanting to know. thanks and now i going to go get it off the official ubuntu website. thanks again [14:44] cool cool [14:45] JanC so will there be dailys of 23.10 at some point? [14:45] I don't know [14:46] did you read what Eickmeyer just said en1gma [14:46] ok. i just dont like to do an update when im in a live distro as it always wants to install grub over my windows bootloader [14:46] you can always make your own upgraded ISO [14:46] especially when it updates kernel or anything like that [14:47] JanC but dont i have to have like a TB of space to make my own? [14:47] en1gma: There will be NO MORE 23.10 IMAGES because 23.10 is released and is not an LTS release. [14:47] en1gma: 24.04 images DO NOT start from a clean slate! [14:48] again why i want the dailys is so when i run the live usb it dont update and write over my windows bootloader [14:48] i have dont that too many times in the past [14:48] so i get the daily so that dont happen [14:48] That won't happen. [14:49] it wont happen with 24.04? [14:49] en1gma: you'll need maybe 10 GiB or so, not TiBs [14:49] It'll be just like 23.10, but remember, since 24.04 isn't released yet, it's unsupported, en1gma . [14:49] JanC for real? i thought i had to get the whole repo [14:49] it says 24.04 is supported in topic [14:50] en1gma: only in #ubuntu-next [14:50] ahh let me re-read topic. [14:50] en1gma, just out of curiosity, are you windows dependent for work or pleasure? Although I have a windows install on separate hard drive I can install, I havent used that for years [14:50] That reminds me I need to spin up some dailies [14:51] it says ubuntu 24.04 is supported in ubuntu-next [14:51] i had a dual boot with 23.10 until the dailys stopped [14:51] now im not sure what to do [14:51] 22.04 lts with its updates or 24.04 [14:52] i liked 23.10 as the stuff i do (airmon-ng) wireshark etc works great with it [14:52] 24.04 i think might have problems with that stuff [14:52] 22.04 is too old [14:52] i mean it works [14:53] but the devs of those packages use newer tools quite often that are not in original lts releases [14:53] en1gma: why don't you use 23.10 if you like it? It's a currently supported non-LTS. [14:53] en1gma, as I mentioned, I have a separate hard drive I can switch out for windows and one for linux. Laptop or desktop, this shouldn't be difficult, yes? [14:54] I dispise dual boots :) [14:55] so 23.10 still has daily updates just not daily build releases? so if i install 23.10 in a dual boot configuration and i do sudo apt update it will still get updates? [14:55] en1gma: yes, of course. [14:55] only 1 m.2 at the moment. tomorrow i get a m.2 nvme m-key to usb adapter for a 512gb nvme m.2 i have spare [14:55] en1gma: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization says you'll need ~100 GiB disk space [14:55] you have used ubuntu from 4.10? [14:56] ahhh ok. then no problems [14:56] will bookmark that link. thanks [14:56] one advantage is that you will be able to pre-install the tools you want too :) [14:56] and maybe remove those you don't need [14:57] i might have to build a nice 23.10 iso. would it be easier after i am in a full 23.10 enviroment? no live usb [14:58] yep. looks like it wants a full ubuntu enviroment [14:59] ok i going to write the 23.10 image to my usb and do a dual boot. probably a 400GB partition [14:59] maybe 300GB [15:01] thanks everyone. bbl as i taking a break while writing this image === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [15:17] To run a Windows 10 or 11 desktop just for testing, practicing PowerShell and things like that, is VirtualBox a good way to go or would KVM or something be better? (I don't have experience with KVM) [15:17] Witam [15:20] jj_: just use virt-manager as a frontend for KVM [15:21] or Gnome Boxes [15:22] also, I think you can run PowerShell on linux too (but without access to Windows-specific stuff, of course) [15:33] Yeah, I've seen that. Thanks! I was looking into Gnome Boxes a little bit, but wasn't sure if that was a good option for having a Windows VM kinda long-term. Or how it compares to virt-manager === madmax_ is now known as madmax === sotaoverride is now known as Guest9286 === sotaover1ide is now known as sotaoverride [16:36] So I have a drive with 2 partitions. 1 small, working ubuntu install. 1 large, older broken install. I'm able to manually access the files (& space) in the 2nd partition. I wonder if there's a nifty solution here like (ii) creating another partition for alternate installs, (iii) creating a shared data partition (iv) having both installs mounting that data partition automatically in a convenient way [16:37] Failing that I can just backup all the data (external usb drive) and wipe it & start over I guess [16:37] What's "broken" about it? [16:38] Hello channel. I've run into an issue starting Gnome after upgrading from 23.04 to 23.10. Not getting anywhere with internet search on this. The syslog entry I'm tracking says "This indicates a bug in someone's code". Is this the right place to seek help? Thanks. [16:42] Here's the full error: xdg-desktop-por[4892]: GError set over the top of a previous GError or uninitialized memory.#012This indicates a bug in someone's code. You must ensure an error is NULL before it's set.