
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Could you help me figure out what's going on?00:01
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'll be at the office in about 10 minutes to start git bisecting00:02
arraybolt3Sure thing :)00:03
arraybolt3Also I just uploaded my Calamares fix to the archive :D00:03
arraybolt3(I made one change I'm not sure about with the build dependencies, but it still builds so I *think* it will work right, plus it's something lintian directly told me I should do and how to do.)00:04
arraybolt3Also upstream didn't like my coding style for the patch so we'll probably end up swapping it out later on down the road, but this upload fixed some other packaging issues so it was worth it.00:05
arraybolt3tsimonq2: So how would I start helping? What do I need to do?00:05
arraybolt3I have a perfectly primed VM ready to be destroyed however we need.00:06
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Well, we just simply need to figure out *why* this darn thing keeps crashing.00:08
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> We could break out gdb, git bisect, or something. That being said, this is our #1 priority right now, because it's a regression in Backports.00:08
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Even if it only takes one person, someone to bounce ideas off of would be great.00:09
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Anyway, I just got to the office, I'll start reviewing00:09
arraybolt3"The X11 connection broke: Unsupported extension used (code 2)" is the error I get trying to launch lxqt-powermanagement manually.00:13
arraybolt3I get the feeling something went awry in our reverting of KWindowSystem things maybe?00:13
arraybolt3Everything LXQt except lxqt-menu-data is migrated in Noble, lemme do a thing...00:14
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit aca5817 in lxqt/lxqt-powermanagement "Port deprecated KWindowSystem"00:14
arraybolt3I'mma do a Noble install and upgrade and see if powermanagement is crashy there too00:14
tsimonq2Just remember to get everything, especially qterminal.00:15
arraybolt3hmm, your port seems rather minimal, so...00:15
arraybolt3what commit did that revert?00:16
tsimonq2Uh I just linked it :)00:16
arraybolt3lol sorry00:16
tsimonq2Respinning the daily to catch all the new packages.00:17
arraybolt3find_package(XCB REQUIRED COMPONENTS xcb-dpms xcb-screensaver)00:17
arraybolt3that's interesting, because...00:17
tsimonq2That can sometimes take up to an hour. It missed the migration of all the packages, by about an hour. :/00:17
arraybolt3almost the exact same error, and it was dpms-related00:17
arraybolt3Upgrading Noble box...00:19
tsimonq2Starting a Git bisect on my VM.00:19
arraybolt3found something that retrieves DPMS timeouts00:20
arraybolt3While you do that, I'm going to try reverting the DPMS-related commit and see what happens.00:22
tsimonq2We'll both probably end up with a conclusion at about the same time. :)00:23
arraybolt3heh, you're not wrong00:24
arraybolt3you probably have faster Internet too which will make things move forward sooner00:24
arraybolt3anyway if the bad commit turns out to be 74ec93212e614f53e5c9990c1ec5bd35c2bb5990 don't be surprised :P00:24
arraybolt3sbuilding patch00:32
arraybolt3(I just commented out everything DPMS-related rather than doing a full-scale commit revert since the commit looked a tad messy)00:32
arraybolt3Rebooting with hopefully fixed power manager...00:37
arraybolt3And no crashy :)00:37
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Fixed it, it is indeed the DPMS stuff.00:37
tsimonq2$ git bisect good00:38
tsimonq274ec93212e614f53e5c9990c1ec5bd35c2bb5990 is the first bad commit00:38
arraybolt3:P same time00:38
arraybolt3Now the question is, do we just barbarically patch that out, or do we figure out why DPMS isn't available and fix it?00:38
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Basically the same time. That's technical confirmation that we should just hard push this through I think ;)00:38
tsimonq2Barbarically patch it out.00:39
arraybolt3want my patch?00:39
