
fribHow can I fix this error? The following packages have unmet dependencies:00:29
frib unixodbc-dev : Depends: libodbccr2 (= 2.3.9-5) but it is not going to be installed00:29
Habbie,v unixodbc-dev00:30
Habbieoh, wrong bot00:30
Habbieyou're on jammy?00:31
fribyes just upgraded yesterday00:31
fribI need this function: undefined function mssql_connect00:32
Habbiemssql_connect is not in unixodbc00:32
frib(php function)00:32
Habbieright, ok00:32
fribi tried php8.1-mssql00:32
gryare you using ms sql? why not mysql?00:32
Habbiewhat does 'apt-get install -f' say?00:32
fribi'm trying to migrate to mysql00:32
fribi was able to clear the apt broken issue by removing unixodbc-dev00:33
fribbut still don't know how to get the php function00:33
frib(it says nothing: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.)00:34
frib I guess this used to work https://github.com/matriphe/mssql2mysql/#on-centosredhat-based00:36
frib(sudo apt-get install php5-mssql php5-mysql)00:36
tomreynfrib: https://www.php.net/mssql_connect00:42
fribi wonder if odbc_connect will work?00:43
tomreynmaybe try #php00:45
fribok thanks00:46
tomreynor #mysql for the migration target00:47
ravageit is very unlikely that any PHP 5 code will just run on PHP 7 or 8. just saying :)00:48
tomreynmysql workbench seems to have a migration wizard00:49
gryMay help to start php code editing, like make a 10-15 lines scriptwhich just reads the database and outputs the number of rows in the table or something, to verify the compatibility -- i find such little scripts help with fixing the porblem in the main app :)00:49
fribI landed on this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73872213/08001microsoftodbc-driver-18-for-sql-servertcp-provider-error-code-0x274601:14
fribTCP Provider: Error code 0x2746 suggests that the target server does not support TLS 1.2.'01:15
frib"Does TLS 1.2 support SQL Server 2005?01:18
fribTLS 1.2 support is offered only for SQL Server 2008 and later versions.01:18
fribI edited my /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf temporarily to get it to work, but it doesn't. Maybe I need to restart some openssl service?01:21
fribI wonder if I could just create an ubuntu vm with an old version that support the php5 / mssql package?01:34
ravagefrib: there are php5 packages avaialble but that is not supported here at all. see https://github.com/oerdnj/deb.sury.org/wiki01:36
Kotwhello, so there is a share on my ubuntu i didnt set up and i see it on my win10. how can i remove it etc/samba doesnt exist, i have only default settings.01:36
ravageand https://packages.sury.org/php/README.txt01:36
fribok thanks ravage01:37
tomreynKotw: how did you install ubuntu and what's the share you see?01:39
tomreynand how do you see it?01:39
Kotwtomreyn, from usb install stick, from win10 "My computer" ( Linux - Debian )01:40
tomreynKotw: debian?01:40
ravagethat looks like some VM you installed via WSL maybe?01:40
Kotwim a bit confused. WSL what was that ? you can be right maybe it isnt my ubuntu pc01:42
Kotwbut i have here no more pc's01:42
Kotwravage ah right how to i check it is WSL ?01:43
ravagethat seems to be offtopic. but you would have installed that yourself01:44
ravageit does not come preinstalled01:44
ravageand if it is directly at "my computer" and not network then it is not a network share01:45
Kotwyour right. is it true that there is no Samba by default at my ubuntu distro ?01:45
ravagethere are no shares on a fresh install01:46
jimhmm, then how is windows seeing it?01:46
ravagei really doubt that there is one01:47
Kotwjim, it is WSL. i forgot about it01:47
jimoh ok01:47
leftyfbI'm pretty sure WSL has something that shares files with the host01:47
leftyfbwhich I don't think is samba01:47
leftyfbpretty sure it's built into their hypervisor01:48
jimwas just gonna ask01:48
jimwell wsl doesn't have linux and may not be a VM... wsl2 is a linux vm01:48
ravageproblem solved here i think. carry on :)01:49
Kotwthanks ravage01:49
leftyfbjim: wsl and wsl2 are both VM's. wsl2 runs an actual linux kernel but it's still a VM behind a hypervisor01:49
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jimoh ok01:50
Kotwthank also jim for your time01:52
jimKotw, do you wanna try installing ubuntu again?01:53
Kotwjim, no all good. i have no problems left01:53
Kotwgood night01:58
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lotuspsychjewelcome keiichi03:37
keiichiso what we do here03:39
lotuspsychjekeiichi: you joined the Ubuntu support channel, where you can ask the volunteers issues around ubuntu03:41
oerhekssee topic?03:41
keiichiwhats ubuntu/03:43
leftyfbkeiichi: see ubuntu.com or search google03:44
oerheksyou are the 1st one to ask .. thanks.03:44
keiichiis it safe to search up?03:44
leftyfbkeiichi: we wouldn't tell you to search it if it weren't safe03:45
oerheks i use bing. and ubuntu.03:45
keiichiits just.....03:46
keiichithis isn't my computer03:46
keiichiits my school03:47
leftyfbkeiichi: why did you join this channel?03:47
keiichiits because im new03:48
keiichii didn't know what this was03:48
keiichiso thats why03:50
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:50
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»03:50
keiichinvm it is a safe website03:51