#012The overwriting error message was: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.gtk: Timeout was reached [16:42] Menzador, the 'broken' install (previous main partition) just wont boot.. something broke during an interrupted update I think. Various update/fix solutions didn't work. For that eventuality, I have always tended to set my drives up with at least one other partition that I can 'retreat to' if things go wrong. This kind of "[----data----][-os1-][-os2-] idea would be my ideal for the future I think [16:42] Not the worst idea, no [16:43] Hello. I'm trying to download an iso for ubuntu desktop 20.04 for arm but I can't find it. Where can I get this from?> === itu is now known as Guest6894 [16:44] test [16:44] donza: You failed, sorry :) [16:44] welcome to the support channel [16:44] :( [16:44] davros1: Are you BIOS or UEFI? [16:45] If I run a command foo | bar and then check $? does it return the result code for foo or bar? [16:45] forgotmynick: pretty sure there is no desktop image for arm64 except raspberry pi 4 [16:45] forgotmynick: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ === Guest6894 is now known as itu [16:50] Menzador, let me check.. its a cheapish AM4 motherboard (3600 cpu), right now I'm on my Mac mini, I'll need to physically move to check .. [16:51] forgotmynick: see also https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-20-04-lts-is-certified-for-the-raspberry-pi if you want the full desktop you can get that at rasberry in the imager tool also [16:51] davros1: specifically does the system have a bootloader entry and a linux kernel with an initial ramdisk? [16:53] Hello channel, I'm an Ubuntu user for a long time. I've made some customization to the base Ubuntu system and would like to go about producing an ISO based on that which I can use for provisioning systems in my company. How would I go about doing this? Can someone point me in the right direction? [16:53] All I can tell you for sure from memory right now is that when I boot up I get that grub menu letting me pick between the 2 partition/installs to boot, or 'safe mode' (I'm guessing you need more detail) [16:54] webchat23: I would recommend looking into a PXE server and autoinstaller [16:54] webchat23: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall [16:54] There is a bios screen I can get to that lets me choose initial boot device [16:55] webchat23: but here's the 2nd result on google for "ubuntu custom iso" https://itsfoss.com/create-custom-linux-mint-iso/ [16:55] Boot device & boot order (the internal M.2 drive, USB , and I know if I put other physical drives in they'd show up on that) [17:05] Considering my perceived bug is just going to scroll away here, is there a more appropriate place to raise this issue? Lots of forums out there. Appreciate the guidance. [17:07] webchat23: there's a tool just for this kind of thing called Cubic. [17:07] (stands for Custom UBuntu ISO Creator) [17:10] Thanks for your suggestions, I will check them out [17:27] hola [17:43] hi [18:34] Hello does anybody else here have an opinion on ClamAV being very... low detection rates? [18:35] BreadMan: it's only really useful for finding Windows-related viruses stored on disk [18:36] oh, well ty [18:36] How do I get the latest Lynus version? [18:36] what? [18:36] https://github.com/CISOfy/lynis [18:37] good talk [18:37] :/ [18:39] that link clearly suggests how to get the latest version, or at least that's what I got from it [18:48] viruses also aren't as common as they used to be these days; and most malware is embedded in websites now... [19:29] hello, I upgraded from 22.04 -> 22.10 and now my Bluetooth sound devices don't appear to be recognized. How can I find the specific problem? [19:34] that upgrade may be outside the scope of this channel, as 22.10 reached end of life in July [19:35] but It would make sense to diagnose the problem before continuing to upgrade further [19:36] jStefan, he knows, same joke yesterday [19:36] Roey, try commandline, or bluez, more trustable tool https://www.linuxfordevices.com/tutorials/connect-bluetooth-command-line [19:37] Roey: upgrade to a supported release (23.10) or re-install with 22.04 [19:37] scan pair trust [19:46] oerheks, leftyfb, jStefan: sorry, I meant 24.04 -> 24.10 [19:46] not 22.04 -> 22.10 [19:46] Roey: no you didn't [19:46] er [19:47] 23.04 -> 23.10 rather [19:47] that's it ^ [19:47] I just ran lsb_release -a and that's what it tells me [19:48] try the comandline method? [19:48] once paired and trusted it works with all bt software. [19:49] oerheks: so I see that it's connected [19:49] with "sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service" [19:50] oerheks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hBb3fqpT6f/ [19:51] that command does not show me connected devices [19:52] oerheks: I don't see my bluetooth devices available as audio outputs... even though they do connect to the system [19:52] that command does not show me connected devices <- one moment.. [19:52] please do not crosspost .. [19:54] bluetoothctl devices # shows connected devices [19:54] sure it shows the devices it has registered to, [19:55] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wBZGWDdzD7/ [19:55] oerheks: ^ [19:55] (yes I have two Bose devices) [20:02] oerheks: anyway I pasted the output above of the command