tsimonq2Please upload to Backports Staging with a "proper" version, I trust you. :)00:39
tsimonq2Oh and by the way...00:39
arraybolt3kk, one sec00:39
tsimonq2You can re-enable my power management UX patch, too. That wasn't the cause of it.00:40
tsimonq2(Not sure which iteration you're working with. :) )00:40
tsimonq2Anyway, thanks for the teamwork on this :D00:40
arraybolt3sure thing00:40
arraybolt3and I will re-enable the patch00:40
tsimonq2Thank you very much!00:40
tsimonq2If you find the time/it isn't too much of a hassle, please do push to the Git repo as well.00:41
arraybolt3gah, all I'm actually doing it turns out is a full-scale revert, so I'm just gonna full-scale revert and be happy00:44
arraybolt3it looked messy right up until I looked closer00:44
tsimonq2Kay, cool.00:45
tsimonq2Oh wow, the ISO is already done.00:48
tsimonq2WOW, that was like 20 minutes. IMPRESSIVE.00:49
tsimonq2Suspiciously impressive...00:49
tsimonq2Er... yeah. Three packages that migrated to release are not on the ISO yet...00:51
tsimonq2Let's see what the logs say, and what apt tries to tell me when I upgrade those.00:51
arraybolt3My Git skills stink sometimes...00:52
tsimonq2What happened? :P00:52
arraybolt3Oh, just forgot to add all the changes I wanted to commit and had to soft-reset.00:53
arraybolt3tsimonq2: I think you didn't push your changes to Git yet, so I'm wondering... do I just plow right over the top of your ppa0.3 upload (as in, no changelog entries, no nothing, just pick up from the head of backports/jammy and keep trucking)?00:54
arraybolt3it'll go straight from 0ubuntu1~ppa2 to 0ubuntu2~ppa100:55
arraybolt3if not I have to do a messy import or you need to push some things00:55
tsimonq2arraybolt3: ubuntu2 should go to Noble, ubuntu2~ppa1 should go to Backports Staging.00:56
arraybolt3sooo... ok, need a bit more complexity then00:56
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Overwrite all you'd like.00:56
tsimonq2I'd say just make your commits where they are, and merge --ff / cherry-pick them around00:56
arraybolt3tsimonq2: I don't have any ubuntu2 code00:56
tsimonq2this *is* your ubuntu2 code :P00:57
arraybolt3right, because...00:57
arraybolt3one sec00:57
arraybolt3houston, we have no leave menu at all on Noble00:57
tsimonq2yup also on the new daily no qterminal either00:57
arraybolt3but right, I need to patch out this stuff in Noble too, not just Jammy. Confirmed as of right now.00:57
tsimonq2Ctrl + Alt + T is *completely* broken and there is *no* working terminal on the current Noble daily. :P00:58
arraybolt3(since I forgot to finish my Noble check until just now)00:58
arraybolt3TTY to the rescue I guess00:58
tsimonq2And guess what qterminal is waiting on...00:58
arraybolt3no, that can't be right00:58
arraybolt3what then?00:58
tsimonq2A failing armhf apport test that's completely unrelated, and the retry is halfway down the 2500-item long armhf queue. :P00:58
tsimonq2We won't have a functional daily until the morning, unfortunately.00:59
arraybolt3So that's what happens when armhf decides to take an extended lunch break. Now we nkow.00:59
arraybolt3sigh. quilt is giving me way more of a hard time than it ought to.01:02
arraybolt3oh shoot I know why01:04
arraybolt3your UX patch is messing with my groove01:04
tsimonq2heh :)01:04
tsimonq2By the way, powermanagement works fine on Noble, so it's something to do with that library specifically.01:04
tsimonq2...you got it, or do you want me to get it?01:05
tsimonq2whoops I was scrolling way up01:06
tsimonq2I thought you were asking me again if I wanted your patch, my bad XD01:06
arraybolt3for Unknown Reasons(TM) a simple-and-nice git diff patch is applying with fuzz when quilt gets to it01:06
arraybolt3oh wait. I know why01:07
arraybolt3because I'm too tired to realize that a git revert and a git diff aren't the same thing01:07
tsimonq2Oh no... look at how many other packages depend on that now...01:08
tsimonq2* lxqt-config [amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x]01:08
tsimonq2* lxqt-panel [amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x]01:08
