[00:07] test [00:07] Anyone know of a good Bluetooth dongle to work with Ubuntu? [00:24] exit === pi___ is now known as sponge [00:55] hello [00:56] is hello [00:57] oh === _miruoy is now known as miruoy [01:26] kotgc: why not WiFi/Bluetooth card? [01:29] xangua, sure, whatever works. [01:31] However Bluetooth is what is needed. [01:56] Guys? I'm on 23.04, and I'm getting a desktop notification saying that an upgrade to 23.10 is available, and that this version will stop receiving updates in 72 days. But when I click on it I get a window titled 'Upgrade failed' and an empty textbox in it('Upgrade failed with the following output') :-[. Anyone experienced it? Solved it? [02:04] Slartibart, first thing to do is make sure you're completely up to date (in a terminal, "sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade") then run the release upgrade in a terminal with "sudo do-release-upgrade". That might give a more helpful message (which you could pastebin here for further ideas..) === esv_ is now known as esv [02:12] Slartibart, oh, and maybe check that your disk isn't full? (df -h, or files>+Other Locations will show) === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [06:09] Is dnsmasq a reasonable choice for caching DNS information in Ubuntu 22.04 ? Is there a recommended alternative? [06:15] pickanick: chances are you're running systemd-resolved which is caching DNS queries already; see resolvectl statistics [06:36] hi [06:37] How can I configure zram on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ? [06:37] Do I need swap ? [06:39] hwpplayer1: sudo apt install zram-tools [06:40] CosmicDJ: then [06:40] What should I do then ? [06:41] hwpplayer1: configure zram swap in /etc/default/zramswap and then start the zramswap.service or reboot [06:42] Zram or swap ? Are these terms same ? [06:42] And how can I configure zram ? Via terminal or gui ? [06:43] hwpplayer1: zram is a compressed portion of your ram that can be used for swap, too [06:44] https://askubuntu.com/questions/174579/how-do-i-use-zram [06:44] Thanks [06:46] Bye [07:46] hi === ankeet is now known as duckyy [07:46] fd [07:46] df [07:46] fd [07:46] fdf [07:46] f [07:46] df [07:46] hi duckyy :-) how may i help you with ubuntu today? [08:02] I upgraded 23.04 to 23.10. Now trying to install Tor browser according to these instructions: https://support.torproject.org/apt/tor-deb-repo/ [08:03] I am getting a permission denied error when trying to wget the keyring and saving it to /usr/share/keyrings. Using sudo of course. What am I missing here? [08:04] The command I am using is sudo wget -qO- https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89.asc | gpg --dearmor | tee /usr/share/keyrings/tor-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null [08:05] Don't use 'sudo' with wget, but with the 'tee'. [08:05] Also, you don't need to dearmor as apt understands asc files. [08:05] Unit193: Ok. Thanks! [08:06] (Though I think they do that so you overwrite it with their keyring package.) === pntaylor3 is now known as pntaylor === kimiamania464 is now known as kimiamania46 [10:34] **********************************operation started********************************** [10:34] ircshell.py [10:34] success.txt [10:34] **********************************operation ended************************************ [10:35] !asf1 [10:37] asf1, this channel is not your stdout/stderr :P === cpi is now known as Maodib [13:17] Hello, I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and this upgrade installed Linux Kernel 6.2. After reboot, My network connection is broken, no wifi, nothing. [13:17] Someone can help me to figure out what happens and how to deal with this issue ? [13:17] kriptox: what gives sudo lshw -C network please [13:18] Hi all [13:18] kriptox: Is another kernel available in Grub menu/Advanced options for Ubuntu? [13:19] jeremy31: yes I have 5.* verisons [13:20] l0tuspsychj3: let met reboot with this kernel === l0tuspsychj3 is now known as lotuspsychje [13:47] firefox [13:48] firefox download [13:49] Raja: can we help you with something? [14:08] ping google [15:13] hello all. I've just upgraded from Kubuntu 24.04 -> 24.10, and I notice that my Bluetooth speaker and headphones, while appearing connected in the "System Settings > Bluetooth" configuration menu, aren't available anymore as output devices in the "System Settings > Audio" sound configuration menus.. and I don't hear any sound output from them... how can I diagnose this problem? [15:14] Roey: i think you got your ubuntu releases wrong there? [15:17] Roey: did you mean 23.04 to 23.10 or 23.10 to 24.04? [15:18] ah, yes sorry, 23.04 -> 23.10 [15:18] lotuspsychje: ^ [15:18] !sound | Roey [15:18] Roey: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. [15:19] Roey: