
andersson123PSA: armhf tests *should* be up and running as intended as of just now in autopkgtest.09:31
blucaandersson123: morning, any update on the autopkgtest triggers front? Still seeing the same errors today12:07
andersson123No update yet, sorry. Been fixing other issues in the meantime, apologies12:39
blucano worries12:41
andersson123bluca: I'm working on your bug now 15:42
blucathanks - let me know if you need test runs15:47
andersson123PSA: Two current issues with autopkgtest: Some log files will just be this string "NoSuchKey". We know the issue and there's a long-running script to fix it. The other issue is that log files (for releases other than noble) will not open in the browser, and they will instead download to your pc. We also know the issue, and there's also a long-running process to amend this. 16:33
andersson123The third issue is the one regarding triggering tests from github, which I'm working on now :)16:33
blucacool thanks16:34
andersson123bluca: Could you trigger a github request please?16:44
blucaandersson123: done16:52
andersson123sorry could you do it one more time16:58
andersson123apologies 16:58
andersson123also - is there any restrictions on your end as to where the response json comes from? expected IP's or known hosts or something? The reason I ask now is because I can access salsa.debian.org from the webworker, so via http salsa is for sure reachable. 17:02
andersson123ty 17:02
blucaI am not aware of restrictions, no17:03
andersson123and also just 1 more trigger, mb 17:03
blucabut it's configured as a "webhook" on github17:03
andersson123hm, strange, ty17:03
blucaso not sure if it has policies around that17:04
andersson123let me read a bit on github webhooks, I'm not familiar 17:04
andersson123bluca: can you check these values all look correct to you:17:08
bluca"You do not currently have access to the pastebin."17:09
andersson123damn. I just realised what the issue is. I presumed you were using the salsa gitlab, right? But you're actually using gitHUB.com?17:09
blucait's all from github.com17:10
andersson123okay easy fix from here17:10
blucaeheh that's good17:10
blucasorry I just assumed you knew already17:10
blucanever thought of specifying17:10
andersson123no, it's mb, I know we only have github webhook integration but since I've done stuff upstream for debian I presumed you were also on salsa and that salsa worked with autopkgtest (which I imagine, probably would be easy to make work actually)17:19
andersson123anyway, it's a firewall issue, waiting for it to be merged, once it is I'll give you a 15 min warning and you can trigger a test again 17:20
blucafab, thank you17:20
andersson123bluca: can you try trigger a test now please?17:45
andersson123-_- damn17:57
andersson123ok ty17:57

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