tsimonq2* lxqt-powermanagement [amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x]01:08
tsimonq2We really should look at *where* that's implemented in lxqt-config and lxqt-panel.01:09
tsimonq2Perhaps their usage is more productive. I don't know yet, and that slightly scares me.01:09
arraybolt3depend on what?01:10
tsimonq2Anyway, the manifest is *wrong*. Everything LXQt is up-to-date in the ISO except for qterminal, to my knowledge.01:10
arraybolt3that one thing deep in the guts of the armhf queue01:10
tsimonq2Very good question. It's the source package that ships the DPMS package, and I just did a simple reverse-depends.01:10
tsimonq2Let me actually look at reverse depends *for that package*...01:11
tsimonq2Oh, okay, good. I was freaking out for nothinbg.01:11
tsimonq2LXQt Power Management is the only LXQt dep of that.01:11
arraybolt3YAY build is finally going01:11
arraybolt3took me like four tries before I figured it out01:11
tsimonq2And, because quite frankly I don't care about slightly spamming, here's the reverse-depends output:01:12
tsimonq2$ reverse-depends libxcb-dpms001:12
tsimonq2* cutefish-core [amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x]01:12
tsimonq2* libkf5screendpms8 [amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x]01:12
tsimonq2* libxcb-dpms0-dev01:12
tsimonq2* lxqt-powermanagement [amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el s390x]01:12
tsimonq2Packages without architectures listed are reverse-dependencies in: amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, ppc64el, s390x01:12
tsimonq2Hmm, I wonder if reverse-depends supports riscv64 yet. Looking.01:12
tsimonq2Oh, okay. It does. Just weirdly not showing it. That's cool.01:14
tsimonq2Anyway, arraybolt3 keep me posted. :)01:14
arraybolt3Oh just fighting quilt again. Can't add a dep3 header to a patch unless it's the latest applied patch, which is a problem when you can't apply the patch because you have only the packaging and not the source code.01:14
arraybolt3So doing the regular fiddliness with pull-lp-source just to satisfy this one tool.01:14
tsimonq2Sounds like a great time.01:15
arraybolt3We really need a feature in quilt that lets me say `quilt --dep3 -e /path/to/file.patch` and does it, or I need to figure out how to do that.01:20
arraybolt3The way I'm doing things now is tedious, hard, and slow.01:20
tsimonq2Honestly, that seems totally possible.01:21
tsimonq2BRING OUT THE LIST!01:21
arraybolt3I guess we don't mess with patches a whole lot usually so this didn't used to be a pain point, but now it is.01:21
tsimonq2*thunder rolls in the background*01:21
arraybolt3here you go: https://notes.lubuntu.me/huOk59_iRSaAMZDl_my8bw01:21
tsimonq2Every time that's rhetorical, yet every time you seem to produce an even better list, actually proving my point... XD01:21
tsimonq2Uh WAT, the armhf queue just went from 2500 to 399 in *one* refresh. Coooooool.01:25
arraybolt3Wow, nice01:25
tsimonq2And back up to 2300. I remember this.01:26
arraybolt3Finally, got a good upload.01:26
arraybolt3Oh well01:26
tsimonq2During the refresh stage, it *hard* refreshes, heh.01:26
tsimonq2Anyway, \o/01:26
arraybolt3new power manager going into the archive01:26
arraybolt3man am I thankful for the ability to type fast01:27
arraybolt3pretty much required for this job :P01:27
tsimonq2For sure :D01:29
tsimonq2Let me know if we run into anything else, otherwise I'm going to crank out some more stuff for $dayjob.01:29
arraybolt3kk, that should be fine01:29
tsimonq2I would be especially thankful for a revert for my recent cala-settings-ubuntu upload (just .2, not .1) and a fix :P01:29
arraybolt3heh, kk01:30
tsimonq2(In fact, it probably has to be fixed *in* Calamares.)01:30
tsimonq2Anyway, thanks again.01:30
arraybolt3Ah, I uploaded the fix in Calamares already.01:30
arraybolt3So revert should be easy.01:30
arraybolt3if you mean the encryption stuff01:30
tsimonq2Not talking about your recent fix to Calamares, but I am talking about the amd64 FTBFS for calamares-settings-ubuntu. :P01:31
arraybolt3We need an #ErichDidIt meme.01:33