you can also try pavucontrol to doublecheck if you gte your sound working there [15:19] I thought we were on pipewire since 22.x ? [15:19] Roey: and alternate, you could share your dmesg in a !paste with the volunteers maybe they can see something there [15:20] lotuspsychje: I just tried pavucontrol, and still I don't see the bluetooth speaker listed there under Output Devices [15:23] lotuspsychje: I suppose I'll try the forums you suggested, thank you [15:27] Roey: post URL from terminal for> sudo dmesg|egrep -i 'blue|firm'|nc termbin.com 9999 [15:27] jeremy31: one moment [15:29] jeremy31: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q9sM4n3cbq/ [15:30] Are the headphones paired and trusted? [15:32] Roey: bluetoothctl devices | termbin.com 9999 [15:32] yes indeed [15:32] jeremy31: the bluetooth headphones are powered off. The Bose Soundlink III speaker is powered on. [15:33] lefyfb: thttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YWvTmj5hNk/ [15:33] leftyfb: ^ [15:35] Roey: which ones are you trying to connect to? [15:35] which Bose, there's 2 [15:36] leftyfb: the speaker [15:36] there's 2x devices named "Bose SLIII" [15:36] leftyfb: one of them is powered on. [15:36] leftyfb: they're both SOundlink III devices [15:36] I have two of those speakers [15:37] and a Bluetooth headphones [15:37] which of the 2 listed are you trying to connect to right this momemt? [15:37] leftyfb: Device 00:0C:8A:CC:61:A9 Bose SLIII [15:39] Roey: bluetoothctl info [15:39] does that show you connected to it? [15:39] resolvectl statistics says: DNSSEC supported by current servers: no . If I control the host used as DNS server, how do I enable DNSSEC on it? [15:40] pickanick: in the DNS server settings [15:40] Roey: Might need something like https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/159882/ [15:40] jeremy31: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yRw8xxrFhx/ [15:41] Roey: pactl list [15:42] leftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dFxtBy2TnW/ [15:44] Roey: sudo apt install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth [15:44] leftyfb: how do I know what is being the DNS server? [15:45] pickanick: you just said "If I control the host used as DNS server" [15:45] leftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TXM8k2mbhK/ [15:45] Roey: sudo pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover [15:46] leftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RMmwp6JpMv/ [15:46] Roey: try without sudo [15:47] leftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5rghyPJBcY/ [15:47] pulseaudio -k ; sleep 1 ; pulseaudio --start ; pactl list [15:48] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yB7jBR7by5/ [15:48] leftyfb: also I thought we're now on pipewire? why pulseaudio? [15:49] Roey: do you see pipewire in your process list? [15:50] Roey: pactl info | grep "Server Name" [15:50] leftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/n8gtnk63Gx/ [15:50] er [15:50] leftyfb: Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.79) [15:51] I think pactl still works for pipewire [15:51] I'm not sure why it's not showing up as an available sink [15:51] and I hav to head out [15:53] ok [15:53] leftyfb: thanks for your hlep [15:53] much appreciate [15:53] *appreciated [15:53] question everybody: can you use disk uuid when adding boot entry with efibootmgr? Or do I have to specify disk and partition [15:54] (it doesn't say in the manpage) [15:55] hi, I'm doing this command: apt list '?installed?section(restricted)' ... and it works for universe/multiverse/restricted, but it doesn't seem to work for "main", Why could that be? [15:59] baobabobao, did you try with: /dev/disk/by-uuid/... those are symbolic links [16:05] jStefan:of course, thanks! Completely forgot that was an option, I assume that will just work. I'll report back if it doesn't [16:06] I installed Ubuntu 22.04 on a MacBook Air, along with macOS, it went OK and I used both for a while. Now I did an update of macOS and it broke boot loader. Tried to grub-install from a livecd, but it gives "failed to get canonical path of `/cow'" [16:09] Roey: It must be something with the Bose SL3 as my Sony headset works fine with the same bluetooth adapter on 23.10 [16:09] enzotib_, what does your grub-install command look like? did you chroot? [16:10] !boot-repair| enzotib_ [16:10] jStefan: I mount /boot/efi by hand, then I did: sudo grub-install /dev/sda [16:11] enzotib_: Need to mount more than just boot/efi [16:11] now I understand I need to chroot into the installed system, right? [16:11] enzotib_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [16:15] enzotib_: you could modify the drives from https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/961990d6acd6440b6642d29483ebba3a [16:16] Change /dev/sda8 to the root partition and /dev/sda1 too the EFI system partition [16:16] jeremy31: thank you, I try [16:17] The boot repair could do it === jaykelly450 is now known as jkle [16:43] is there an old-releases equivalent for changelogs ? [16:45] what's the correct way to point my ubuntu server instance to a specific dns? [16:45] is it via /etc/network/interfaces? [16:46] ruser: netplan [16:46] toddc: ty === ChunkzZ is now known as jailbreak [16:52] toddc: did the interfaces get renamed for some reason or is that an issue on my machine? i'm used to eth0 but current one is showing up as enp4s0 [16:52] i'm out of date, playing catch up [16:58] ruser: preditive nameing by pci location easier to identify [17:02] toddc: and i'm assuming 01-eth-dhcp.yaml is just a left over in the netplan? why not match the nomenclature? [17:17] ruser: the name of the yaml file doesn't matter [18:02] i just got my m2 nvme (key m) to key e usb adapter today for my 512gb m2 nvme. i formatted a gpt ntfs partition and speed tested it over the usb 3.2 gen 1 port. 500MB read and write. i want to use this for my ubuntu install. how do i make it not interfere with my m.2 nvme (windows 11) bootloader? does the mb m2 need to be removed? [18:03] when i do my ubuntu updates in the past it always wants to take over the windows bootloader [18:03] i dont think there is a way in my asrock bios to hide the mb m.2 nvme [18:04] use a single EFI partition and nothing will overwrite anything usually [18:04] just adds your OS [18:05] your windows install needs to be an EFI install too then of course [18:05] never mix that [18:07] ravage so during install i tell ubuntu to use the usb m2 to put the bootloader there it will not interfere with the windows 11 bootloader? [18:07] jeremy31: unfortunately your suggestion didn't work, but I found a simpler solution, during the boot I could choose RecoveryHD, EFI boot, MacintoshHD and EFI USB, with EFI boot I was able to boot the installed Ubuntu and from there grub-install worked [18:07] jeremy31: thanks anyway for your time [18:07] en1gma: there is no such thing as a bootloader that can be overwritten on EFI. there is one EFI partition and that will have all your boot entries for your OSes [18:08] ubuntu does not remove OSes on install [18:08] so if i pick the usb m2 during install for ubuntu it will move the windows 11 bootloader there too? [18:08] so if i dont have the usb drive connected i wont be able to boot into windows? [18:09] it does not move anything. if windows is already installed and in EFI mode then it stays where it is [18:09] during the ubuntu install it asks me where to put the bootloader [18:10] yea win11 is already installed with secure boot/gpt/ntfs [18:13] i am not familiar with the dual boot options. i dont have windows installed atm [18:14] maybe someone else has experience how it looks exactly [18:14] k [18:16] dual boot install to the M2 drive and grub will find and point to the windows install on the other drive [18:16] toddc so what happens if i remove the usb drive and try and boot windows 11? [18:17] grub replaces windows bootloader I do usually turn off fast boot in windows [18:17] if i tell ubuntu to install grub to the usb stick it deletes windows 11 bootloader? === [[R]] is now known as rbox [18:18] en1gma: when grub pops up there will be a option to boot windows11 grub will also add a delay so you have time to pick which OS you want [18:18] that is not how UEFI boot works [18:18] again. if i remove the usb drive [18:18] which has the bootloader [18:19] i've had a similar setup before, but I don't remember if I had to repair the windows bootloader after install. Worst case scenario, it's not hard to do [18:19] what happens when i turn my computer on without the usb drive which has the bootloader (grub) [18:20] jStefan you are correct my friend. windows 11 iso on another usb drive to repair bootloader [18:20] i am trying to avoid this :) [18:20] in a normal dual boot ubuntu and windows windows bootload remains but is bypassed by grub assuming ubuntu was installed last [18:20] if you remove the drive that has the EFI partition it will not boot [18:20] not even that, worst case you boot one time using grub, eject the usb, and you can run the repair commands within windows [18:20] if there is an efi partition and you boot from that drive it will work [18:21] yes so in this case it does not replace the windows 11 bootloader it deletes it or moves it to the usb drive when i select where to put it during ubuntu install [18:21] so i would need to put grub on the windows drive if i ever want to remove the usb drive and boot windows [18:21] crap [18:21] might as well have a dual boot [18:21] with