[09:35] * zxmpi looks at all the people without leccy this morning https://powercheck.esbnetworks.ie/ [09:37] :O [09:41] 100k without atm https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/storm-debi-to-batter-ireland-with-gusts-of-up-to-130km-h-1551017.html [09:42] all those families huddled around the last power bank wondering whos phone is going to be charged [09:46] must be a very low % that still rely on cash i would have thought, but then i'm bias to my own usage patterns [10:27] hah the sun is out and it's showing me all the dust on my monitors, oy [11:18] what are we, 1.5 weeks since that storm? client only just had their phone line reconnected :O [11:36] of the 100k without power a few will take a bit longer to reconnect as more of their lines were downed [11:37] it is always that way with big storms [11:44] overhead like some kinda uncivilised, leftpondian land!?