[04:57] RikMills ahoneybun valorie: I did some preliminary work on the flutter installer for 24.04. Also, can very much help with Kubuntu theme if needed - had lots of fun debugging that one. I also can definitely help with graphics work like logos etc. [05:00] cool mmikowski - send images to the Kub-devel list! [05:01] I don't think we have any Ubuntu official images to use as a base [05:01] yet [05:13] fwiw, 5.27 went out this week on all kfocus systems. There's lots of integration points to consider upstreaming like with kf5-settings (XDG). https://www.einpresswire.com/article/667529474 [05:14] So if 24.04 sticks with 5.27, it should be pretty trivial. It is very solid, and is what's shipping on the steam deck now. [05:14] I know most everyone here knows that stuff, but just in case. [05:27] valorie: There isn't much to show yet on Flutter. I will need to restart with the latest release and see what we can do. [05:42] <--- knows nothing of Flutter except it's the way butterflies move [13:18] Hi all [22:48] valorie: The new installer for Ubuntu is based on Flutter. As of 24.04, the official flavors are supposed to move to it per what a few little birds told me, and I did a bit on it per RikMills request a few months ago. So I was offering to revisit that. [22:52] valorie: oh, and hello! I hope all is well with you! [23:29] I think we need to talk to busgie devs as they have already got the new installer up and running on an iso [23:30] *budgie