
mmikowskiRikMills: I will add this to my tracking ticket here. How should I track that for Kubuntu?01:56
mmikowskiLike bugzilla or similar?01:56
mmikowskiLaunchpad tickets...01:56
mmikowskiRikMills: So yeah, already got budgie installer on tracking ticket, along with a bunch of other stuff. Will need to see if there is an OEM mode yet.02:00
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc_deb
BluesKajHi all13:20
* valorie is doing well, mmikowski, thanks for asking21:37
mmikowskiHey, do we want to do a wallpaper contest for Kubuntu 24.04? :)21:38
valoriehmmm, that was half-way between fun and problematic last time we did it21:44
valorieso many people submitted work NOT their own21:44
mmikowskiah. Well we might sweeten the pot with maybe a laptop or minipc.21:44
valorieJudging the entries is the problem21:45
mmikowskiWe might only accept AI generated images ;)21:45
valorielot of work to weed 'em out21:45
mmikowskiwell, we're early, but something to think about.21:45
mmikowskiI definitely understand about sorting through the images.21:46
mmikowskiAnd voting...21:46
arraybolt3AI images only? That's going to be interesting :P22:40
arraybolt3There's still room for problems there though since people can steal prompts from each other22:40
mmikowskihaha, Hi Aaron. I was joking about AI only. KDE has a wallpaper contest that explicitly forbids AI.22:53
mmikowskiThat should probably be the same here.22:53
arraybolt3I figured it was a joke but though it would be fun to play along with :P23:12
arraybolt3btw KDE has some breathtaking wallpaper competition entries. I actually switched my desktop background to the one I thought would probably win.23:13
mmikowskihmm, too blue for me, but nice.23:40
mmikowskiI was serious about sponsoring a Kubuntu wallpaper contest too.23:41

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