SquareWhy aren't nautilus for different drives grouped together as "same" app in GNOME?07:15
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elias_aSquare: What do you mean? I see them all in one Nautilus view.09:09
lotuspsychjewelcome nuts10:06
nutsdo you have solution to solved no audio in ubuntu10:11
lotuspsychjenuts: wich ubuntu release are you on?10:14
nutsJammy Jellyfish10:17
lotuspsychjenuts: can you dpaste your 'dmesg' please10:18
spinningCatubuntu is weird10:45
dustballi'm trying to build patch management for my company's systems, which requires having a state of all packages synced locally so we can be sure nothing changed (ie synchronized on the first of every month, the systems get patched throughout the month). i've tried synchronizing with aptly, but unfortunately that leaves me with about 400GB of data just10:45
dustballfrom ubuntu just for a single version, which really isn't needed (since i don't need all the old versions. just the current ones, maybe 1-2 older versions). any ideas / other software that i should try?10:45
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BluesKajHi all13:20
hwpplayer1What are the advanteges of signing Canonical Contributor Agreement ?14:26
lotuspsychjehwpplayer1: https://ubuntu.com/legal/contributors/faq14:29
hwpplayer1I was reading that page thanks lotuspsychje14:29
alipwant some sunday fun? are you into hacking? join the sydbox ctf challenge, test your linux skills and get a chance to earn a reward! https://git.sr.ht/~alip/syd#ctf-howto-sydbx-capture-the-flag-challenge14:49
leftyfbalip: spamming is offtopic here14:49
alipleftyfb: i am terribly sorry. can you tell me where spamming is on topic? I'll move there.14:50
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jailbreakWhat kernel IS HWE on?16:42
toddcjailbreak:  6.2.0-36-generic16:45
jailbreaktoddc: pretty old then. thanks.16:46
toddc!latest | jailbreak16:47
ubottujailbreak: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:47
jailbreaktoddc: yes, I know. lol16:51
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Guest20Hi, what is the official way to install a different python version in venv on ubuntu 20.04? Seems like the only things I can see is install a random ppa or use conda not venv?17:30
arraybolt3Guest20: I don't think there is an official way.17:33
arraybolt3However, I used pyenv with great results in the past.17:34
Guest20arraybolt3 ok thanks17:34
aknotI recently upgraded to 23.04 and I am now unable to switch workspaces.  Whenever I try to select another workspace I'm immediately taken back to the first workspace.18:26
aknotDoes anyone know what the issue might be?18:26
Miles8of9used 23.04 for many months... never happened such thing18:35
jailbreakMiles8of9: just because it didn't happen to you, doesn't mean everyone is the same...18:38
Miles8of9i've never said it's not happening to him18:40
aknotAny suggestions how to troubleshoot this?18:42
Miles8of9check system logs for any hint...??18:44
jStefanaknot, can you create a temporary new user, and see if it happens to a new user?19:03
jStefanthat would tell you if the problem is system wide, or the user's current settings19:04
aknotjStefan: good idea19:04
aknotI did not experience this for the new user.  However I should add that I did try killing Firefox to see if that would make a difference, just guessing, and it did not.  So I restarted Firefox and kinda spammed ctrl+alt+right a few times and now I can switch to the second workspace.19:14
MercFredishi... i have a package 'lutris' installed from ubuntu repos, 5.12.  the developer has an updated .deb lutris-5.14.  when i try to `sudo apt install ./lutris_0.5.14_all.deb` it gives me:19:52
MercFredisnever mind19:53
ice9when kernel 6.6 will be available for upgrade on 23.10?21:07
seereice9: as a standard update? Never.21:12
ice9I though non-LTS can get new kernels21:12
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arraybolt3ice9: Exactly the opposite actually. LTS releases can get new kernels via the HWE kernel metapackage.22:44
arraybolt3They're optional though, so you can stay on the original kernel if you want.22:44
NuclearMonsteranyone recognize an error here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/204333823:13
ravageyes. the link does not work.23:17
tomreynNuclearMonster: would you like any help with filing a bug report?23:23
JoeBkis ubuntu software down?  I am unable to install software.23:26
tomreynJoeBk: "ubuntu software" would be the ubuntu software store, which is an application running on your computer. it retrieves data from snapcraft.io and the apt repositories (mirrors) you have configured.23:28
tomreynavailability of some of these backend services may be tracked at https://status.canonical.com/23:29
JoeBkI see a windows that says 'Software catalog is being downloaded'  It's been doing that for a few minutes now23:29
tomreynJoeBk: i would suggest running   sudo apt update    in a terminal emulator then. you may get to see errors (E:) or warnings (W:) there23:31
tomreyn<tomreyn> JoeBk: i would suggest running   sudo apt update    in a terminal emulator then. you may get to see errors (E:) or warnings (W:) there23:34
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