[07:57] time to head to work and update more Mint, Ubuntu, Debian and Windows 10 soon [09:38] goood morning desktopers! [11:26] good morning [14:05] Good morning :) [14:05] seb128, jbicha: I hope you both are doing well/had safe travels :) [14:24] tsimonq2, hey, travel was alright and I'm doing fine, recovering from some busy weeks! you? [14:25] tsimonq2: yes, thank you. Travel is great but it's nice to be home too [14:33] seb128: I had some jetlag for the first few days, now I'd say I'm better, thanks :) also, glad to hear it [14:34] jbicha: I agree :) thanks again for your help on that power adapter! [20:02] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7slaHFextcc [20:03] bittin: None of that here [20:04] Eickmeyer: alright