no usb drive [18:22] all I remember was In the end, I had two boot loaders, the windows one where it always was, and on on the USB, and I had to the use the quickboot menu provided by the bios when I inserted the USB [18:22] But what I don't remember is if i had to run any repairs on the bootloaders when I did it [18:22] you can have multiple EFI partitions [18:22] what happens when grub updates [18:23] but then you have to select the drive in your bios [18:23] its during the grub-update that things get screwy [18:23] I didn't have issues with any grub updates after everything was setup [18:24] Roey: It must be something with the Bose SL3 as my Sony headset works fine with the same bluetooth adapter on 23.10 <- all this worked normally for me until the upgrade from 23.04 -> 23.10. The SoundCore Life Q30 bluetooth headphones also no longer work [18:25] you can probably trick the ubuntu installer to not touch that disk at all, by blacklisting the device within the ubuntu install environment [18:26] or just remove it and select the usb drive from bios [18:26] after you finished your installation [18:26] removing an m2 can be troublesome on some setups, depending what's in front [18:26] i think thats how i used to do it but if grub-update does its thing and reboots computer then it messes with it [18:27] grub does not modify your system on boot [18:27] if you move the usb drive to a different usb port i think it wont boot or something [18:27] unlikely as it ussed UUIDs to identify it [18:27] *uses [18:28] ok im going to install ubuntu 22.04 amd64-desktop to the usb drive and just put grub there? [18:28] yes [18:28] Roey: try disabling PulseAudio [18:28] and then i have to remove the usb drive and insert a windows 11 iso and do a repair? [18:28] if you remove the usb device, your bios would likely fail to boot to the "saved" uuid and try to recover, that recover may include setting the uuid of the windows drive and saving it [18:29] for its bootloader? [18:29] probably not [18:29] therefor everytime you put the usb back in, it probably won't automatically boot to it, unless you re-select it in the bios, or quickmenu [18:29] ahhh [18:29] i mean im sure you have a full backup of your windows drive anyway. or at least your data [18:30] ok let me try that method. ive already installed win11 like 3x in the past few days anyway. whats once or twice more. [18:30] and that will likely happen even if each disk has it's own bootmgr [18:30] so go for it [18:30] nah i just barely got it setup again [18:30] cool cool and thanks you guys. will report back when i get done [18:30] fixing windows boot mgr is a simple task [18:30] Roey: try disabling PulseAudio <- how? [18:31] i used to do a /fixmbr but now im gpt [18:31] so not sure how that works now [18:45] jeremy31: I issued "systemctl --user restart wireplumber pipewire pipewire-pulse" and it works now, thanks === MrA is now known as Ders [19:02] i'm getting prompted to upgrade ubuntu. i already have 23.04 installed so is there something newer that's LTS? [19:02] no [19:02] there is 23.10 which it not LTS [19:02] but your version is not LTS either [19:02] so you need to upgrade soon anyway [19:03] thanks. anyway i just noticed that it had 23.10 on the box [19:04] then it should not offer you any upgrades unless you asked for it [19:04] there is only a very early developent release of 24.04 that i dont recommend installing at all [19:20] ubuntu on a mac pro 5.1 - works ok, maybe even perfect?  anyone knows :) [19:40] something weird just happened... i restarted my computer and (i) all folders from my home directory appeared on the desktop (including the desktop folder) and (ii) darkmode is broken, all gnome windows appear light but in the settings dark mode is enabled... anybody exeperienced this lately? === ComputerTech- is now known as ComputerTech [21:23] completed the install on the usb m.2 and am using bios to select boot device. just setup ubuntu 23.10 so havent tried to boot into windows 11 yet [21:53] can anybody tell me if this channel is for any ubuntu flavour? [21:54] !flavour [21:54] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [21:55] does ubuntu turn backlit keyboards off on shutdown? [22:49] hello [22:51] hej [22:51] rysiu: can we help your with an Ubuntu problem? === rysiu is now known as help [23:18] hello,evryone [23:35] Hello everyone, what are the latest trends in computer technology, comparing x86 and ARM architectures in 2023? [23:35] !ot | ak2004 [23:35] ak2004: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [23:35] a sorri [23:47] can elf executables be signed in ubuntu? can I produce an executable that can only be ran if it wasn't tampered with? [23:48] the kernel doesnt support that [23:49] too bad [23:53] hello