
pepperonistrange, if I don't add cloud-init setting within LXD profiles, I have no other way that I know of to create them.00:04
minimalpepperoni: network-config passed to cloud-init might be used to RENAME interfaces, but cloud-init doesn't create them, the kernel/OS does (based on the QEMU settings that LXD on the host uses)00:33
minimalisn't "lxc config device add <instance_name> <device_name> nic" uses to create network interfaces for a LXD VM?00:36
minimalI'm assuming you're creating a LXD VM rather than a container00:46
holmanbpepperoni: you can init an instance with cloud-config using `lxc init <remote:image> <name> -c cloud-init.user-data=<put it here>00:58
minimalholmanb: he's asking about creating network interfaces, cloud-init doesn't do this though00:58
holmanbminimal: sure, I guess that I interpreted the second question as separate from the first one01:00
minimalholmanb: "is there a way to create an interface in a down state in cloud-init? I have several and want one to be off." - so if he doesn't reference the interface in the provides network-config then it won't be configured01:01
minimalunless it ends up being the "default" (sorted by MAC address?) interface picked for DHCP fallback...01:07
minimalbut there's a lack of information provided, not clear if question relates to VM or Container, etc01:08
holmanb Yeah01:26
holmanbCloud-init spec for public review: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/proposed-specification-cloud-init-service-name-changes/4012501:31
minimalholmanb: I have a briefl look at the PR for that earlier and noticed it didn't cover openrc and freebsd init.d changes, only systemd files ;-)01:32
holmanbminimal: I will include those :)01:59
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holmanbminimal: done02:22
pepperon1currently, I'm creating containers with LXD, I add cloud-init to a profile and when my instance starts, I get the new interface that normally doesn't come with a container.20:08
pepperon1When I create the instance, I then add the profile to it.20:11
pepperon1Otherwise, containers only come with preconfigured eth0, and I think possibly even an eth1, but other interfaces need to be added.20:12
=== pepperon1 is now known as pepperoni

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