[09:25] bluca: I don't think we've touched base in a couple days, you shouldn't be having issues anymore with systemd upstream, is this still the case? [09:43] morning bluca: no issues with systemd-upstream now, right? [09:50] let me check [09:50] andersson123: still completely broken, same as last week [09:51] same error 500 "A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator." [09:51] there was no successful trigger since last tuesday when I first reported the issue [09:58] andersson123: is there anything I can do? Do you need more info or details? thanks [10:19] same error? [10:21] yes, no difference, just retried just now [14:12] bluca: on my list of things to look at, still fixing another issue right now, I'll let you know when I get to yours :) [14:13] cool, thank you [17:22] bluca: can you confirm the errors you're still seeing are the exact same as before? We made some changes which I really thought would work, so I just want to confirm [17:41] andersson123: yes same error 500 "A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator." [17:41] tried just now