
donglerunning ubuntu sway remix 22.04 on qemu and it says 'unable to create backend'. anyone know what is wrong?00:42
donglecant even load up00:42
donglenevermind it was a qemu error00:59
Bashing-omdongle: :D01:01
kotgcHello, Gparted vs Disks?02:05
xmetalpersonal preference i suppose02:05
kotgcTrying to reformat USB storage and Disks seems not as intuitive as Gparted. Disks showing me options to partition,resize, but no option to just reformat the disk?02:06
kotgcSo I resized the EFI FAT Partition and error: GNU Parted cannot resize this partition to this size.02:07
kotgcI with Gparted and Disks would have a simple guide on how to easily just reformat and what the different formats are for.02:09
kotgcMy notes show Fat32 works for Linux, Mac and Windows.02:12
kotgc...but FAT32 has a 4GB file size limit that can be copied to it. I need to transfer ~1TB?02:25
leftyfbkotgc: what exactly are you trying to accomplish with this flash drive? What will it be used for?02:26
kotgcleftyfb, have an old 3TB USB external disk drive, to use as storage for some old analogue video converted to digital.02:28
leftyfbkotgc: format it as NTFS02:28
kotgcleftyfb, thx, think I'll use Gparted, Disks isn't intuitive.02:29
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kotgcleftyfb, that's for windows isn't it. I need to view the files on Ubuntu and Mac though?02:30
kotgckotgc, moved away from Windows ages ago.02:30
leftyfbNTFS is supported on all 3 OS's02:30
kotgcleftyfb, thx :-)02:30
arraybolt3I'd *personally* use exFAT if I could... but yeah, NTFS should work here.02:34
arraybolt3and exFAT doesn't like certain filenames.02:35
kotgcarraybolt3, why exFAT?02:36
arraybolt3More cross-platform, should be writable from macOS02:36
leftyfbso is NTFS02:36
arraybolt3(you can't write to NTFS from macOS without either using experimental options or third-party software)02:36
JanCso why not use exfat then?02:36
arraybolt3leftyfb: did something change with the ability to write to NTFS from macOS recently?02:37
arraybolt3JanC: Why not exFAT? No file permissions, certain filenames can't be used.02:37
arraybolt3So it depends on what you're doing.02:37
JanCwell, that would be even worse on FAT3202:38
leftyfboh, lame. I thought it had write out of the box but I guess not02:38
leftyfbFAT32 is not good for large drives02:38
kotgcThx, NTFS it is, just figuring out Gparted.02:39
JanCanyway, you'd probably have to install 'exfatprogs' to format as that...02:40
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whoaruhow are you guys?03:38
gryGuest92343: hi04:07
gryGuest92343: how may i help you?04:07
Guest92343gry: I want to block traffik coming from docker. basically I am making a bot that will execute arbitary commands in a docker, I have hosted the bot in my home network and I don't want other people to scan my homenetwork04:10
gryGuest92343: sounds like a task for a firewall04:24
gryGuest92343: do you have a separate interface for docker? perhaps output of command 'ip a'04:25
trollageHey 👋04:33
Guest923433: lxcbr0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen ... https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/b55315bc3967498ab49d6f19029bbc0605:01
Guest92343maybe I should use pastebin05:01
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alocerHas anyone integrate NDES Server for certificate enrollment to any ubuntu devices?09:11
cxlHi all, how can I generate a ~/.ssh/known_hosts entry with the command line only? I'd like to create a known_hosts file to copy over on a new machine so I don't get the prompt to accept the key when a script connects to the ssh server for the first time.10:08
cxlI'd like the hashed form, like `|1|HbD....|.... ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3...`; not the way it is in the public key10:09
geirhassh-keyscan -H host.example.com >> known_hosts10:31
paul424hello, hello I ve got script xrandr I put it in /etc/xdg/autostart but it doesn't execute ... /etc/xdg/autostart/xrandr-setup-resolution.desktop11:11
paul424what do I do wrong ... the ls -la list that filename with a colour ... hmmm11:12
grycan you run it yoursekf manually from a terminal11:14
paul424gry arght ! those aren't regular shell script files ....11:15
paul424what shall I do if I have regular X11, xrandr based script which should start after the X11 server starts ?11:15
paul424where to put the script and hook ?11:15
grywell, however you are starting it in autostart, start it manually in the same way11:15
gryarandr can make you a regular shell script file if you like11:16