that you asked me to issue === pi___ is now known as sponge === pi___ is now known as sponge [20:54] **********************************operation started********************************** [20:54] ircshell.py [20:54] success.txt [20:54] **********************************operation ended************************************ [21:09] misconfigured bot? noice [21:17] Hey team, if I have a really bizarre error starting gnome after 23.04 -> 23.10 upgrade, where is the best place to turn for help? Internet search not helping. Thanks! [21:18] quantumnaut, here I guess [21:50] !ask | quantumnaut [21:50] quantumnaut: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [22:30] 23.04->23.10 upgrade issue: Can't launch Gnome. Getting this error in syslog. xdg-desktop-por[4892]: GError set over the top of a previous GError or uninitialized memory.#012This indicates a bug in someone's code. You must ensure an error is NULL before it's set.#012The overwriting error message was: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.gtk: Timeout was reached [22:35] sounds like this bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/2039711 [22:35] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2019143 in xdg-desktop-portal (Ubuntu) "xdg-desktop-portal: Failed to create XXX proxy: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.gnome: Timeout was reached | No skeleton to export" [Undecided, Confirmed] [duplicate: 2039711] [22:40] @oerheks thanks for that! investigating... [22:40] try to run updates, apt install -f and such? maybe upgrade did not go fluently [22:41] Tried that several times, no dice. Exploring turning off default nvidia drivers... [22:43] Command Substitution, $() isn't working my proxmox vm running minimal install of ubuntu server 22.04, I needed to enter this command: docker stop $(docker ps -aq). Where to start troubleshooting? [22:47] cc77: please run this and paste the URL here: ( cat /etc/os-release; echo "--" ; docker ps -aq ; echo "--" ; docker stop $(docker ps -aq) ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [22:54] leftyfb, your command had an error in it I think, it closes twice with )) and my server didn´t have nc installed, I installed netcat but it didn´t give me an url, here a pastbin of output: https://pastebin.com/DvGL6mdw [22:55] cc77: your issue is with permissions and not command substitution [22:57] I don´t understand though. I can run fine docker commands as long as there´s no command substitution in it. [22:58] your paste proves otherwise [22:58] docker ps -aq [22:58] run that [22:59] If I do sudo $(docker ps -aq) [22:59] I get permission error and if I do sudo docker ps -aq [22:59] it correctly lists my containers [22:59] cc77: docker ps -aq [22:59] what does this give you? [23:00] several rows of container id´s [23:00] without sudo? [23:00] wait without sudo you mean? [23:00] yes [23:00] then I get: connect: permission denied [23:00] command substitution won't work because you're not specifying sudo [23:00] also [23:01] if you're getting several rows of container id's, your script won't work, well it might work on only the first container id. Either way, it's not valid [23:01] cc77: are you trying to shut them all down or just 1? [23:02] I wanted to shutdown them all [23:02] using command: docker stop $(docker ps -aq) [23:02] but then got annoying permission error [23:03] for container_id in $(sudo docker ps -aq) ;do sudo docker stop ${container_id} ;done [23:03] I wonder if somehow it´s due because I did a minimal install of ubuntu? Or because it´s a proxmox vm? Or because I´m connecting for remote shell? [23:03] it's because you're not doing it correctly [23:03] nothing is wrong other than your incantation [23:04] Do people get error saying "you've launched an older version of firefox" when launching FF after upgrading to 23.10? [23:05] oh wow leftyfb that helped. It stopped them all and I did: for container_id in $(sudo docker ps -aq) ;do sudo docker rm ${container_id} ;done <- to remove them also worked [23:05] thanks dude! I´ll note down this command [23:06] Old annoyance - I know. I'd just like to know if there's a new reason for this behaviour... [23:06] elias_a: ( apt policy firefox ; snap list firefox ) | ; nc termbin.com 9999 [23:09] leftyfb: Thanks - the command nags me about syntax error near semicolon. :/ [23:09] oh, sorry [23:09] elias_a: ( apt policy firefox ; snap list firefox ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [23:10] leftyfb: Thanks again! Here we go: https://termbin.com/v7i5h [23:11] I am using Ubuntu in Finnish as you can see... :P [23:12] ok, that's a bit annoying and confusing. Looks like apt it shows it's installed from snap [23:12] Yes it is. [23:13] What is the FF version in 23.04? Could the FF version of 23.10 really be older? [23:15] elias_a: close firefox and run: sudo snap refresh firefix [23:15] elias_a: close firefox and run: sudo snap refresh firefox [23:16] elias_a: FYI, the firefox snap is the same version no matter what supported release of ubuntu you are running [23:17] leftyfb: Thank you! Did not know that. Now a new snap is downloaded. [23:18] Probably my mistake. I have not learned yet that sudo apt upgrade does not do anything to snaps... [23:20] leftyfb: Now it works and I was able to activate my FF profile. Thank you!