=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc_deb [16:03] When trying to install lubuntu on new modern machines (without a CD)- it faults because it is searching for a CD! I am trying to edit the source file - I comments rows with cd, and only web is available! But it is still crashed - the problem persists! Is there a solution to this issue? [16:04] CD is a reference to the compressed image file in the iso, not a physical CD. Commenting it out will be problematic as you will have no sources. [16:06] If you are having troubles reading the iso it could be an issue with the downloaded image or the USB itself. [16:06] You should make sure to verify your image. [16:08] We have instructions in our manual for downloading and verifying the image. [16:08] https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/1/Installing_lubuntu.html [16:12] I am on live usb Lubuntu - trying to install it from the default installer - on the desktop  - but it crashes with a message that cannot read the CD. Edited source - run installer again - same result - crash + message that it cannot read from cd [16:13] I read these articles  - it is cant help me! [16:19] You've verified your image? [16:20] Which version are you trying to install? [16:23] No - but I don't know if it is so important... I will download a new iso, verify it, create a bootable USB, and try again! Is that the right algorithm for the situation? [16:24] 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) [16:26] Yes, that is the correct approach. It really is important to make sure there are no issues with the download and the USB key. Even one bit flipped can cause issues like you are noticing. [16:30] Ok, thank you! I will try again!