
* guiverc has created a few summaries, alas with comments..02:46
guivercBashing-om, arraybolt3 has been re-qualified as lubuntu-dev; no link (tomorrow likely tsimonq2 indicated); but as reported by news dec-2022 (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue765) do we want to post (when/if something to post)...  (draws attention to Aaron's stepping down for mantic cycle & rejoining..)03:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Podcast Ubuntu Portugal: E272 a Cimeira Que Interessa @ https://podcastubuntuportugal.org/e272/03:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Scarlett Gately Moore: KDE: Krita 5.2.1 Snap! KDE Gear 23.08.3 Snaps and KDE neon release @ https://www.scarlettgatelymoore.dev/kde-krita-5-2-1-snap-kde-gear-23-08-3-snaps-and-kde-neon-release/03:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: What is MLflow? @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/what-is-mlflow03:58
Bashing-omguiverc: Sure - we can certainly add Aaron to the list :P04:00
guiverci was really asking if we (news) care.. if it belongs.. no link currently anyway04:00
guivercwe covered first time, which wasn't that lnog ago...04:01
EickmeyerIf I were you, I wouldn't draw attention to him stepping down, just to his requalifying as the stepping down was due to highly personal reasons.04:01
guivercmy thinking exactly (probably)04:01
Bashing-omguiverc: As he is one of our own - we should do all we can to promote his wellness.04:02
guivercuwn didn't mention withdraw.. but requalifying etc draws attention towards the self-step-down...04:02
EickmeyerYeah, don't even mention it. It wasn't for health reasons, so we don't want to draw attention and make it seem like it was anything more than a hiatus.04:03
* guiverc suspects I feel as Eickmeyer suggested.. we ignore as covered in issue 765; lp doesn't show any history of step-down requalify etc..04:04
guivercBashing-om,  just fyi.. but when Simon does post; it'll probably enter your radar; the main reason for ^04:10
Bashing-omguiverc: Background info always "good to have" :P04:11
EickmeyerBashing-om: There are some things that are public, and some things that are private. This one is private. I understand your need for journalistic integrity, but this is most certainly a right-to-privacy issue.04:20
guivercEickmeyer, my wording is why Bashing-om responded as he did; I should have probably thought first & been more careful with what I said..  Sorry Bashing-om (maybe a PM would have been better too)04:21
EickmeyerAh, I undertand. My bad.04:21
Bashing-omEickmeyer: There is no integrity in distractful content - I may stray but I hope no error :D04:22
* guiverc laughs.. red hat folks wearing 'purple hats' (register article..)04:25
Bashing-omguiverc: I must have glossed over that red hat article - https://www.theregister.com/2023/11/10/snap_without_ubuntu_tools/ caught my attention.04:29
guivercnah i'm writing summaries so it's one you caught... https://www.theregister.com/2023/11/08/ubuntu_core_desktop_details/  where the red hatters (owned by big blue) are referred to as pupple hatters (as I read it anyway)04:30
guivercs/pupple/purple/... big blue isn't mentioned; it's IBM04:30
guiverci think all summaries are done; no read thru except for names/Nouns (as is normal; I'll read what I intended not what i typed this early) 05:58
Bashing-omguiverc: I see what the weekend produces and wrap-up the issue tomorrow - in that process I do some Q&A.06:03
guiverc:) & thanks (as always) Bashing-om 06:08
Bashing-omguiverc: It is just what we do :P06:09
* guiverc made numerous <!-- hidden --> comments 06:15
Bashing-omguiverc: ^ then you will get numerous <!-- hidden --> REPLY to catch up on :D06:22

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