[03:28] guiverc: i tested lubuntu 24.04 yesterday on an ancient acer aspire one with 2gb ram, looking great [03:29] :) though lxqt I think is still 1.3; 1.4 (parts anyway) only available via ppa, but it'll get there :) [03:30] the only thing i noticed is calamares was a bit slow installing [03:30] ssd inside in that machine [03:31] i don't know, but speed of install doesn't worry me much; few of us install our systems daily :) [03:32] once installed all lookin good to me [03:32] * guiverc has noted speed.. i'll see if I notice it (I suspect unlikely), or hear others report any difference in speed ; calamares is newer version than 23.10 used [03:33] * guiverc is aware of a few issues already with calamares; thus speed not currently my concern... [03:34] i didnt notice other calamares issues [03:34] unfolding to console i see a lot of scripts running [03:34] partitioning went pretty well [03:34] you could always file a bug report lotuspsychje (calamares from installed system if it'll let you) & i can look to see if anything stands out [03:34] allrighty, i will a bit later [03:35] i think around 30min install [03:35] compared to ubuntu desktop 5 to 10min [03:35] that's slower than I was thinking.. yeah bug report maybe worthwhile :( [03:36] guiverc: you recall if iso size is bigger since jammy lubuntu? [03:37] maybe it has to install more stuff? [03:37] kinetic 1.9, impish 2.0, jammy 2.8, lunar-noble 2.9 [03:38] not too far from jammy [03:41] the last size increase I recall related to snap change impacting ubuntu & all flavors [03:41] FF? [03:42] i think ruenoak is testing xubuntu 24.04, did you notice install speed there? [03:45] the snap change I referred to impacted size only; not speed (pre-noble cycle though) [03:46] i see [03:55] Hi all I didn't notice Xubuntu was slow to install [03:56] ok tnx ruenoak [03:56] 24.04 image is only slightly larger that 23.10 [03:57] i see [03:57] When I was installing Lubuntu last week I had allot of trouble with the installer, but I wasn't sure if it was the VM I was using or the installer itself [03:58] what kind of trouble ruenoak [03:58] we have had issues with calamares since noble ISOs were available [03:58] The installer would hang on coping over files [03:59] I thought it was frozen for a while but eventually completed, [03:59] hang relates (rather strongly) to your SLOW comment lotuspsychje :( [04:01] I didn't report it as I suspected my Vm configuration at the time as I was having trouble with other 24.04 images but Xubuntu installed fine, so sI'm not sure now [04:02] sure sounds like we (lubuntu) have an issues there (hidden?) in calamares on noble :( thanks for info ruenoak [04:03] mine did work like a charm, just felt slower [10:08] guiverc: i filed bug #2043310 [10:08] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2043310 in calamares (Ubuntu) "Calamares installs rather slow" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2043310 [10:37] i had to do apport-collect 2043310 after ubuntu-bug as apport didnt collect the calamares logs right away [10:38] I noticed; thanks lotuspsychje [10:39] is that normal it doesnt collect? or should i have filed a bug from a live while calamares running? [10:40] ideally during a live session (after install), but I may have (if I thought about it) just filed online with nothing uploaded, then run `apport-collect` & hope all uploads there.. but all detail should be there.. We'll monitor it [10:41] ok tnx [10:41] I did 3 installs today; 2 great (~7 min) & one failure... the failure (with encryption) to me the bigger issue currently [10:42] i don't know if 7 mins is 'slow', 'normal' etc.. I'd have to re-install mantic for a 'base' speed.. (not my current concern) [10:43] 7min is fast [10:43] compared to yours yeah.. i didn't feel fast (watching a kettle boil...) [10:43] i usualy install ubuntu-desktop in 5-10min on an ssd system [10:44] want me to test the encryption too guiverc ? [10:45] i'm pretty sure it'll fail... if you have spare time/energy yes please do.. we've still got plenty of time so I'm not yet worried; Aaron may look when he's able [10:46] ok on it [10:54] installing [10:56] the install i did today took longer with encryptiojn.. before error appeared.. [10:57] 8% here [10:58] unpacking packages looks like slow [11:07] fstab & locale 48% [11:11] looks like stalling here [11:12] :( [11:13] ah it just jumped [11:15] guiverc: yep i can reproduce [11:15] the bootloader could not be installed pre grub-install target i386 error code;.. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc_deb [11:16] affected bug #2043301 [11:16] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2043301 in calamares (Ubuntu) "lubuntu noble install failure - encryption" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2043301 [11:16] thanks lotuspsychje [11:18] maybe try bootloader on / instead of mbr now? [11:18] or did you try that already [11:19] sudodus (Nio) also had the issue & has made a report on bug.report (~10 mins ago)... We have a problem we can re-produce so I'm happy there for now.. We can save our energy for re-testing until we have a cause & hopeful-fix, or need more details... [11:19] thanks lotuspsychje [11:20] * guiverc_deb is in kitchen doing chores; thus on different box [11:23] ill do some food too here, and try again encryption with bootloader on / [11:31] i think the speedbug, unpacking packages eats most of the setup time (in my case usb stick over usb 2.0) [11:31] on a modern pc/protocol it prob will turbo [11:38] running locale-gen seems like also a bottleneck [11:39] i'll do next installs (with lubuntu) on a box that uses these screens; hp dc7700 from ~2005 which is usb2 only.. [11:40] cool [11:46] no dice with bootloader on / + encryption guiverc_deb [11:46] same error [11:52] :( but to me expected (proves my believed understanding of issue... but thanks for testing) [11:53] * guiverc_deb got a fright when you pinged here... i can still hear guiverc if pinged [13:57] filed a new bug on ubuntu-desktop on subdownloader; bug #2043315 in case anyone wants to test [13:57] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2043315 in subdownloader (Ubuntu) "Subdownloader dock icon launches a python3 gear" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2043315 === JanC_ is now known as JanC