paul424gry, WHAAAT ? I have a regular script which only requires sudo ./xrandr.sh "1600 900 60"11:17
paul424how do I hook that so the other users don't have to run it ...11:18
gryadd these users to a group like myxrandr11:20
grysetup passwordless sudo for that group, then it may start working11:20
paul424oki I have solved that problem ; another one is : how do I make the 5.15 a default kernel loading kernel and not 6.0.* ?11:25
paul424I mean both are installed , ... how do  I make grub choosing the 5.15 and not the higher version ?11:31
EriC^^paul424: in /etc/default/grub change GRUB_DEFAULT11:34
paul424yeah ... so far so good , I have discovered that11:34
paul424but which one ? the Nth menu entry you mean ?11:34
paul424would have to restart the computer to see what 's what11:34
EriC^^GRUB_DEFAULT='Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 6.2.0-36-generic' for instance11:34
paul424but it can be a number .. wait I see11:35
EriC^^paul424: see it in "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg"11:35
EriC^^number's change, better to use the name11:35
EriC^^finally "sudo update-grub"11:36
paul424yes yes11:38
paul424oki time to restart keep the fingers crossed11:39
paul424EriC^^, is such an entry fine  : GRUB_DEFAULT='Ubuntu, with Linux 5.15.0-86-generic'11:48
paul424also my dvdrom keeps poping off randomly11:48
EriC^^paul424: can you pastebin 'cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg'11:49
paul424that's copied and pasted from /boot/grub/grub.cfg11:49
EriC^^you probably need advanced options>ubuntu, with linux11:49
paul424anyway here it is11:50
EriC^^yeah you need advanced options11:51
paul424oki I set GRUB_DEFAULT = 211:52
EriC^^this might work too, GRUB_DEFAULT='gnulinux-5.15.0-86-generic-advanced-81983a02-0f74-46c2-9b01-4b0a6f5415ec'11:52
paul424that does not work11:54
paul424sow hat shouled be with that GRUB_DEFAULT11:54
EriC^^i'm telling you but you keep doing something else11:55
jailbreakEriC^^: give up then.11:55
EriC^^EriC^^> this might work too, GRUB_DEFAULT='gnulinux-5.15.0-86-generic-advanced-81983a02-0f74-46c2-9b01-4b0a6f5415ec'11:55
EriC^^jailbreak: t3aj11:56
paul424 GRUB_DEFAULT='gnulinux-5.15.0-86-generic-advanced-81983a02-0f74-46c2-9b01-4b0a6f5415ec' this didn't work11:56
EriC^^paul424: when did you try that? :D11:57
jailbreakDefine "didn't work"11:57
paul424between lines :D11:58
paul424between my logins and logouts11:58
paul424in here :D11:58
paul424naah only a black screen with white prompt shows up11:58
paul424but I hope that GRUB_DEFAULT='Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 5.15.0-86-generic'11:58
paul424will work this time , right  ?11:59
* paul424 reboots12:00
paul424oki this time it works , it works12:01
paul424many thanks for you patience !12:01
paul424now I only need to enable autologin for xfce4...12:02
gryhow did you solve xrandr problem ?12:02
paul424oki bye to all12:11
lacrymologyfor a while now I've been seeing issues in my browser: rendering glitches, text boxes that sort of "revert back" to a previous content for an instant, the kind of issue that in my experience with other distros usually meant that the compositer was having trouble. I don't know how to debug or fix them, can someone point me in the right direction?12:29
lacrymologyanother common one is that if I scroll down while in the middle of a long webpage, and it jumps up before scrolling down, so that I end up further up than I started. This might or might not be after the page structure changed, such as by collapsing some elements (e.g, marking some files as viewed in a github PR)12:31
lacrymologyI'm using chrome12:31
lacrymologyuname -a: Linux hex 5.15.0-47-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 11 07:51:15 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:31
lacrymologyI'm using the -47-generic kernel because whenever I start the latest (51 in 22.04) I get 640x480 on my screen, I've never been able to fix that one either12:33
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BluesKajHi all13:48
BinarySaviorhello, I have a brand new SanDisk Extreme Pro 128G USB flash drive, and when I plug it into my OS I am getting a message from Storage `Device Health Monitoring` application saying, "A device is showing signs of imminent failure"14:00
BinarySaviorhow can I dig deeper into this to find the actual signal that is causing this?14:00
leftyfbBinarySavior: make a backup of the data on that flash drive and prepare to replace it14:01
centHOGGhiya, SMART drive test14:01
