[00:12] arraybolt3: I have inside information on a lot of things, and that shouldn't surprise you. [02:37] [telegram] arraybolt3: I'm looking for one word: Community. The community completely makes Debian, while some people make Ubuntu as a day job. The point of Ubuntu, in some respects, is to make a Debian that's polished and ready to go once every 6 months. Sometimes that can mean taking necessary risks, shipping something in an interim that may not immediately make sense for everyone. That being said, the Ubuntu community (and CoC) is set up [02:39] [telegram] arraybolt3: As for arch:all builders and unsupported vs supported, some architectures in Debian are "officially built for" but not "supported." Hurd and x32 are such examples. As a general rule we should work to support all architectures, not just the supported ones maintained directly by Ubuntu, when possible. That being said, it's not a testing migration blocker in Debian. arch:all builders are completely separate in Ubuntu. [02:43] [telegram] I'm satisfied with where you're at on a philosophical level, and I deeply commend you for the courage to answer my far-reaching and deeply philosophical questions. Erich and Rik have both called me evil for these, and rightfully so, since hey, Rik is right, I used to be a lot deeper than this. Either way, I'm giving you the tools you need to be an impactful leader within the wider Ubuntu community, and understand in a wider capac [02:44] [telegram] @teward001 teward @kc2bez wxl: I'm ready to vote on arraybolt3's ~lubuntu-dev membership. As a reminder, including me, we need a +3 to pass him. Please read backlog, I am a strong +1. [02:45] [telegram] +1 from me [02:46] I never said evil. I said madman. [02:46] [telegram] Okay, okay. Fair enough. XD [02:51] [telegram] By the way arraybolt3, I'm rereading your messages and I'm not really finding anything I'd consider "wrong," can anyone else? You really hit the nail on the head with this one, my questions are just difficult and I set a high bar ;) [02:52] I'd also say it's ok to not have all the answers. It's ok to know where to find the answers and always to say, "I don't know, but I'll find out." [02:53] [telegram] Bingo ^^^^^^ [02:53] [telegram] I agree with all of that too [03:31] +1 here [03:34] Congrats (again?) +arraybolt3 (as I read ^) [03:46] [telegram] Adding him appropriately, I'll handle announcements in the morning. [03:47] [telegram] Also I'm renewing myself as ~lubuntu-dev (which I am anyway but it expired), yes I'm terrible, shoot me :P [03:49] * kc2bez sends teward to collect a pound of flesh. [03:49] [telegram] Basically what I'm expecting XD [03:50] XD [09:56] [telegram] Congratulations @arraybolt3 [09:58] [telegram] It's a pleasure to have you back [14:29] arraybolt3: contrats \o/ [14:29] or congrats even! [22:56] [telegram] The faboulous manual now has 7777 commits in this [23:01] [matrix] :O [23:18] o/ [23:18] Just now got back [23:18] tsimonq2: Thank you so much! I read what you wrote and agree with everything. I guess I was just coming at it from a different angle since our brains aren't genetically identical :P [23:27] [telegram] It's fabulous because of you Lyn. (re @lynorian: The faboulous manual now has 7777 commits in this) [23:30] [telegram] arraybolt3 it is great to have you back on the development team. [23:32] kc2bez: Thanks :) I really enjoyed it and look forward to how things are going to go in the future.