
minimalRelated to Issue #4603, I'm wondering why cloud.cfg.tmpl defines all those various groups for distros - if the distro needs them then I'd assume it should already create them.14:25
falcojroff the top of my head, I'm not sure. I need to do some digging14:44
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holmanbminimal: https://blog.wikichoon.com/2020/09/virt-install-cloud-init.html23:21
holmanbminimal: I suppose it is probably worth documenting, that virt-installer uses nocloud by default, though I'm not certain where/how would be best23:22
holmanbnote to self: #460823:24
holmanbubottu must be out on vacation 23:25
minimalholmanb: don't forget that virt-manager is an optional frontend to libvirt (where virt-install comes from). I believe I saw someone had come up with a cloud-init mechanism for libvirt (not upstreamed though)23:35
minimalholmanb: here's a guide using virsh (part of libvirtd, not virt-manager) with NoCloud: https://earlruby.org/2023/02/quickly-create-guest-vms-using-virsh-cloud-image-files-and-cloud-init/23:44
minimalBTW I only recently realised that dhcpcd support was never actually integrated in cloud-init, just a "stub". I'd thought full support had gone in around the same time as udhcpcd23:45
minimalA lot of these 3rd party guides only mention meta-data and user-data files regarding NoCloud, with no mention of network-config whatsoever23:47

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