BinarySaviorbut it's brand new, leftyfb, I bought this specifically to be my backup usb drive lol14:02
centHOGGsh$t happens14:02
leftyfbBinarySavior: good, then it should be under warranty14:02
BinarySavioris there anything else that could cause this? like undervoltage supplied to the device?14:02
centHOGGu could try it on another system14:02
leftyfbBinarySavior: possibly. Do you suspect you pc of having a faulty usb port?14:03
BinarySaviorleftyfb, no this is coming from my monitor which has a USB connection to my computer, I will try another port, but other USB drives work on this port just fine.  However, this new usb drive has an LED on it and I'm wondering if this USB drive wants a little more voltage than other devices I've plugged into my monitor14:04
BinarySaviorlittle more power*** not voltage14:05
BinarySaviorok still getting same message when plugged directly into mobo14:07
BinarySaviorI purchased 2 identical USB drives, both brand new, and both are showing the same error14:09
paul424helllo, I m going absolutly crazy, How I can set the autologin for xfce4 ?14:09
centHOGGwhat brand?14:09
BinarySaviorI think this might be software issue14:09
leftyfbBinarySavior: got another computer/OS to test them with?14:09
BinarySaviorleftyfb, yes, I can test on my laptop with Ubuntu 20.04, FYI I was able to format, partition, and write to this USB drive despite this message14:10
centHOGGpaul424, I do that at xubuntu install for htpc (and the like)14:11
BinarySaviorleftyfb, this must be a Ubuntu Studio issue, trying to perform SMART check automatically when I insert my USB drive, I think because the disk is encrypted, SMART check is failing14:17
BinarySaviormy laptop with Ubuntu 20.04 did not display the same message14:17
BinarySaviorwell, actually that might not be true, because I got this popup the first time I inserted the usb drive into my computer, before writing / encrypting anything14:19
leftyfbBinarySavior: SMART doesn't care about the filesystem, whether it's encrypted or not14:19
BinarySaviorbut still, this only happens on my Ubuntu Studio 22.04 Desktop, not my Ubuntu 20.04 laptop14:19
leftyfbBinarySavior: then maybe the usb ports on your laptop are faulty14:19
BinarySaviorthe laptop is the device that's working, the desktop is displaying the warning14:20
leftyfbsorry, desktop14:20
BinarySaviorwhen I opened up the disk utility in Ubuntu the SMART check was greyed out for this disk, I was unable to perform a SMART scan on the USB drive14:21
BinarySavior(on my laptop)14:21
toddcBinarySavior: smart can be turned off in bios14:22
leftyfbBinarySavior: maybe try doing a BIOS upgrade on the desktop14:22
BinarySaviorI updated the BIOS earlier this year when I purchased the mobo14:24
leftyfbsee if there's another update14:24
toddcI would also check bios for power settings I have seen some disabling power settings that may aslo affect usb use14:25
BinarySavioralso worth noting the usb drives I'm having problems with are USB 3.2 (my motherboard supports USB 3.2: MSI MEG Z690 ACE)14:27
BinarySaviorThe USB 2.1 drive I also use has no warnings14:28
BinarySaviorNext time I reboot I will check BIOS for anything that stands out at me14:28
BinarySaviorahh found the smartctl output: https://bpa.st/3GRA14:31
leftyfblooks like a firmware/BIOS bug to me14:32
toddcI do have a opinion of SanDisk drives   or should I say I have pile of bad ones to send back14:35
centHOGGflash drives = bios updates, linux distros and windows14:36
centHOGGbbout it14:36
AngryTomI have several Sandisk Extreme drives for backups and installer images.14:46
AngryTomThey are more expensive than a ssd.14:47
centHOGGi hope they are fast enough14:48
AngryTomthe Extreme Pro are relatively fast14:49
centHOGGbut not as fast as an ssd-on-a-usb3 adapter?14:52
AngryTomI think not, I have to check that.14:53
centHOGGyeah, i use an ssd on usb3 alot nowadays, speed14:54
centHOGGthey have nvme on usb3 too14:54
leftyfbfeel free to discuss further in #ubuntu-offtopic14:55
AngryTomwhy offtopic, I can put an Ubuntu installer image on it :-)14:56
leftyfbAngryTom: it's not a support topic. Unless you need help putting the installer image on it14:57
AngryTomI see14:57
jedorfHello !15:08
jedorfI have a little problem, I can't boot my computer, I have an encrypted partition with LVM, and after the grub part, I have: "volume group vgubuntu not found"15:09
jedorfI checked /etc/fstab, /etc/crypttab /etc/grub/grub.cfg15:09
jedorfand everything seems normal15:10
