=== Rhvs is now known as Rhys [13:09] daftykins: Yotoplayer / Toniebox, similar systems undoubtedly are around for other demographics and also home hackable with RFID/NFC readers, RasPis etc [14:44] 'Adverse weather conditions are currently affecting the nationwide supply of Broccoli' huh [14:46] is that a good thing or a bad thing? :-P [14:49] indeed, it's something my mum likes for some reason [14:55] my mother loved parsnips. when she was preapring them the cat and i sat in the back garden no matter the weather :-) [14:58] haha, I'm OK with parsnips [14:59] when my mother prepared them the smell filled the house for days [15:02] oh weird, wth did she do to them [15:06] i don't know, i was in the garden with the cat :-) [22:13] [dg@dalek ~]$ date +%s 1700000001