=== nathan_ is now known as nathan__ === nathan__ is now known as nathan_ === artur is now known as artur-at-work [01:54] Ok [01:54] Hi everyone [01:55] I have a problem with the menu editor: It does not save the changes. [01:56] Can somebody help me please? [02:29] Try running kmenuedit from the command line, make a change, the save (ctrl+s). Do you see any errors in the terminal? [03:01] Ok, I wqill try wait [03:02] when I launch it says this: [03:02] "kf.service.services: The desktop entry file "/home/jose/.local/share/applications/test.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line" === Roey is now known as DaddiesMoneys === DaddiesMoneys is now known as DaddiesHoneys === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:52] /names@IrcsomeBot [07:52] Hi === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [13:19] Good morning from Hannah Montana Linux o7 [13:20] ??? [13:20] but sure, greetings [13:23] o/ [13:25] test [13:26] test failed [13:26] anybody out there? [13:26] echo echo [13:26] ^^ [13:26] !ot [13:26] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [13:31] Hi all === nexen_ is now known as XeNeX === XeNeX is now known as nexen2 [17:16] What's up? === Chuggy is now known as MrHuggy === ali is now known as aleasty === wraymond is now known as wraymond_ === wraymond_ is now known as wraymond