jedorfso, I booted on ubuntu live CD, mount partition, chroot /mnt and I have a warning it don't found "luks-XXXX" when I do "update-initramfs -c -k all"15:11
jedorfif someone have the solution, I wont refuse15:11
zaggynlhi jedorf, if I'd have this issue I would likely try these instructions: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/68878615:15
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jedorfzaggynl > ok, I don't have the error on update-initramfs I rebooted and it work ! thank you !15:39
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jedorfthe problem was just the name you put in /etc/crypttab "sdb3_crypt UUID=<UUID> none luks,discard" who didn't match the "decrypt" name during the "cryptsetup open /dev/nvme2n1p3 sdb3_crypt" (the name = sdb3_crypt)15:41
jedorfthis is weird initramfs need link the "crypttab" name with the "crypt name of the actual mount"15:43
JanCUSB disks don't always support SMART16:23
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BinarySaviorJanC, this one says it supports, and it's actually running and Failing16:34
Jaffogood morning. i'm going to setup k8s on 4 or 5 hp prodesks we threw away at work.16:36
Jaffoso all these prodesks have a 256gb nvme and a 1TB ssd. ubuntu server iso does not have zfs only ext4 xfs and btfrs? how should i partition and format the two drives. I won't need a huge /home so whats your take on how you would partition them16:36
Jaffoshould i make the nvme ext4 and mount at /var or /something else and make the 1TB / and format ext416:37
JanCbut you said: <BinarySavior> when I opened up the disk utility in Ubuntu the SMART check was greyed out for this disk, I was unable to perform a SMART scan on the USB drive16:38
JanCis that also true on the computer where you didn't get an error?16:39
BinarySaviorJanC, yea I'm not sure why, might be proprietary software pre-installed on the usb drive16:39
JanCif it doesn't show SMART support there, there are two possible reasons: either the drive doesn't support SMART, or something is too broken for SMART to work (but it should not work at all then)16:41
BinarySaviorJanC, I suspect due to proprietary SanDisk security on the USB drive16:42
JanCor maybe the "drive" has multiple modes that you need to switch between using special software maybe (so that the actual disk isn't seen until you switch)16:42
JanCwhat proprietary security does it have?16:43
BinarySaviorSanDisk SecureAccess TM16:43
BinarySavioronly supported OS are Windows and Mac16:44
ravagesamsung has the same feature. its useless on linux. but smart works fine here16:46
ravagedotn have a "secure" sandisk device to test16:46
BinarySaviorlsusb I see the device, but smartctl --scan I don't see the device listed16:47
JanCit seems like it creates a special encrypted folder, so it should not affect operation of the hardware?16:47
JanCand I think the device doesn't support SMART16:49
JanCBinarySavior: can you return those devices for being defective?16:49
JanCI wonder where the errors came from16:51
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JanCif SMART isn't accessible16:51
JanCwhere do you see this """when I plug it into my OS I am getting a message from Storage `Device Health Monitoring` application saying, "A device is showing signs of imminent failure" """?16:52
BinarySaviorJanC, it's a popup notification from Ubuntu Studio16:53
BinarySaviorthe application has a title "Storage Device Health Monitoring"16:53
JanCso something in KDE16:55
Jaffoany suggestions please16:56
BinarySaviorJanC, https://binarysavior.neocities.org/scan16:57
BinarySavioryes, KDE System Settings Module: Storage Device Health Monitoring16:57
JanCso it does have very limited SMART...16:58
JanCI wonder how "Unrecoverable ECC Count" got to 10k sectors16:59
BinarySaviorlet me try running smart on my laptop again17:01
JanCJaffo: maybe ask in a channel that is more specific for servers/cloud?17:01
JanCBinarySavior: one other possibility is that SanDisk uses unusual/non-standard codes for its SMART data, and it's being misinterpreted...17:04
JanCseems like 234 might not be standardised and/or some hardware manufacturers (ab?)use it for proprietary data?17:08
JanChttps://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/654973/what-does-uncorrectable-ecc-count-mean/ has a similar issue17:08
BinarySaviormaybe because it's nvme, nvme smart-log doesn't display any warnings17:09
JanCis that the same device?17:09
BinarySaviorJanC, yes17:09
JanCI didn't know the 'nvme' utility worked for USB devices  :)17:10
JanCso it might be a false positive17:11
