
torvRoadRunner: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu#5-verify-the-sha256-checksum00:11
guivercRoadRunner, are you trying to understand PGP signatures, or just check an ISO is valid.    as a `sha256sum /de2900/xubuntu_64/mantic-desktop-amd64.iso` will provide me a checksum of my last RC download of mantic (ie. pre-release thus name differs) and scan of https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/23.10/release/SHA256SUMS shows me my ISO is correct (despite different name) as checksum matches00:17
RoadRunnerI want to check the validity of a sha256sums with a sha256sums.gpg for xubuntu-22.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso01:31
nikolamWhy when I click on "pause" for file manager operations (Thunar, Xubuntu 22.04) , file transfer bandwith is still used?... 08:09
nikolame.g. pause button in thunar file transfter over sftp does not have any effect.08:15
nikolamPlus sftp transfer seems limited to 100Mbit.. and will try alternetive sfpt client to test, but.. Thunar won't pause so I need to wait.. 08:33

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