
RikMillsEickmeyer: anyone from studio fancy driving the SRU for LP: #2043261 ?17:14
-ubottu:#ubuntustudio-devel- Launchpad bug 2043261 in kdenlive (Ubuntu Mantic) "kdenlive fails to show effects or compositions unless qml-module-org-kde-kcm is installed" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204326117:14
EickmeyerRikMills: Saw that one hit my radar this morning, and I've been quite under-the-weather having run fevers off/on for over 24 hours now (we thought I just had food poisoning). If you have an extra cycle, that'd be nice, looks like it only affects Mantic for an SRU. 17:18
EickmeyerHeh... "and for a rather prominent video editor in Ubuntu.". Passive-aggressive are we?17:18
RikMillsI look as it as someone just making the case for upping priority. If it was me making the report I might have metioned how widely kdelive was used17:21
EickmeyerRight. Still...17:22
RikMillsIf I have time I will do the SRU, just thought I would ask17:22
EickmeyerNo worries. If you can't, I might be able to at a later time, but I'm not sure I have the bandwith considering.17:23
RikMillsok :)17:23
EickmeyerI mean, at the moment.17:24
RikMillsunderstood. I am having to ration time as well17:25
RikMillsat the moment17:25

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