
bray90820What's the live password for kubuntu 23.1003:45
VanUnamedhey hey04:52
VanUnamedis it possible to downgrade plasma to 5.08 instead of the 5.2704:53
guivercVanUnamed, possibly if you compiled from source, but 5.08 is ancient & Qt5/KF5 may not match apps in repositories thus may require quite a bit to change (5.08 is ancient)06:47
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IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> hi guys in here anyone use dracut!08:24
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> hi guys in here anyone use dracut! i need a help08:26
rfzno i didnt have dracut08:27
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=== artur_ is now known as artur
VanUnamed5.08 is not ancient!08:33
=== artur is now known as artur-at-work
IrcsomeBot<erfan_sta> what is default ubuntu initramfs?08:34
Guest96Hello to all!08:38
=== ad1m40 is now known as ad1m4
mybalzitchIrcsomeBot: /boot/initrd.img-5.15.0-78-generic or whatever your kernel version is13:47
mybalzitchbah stupid bridge people13:47
mybalzitchsorry, poor language13:47
BluesKajHi all14:25
BIGPhi I have an issue, I uninstalled network manager -_-16:40
BIGPanyone can help me? please?16:40
GrumpyOldAdmin@BIGP sudo apt install network-manager16:47
BIGPyep I tried but I dont have internet connection in this pc16:47
GrumpyOldAdmin@BIGP sudo dhclient eth0 <--make eth0 whatever the name of your actual interface is.16:49
GrumpyOldAdminip a will get your the interface names16:50
user|73Please pass for OEM login17:26
user|83Hello, i recently switched over to linux so i am a total newbie:D  I read somewhere that i should not use the apt update/upgrades on kubuntu, and always should wait for the software to inform me about updates, is this correct? I'm using the 22.04lts version and just saw that i could get the jammy-update 2.0-1ubuntu4.2, should i ignore it or can i19:08
user|83go for it?19:08
mybalzitchI hope they went for it20:34
user|90Hi everyone22:42
user|90The menu editor does not save the changes, I have that problem.22:42
SuperDarkehey gang23:22

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