
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc_deb
Happykozachi everyone17:58
Happykozacsince last kernel update no more ubuntu studio menu in task bar or volume speaker.18:10
EickmeyerWhat version?18:10
ubottuUbuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle18:10
Happykozacdoes anyone knows why and how to recover?18:10
EickmeyerYeah, a kernel update wouldn't have caused that.18:11
Eickmeyerright-click on the desktop, and there should be an option to add a panel and "Default Ubuntu Studio Panel" should be an option." Try that.18:12
HappykozacI try it but no default ubuntu sstudio panel only ubuntu default panel18:15
EickmeyerUbuntu default panel?18:16
EickmeyerThat doesn't sound right.18:16
EickmeyerWhat desktop environment?18:16
HappykozacI can try to make a screen capture but its in french18:17
EickmeyerTell you what...18:17
Eickmeyer!fr | Happykozac 18:17
ubottuHappykozac: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci.18:17
Happykozacnobody on those channel18:20
Happykozacmy problem is on ubuntu studio18:20
EickmeyerHappykozac: You might have to wait a long time. Or try that "ubuntu default panel" option that didn't get translated properly. */me shakes fist*18:22
EickmeyerHappykozac: BTW, Ubuntu Studio *is* Ubuntu, so don't let the name of those channels mess you up.18:22
EickmeyerAll one big happy distribution.18:22
HappykozacI try it  but no U tudio menu onlu ubuntu menu18:23
EickmeyerI just said to try that anyhow.18:23
Happykozaceven the icons set has change ??????18:24
EickmeyerIt'll reset everything.18:24
Happykozacmaybe do you know how to bring back the studio desktop environement?18:27
EickmeyerI'm doing this from memory because I'm on Edubuntu at the moment (I'm also technical lead for Edubuntu in addition to Ubuntu Studio lead): Open System Settings, go to Appearance, select the default Ubuntu Studio theme, and select "Replace Panel and Wallpaper", click Apply. I don't know what that translates to in French.18:29
Happykozacthe default umbuntu studio theme  is there but no picture only an icon with nothing on it18:33
Happykozaconly wallpaper that Ihave already done18:33
EickmeyerNo panel?18:34
EickmeyerOk, then something is goofy in your ~/.config directory.18:35
EickmeyerI can't help you any further.18:35
ubottu#ubuntustudio sometimes cannot answer your questions in a timely matter, or simply lacks the capacity. For additional sources of help, try #ubuntu if your issue is of a technical nature, or #lau (Linux Audio Users) or #opensourcemusicians if it has to do with the audio stack.18:35
Happykozacwhen i tryy to download new global theme there's no ubunto studio in the list18:35
Happykozacthanks for taking time to answer.18:36
Happykozactake care18:37
EickmeyerYou too18:37
Happykozac#ubuntu-fr return illegal channel name, #ubuntu-qc» too18:43
EickmeyerHappykozac: I just tried /join #ubuntu-fr and it had tons of people. No issues.18:45
Happykozactink I find how to resolve the trouble https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/ubuntu_studio_theme19:22
EickmeyerThat's completely incorrect, article is 6 years old and uses Unity. 💀19:26

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