BinarySaviorJanC, https://askubuntu.com/questions/909823/smart-data-self-test-is-greyed-out-in-disks17:12
JanCthat is about SMART not being there at all17:13
BinarySaviorit's talking about it being greyed out, that's how it appeared on my laptop too (running ubuntu 20.04 LTS)17:14
Jaffo#debian says its not a debian question, go ask in #ubuntu and here says go ask somewhere else. I swear places like this used to be more helpful years ago when I used them17:20
JaffoHave a great day everyone. !17:20
ubottuNoble N is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.17:20
jailbreakDidn't work out the way I wanted it to. Oh well...17:21
lotuspsychjeJaffo: you're on ubuntu-server?17:21
Jaffoi'm not on anything i'm trying to partition a system that has two drives, ignore the flavor of linux. so its a 256gb nvme and a 1TB ssd17:22
Jaffosame issue no matter which linux i use17:22
JanCJaffo: I suggested a server/cloud channel because more people there would have experience with this sort of things17:22
Jaffotheres over 1000 in here and not one has two drives. man I'm a unicorn I guess17:23
JanC(and if it is linux distro-independent, there is also #linux )17:23
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JanCyou want to use it for a specific purpose, which is relevant here...17:23
seereJanC: so, ask yourself some questions. Where does your installation put which of it's files? Does anything running on it benefit from the extended throughput and IOPS of the NVME? Then put the NVME disk there.17:32
JanCseere: you mean Jaffo, I presume  :)17:33
seereJanC: of course ;)17:33
seeredamn autocomplete17:34
seereJaffo: so, ask yourself some questions. Where does your installation put which of it's files? Does anything running on it benefit from the extended throughput and IOPS of the NVME? Then put the NVME disk there.17:36
jailbreakseere: they're in #linux getting help now :-)17:37
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lotuspsychjewelcome Guest7718:51
de-factois there something like a web development group on ubuntu?18:56
de-factotrying to figure out how to pin down perms for a wsgi app with apache2 (running as www-data)18:56
de-factoi need to allow rw access for a group of users, i think apache2 does not need to write18:57
de-factobut of course read18:57
de-factohmm maybe could need write, not sure, its a python virtual env18:58
grythats an ubuntu question :)18:58
gryare you gettimg an error message?19:00
de-factoi mean i can create my own group architecture for this, my question is if there already is a pre-defined solution for that19:00
de-factoe.g. does ubuntu provide a way to do this or are users supposed to come up with their own solution e.g. creating a "webdev" group or such19:01
de-factojust want to avoid collisions19:01
JanCde-facto: there already is the www-data group, of course, but if you need something more fine-grained you'll have to make it yourself, I suppose19:16
de-factoJanC, what would be the canonical way to do this? chown -R www-data:www-data and join the webdev users to group www-data?19:18
arraybolt3Principle of least privilege. A user should have as little access as they need to do their job right.19:23
arraybolt3So whatever configuration does that, is the right one.19:24
JanCI'm not sure there really is a "canonical way", but maybe check Ubuntu & Debian server/user manuals19:24
JanCalso depends on how much you trust various people   :)19:25
rfmde-facto, as well as adding the users to www-data and chowning the current thing, make all the directories setgid (chmod g+s); That way if when the devs create new files they get the right group ownership.19:51
de-factothat is probably a very good idea thanks19:58
=== JanC is now known as Guest7162
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Kexonihi, I created backup of home directory. If I migrate to another computer with different hardware, is it good option to restore backup of home directory?21:45
mtn_Kexoni: sure, nothing in your home directory cares about the hardware21:47
Kexonithanks mate mtn_21:48
jumpcutkingI'm attempting to supply command arguments in my npm start. It seems only the first argument is accessible. Printing the arguments for the command (using process.argv) "npm start env=this debug" only shows the node process, the script file, and "env=this". Nothing else.22:34
jumpcutkingSo sorry wrong chan.22:34
Habbieno worries, thanks for reporting back on that, i was just wondering about it :D22:35
jumpcutkingIt's a node.js command22:40
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