EickmeyerAt which point I'd point to the ItsAlwaysSimonsFault meme01:34
arraybolt3We have a you-done-messed-up-aaron and a simons-fault, the loop has to be closed01:35
EickmeyerIt always goes back to #BlamePopey because that was first.01:35
arraybolt3Huh, TIL01:39
arraybolt3Uploaded the patch to backports-staging.01:40
arraybolt3Uhh... how do I use SSH with dput?01:41
arraybolt3I'm hitting the flakey FTP upload problem.01:41
tsimonq2Instead of dput ubuntu, do dput ssh-ubuntu. Instead of ppa, do ssh-ppa. You might have to manually throw your username in /etc/dput.cf.01:41
arraybolt3worked, thanks01:42
tsimonq2Of course :)01:43
arraybolt3All uploads done, all commits pushed, all tags pushed, and all brain cells fried.01:44
tsimonq2Nicely done :D01:44
arraybolt3Gonna need some practice before this gets fast, but I'm getting there.01:44
tsimonq2It always takes a little bit of practice. :)01:44
tsimonq2Let me know if you get to cala settings tonight, otherwise I'll tackle it $sometime tomorrow.01:45
* tsimonq2 EOD o/03:29
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> working leave menu in noble. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <arraybolt3> houston, we have no leave menu at all on Noble)10:58
guivercqterminal won't start on this (noble) box; segfault.. same result on another noble box too  ...   Likely just temporary issue as I note "libegl1, libgl1, libglvnd0 & libglx0" are reported as obsolete; yet all upgrades applied currently available...12:23
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Same. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> qterminal won't start on this (noble) box; segfault.. same result on another noble box too  ...   Likely just temporary issue as I note "libegl1, libgl1, libglvnd0 & libglx0" are reported as obsolete; yet all upgrades applied currently available...)14:19
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> qterminal hasn't migrated yet, once it does it'll work again on Noble14:22
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> I assumed that was it, the same thing happened in 1.3 and after updating it worked perfectly. (re @tsimonq2: qterminal hasn't migrated yet, once it does it'll work again on Noble)14:23
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I queued another test which should hopefully let qterminal through14:23
tsimonq2Seems like it could very much be a regression on the apport side of things.17:38
tsimonq2My request is a little far down on the list...17:38
tsimonq2apport {"requester": "tsimonq2", "submit-time": "2023-11-15 14:23:22", "triggers": ["qterminal/1.4.0-0ubuntu1"]}17:38
lubot[telegram] <teward001> ask Utkarsh.  They said requalification is needed (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <tsimonq2> @kc2bez, @teward001: Did we need to seek *re*-qualification for LTS last time around, or were we just grandfathered in?)18:06
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (evidence: you don't read your emails)18:07
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> bruh evidence you don't read yours (re @teward001: (evidence: you don't read your emails))18:07
lubot[telegram] <teward001> evidence: you still owe me for another year of email (re @tsimonq2: bruh evidence you don't read yours)18:07
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *sends invoice*18:07
lubot[telegram] <teward001> i have 2,356 unread messages right now18:07
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> :O18:08
* tsimonq2 looks over at my inbox with nearly 47,000 unread emails18:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @tsimonq2 on November 9, 2023, Utkarsh Gupta emailed ubuntu-release@lists and ubuntu-flavors@list stating "touch base on flavor participation for 24.04".  Stating this as well:18:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> "Also, given this is an LTS release, so if you’d like to participate as18:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> an LTS, you will need to go through the LTS qualification process with18:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> the Technical Board. Please contact technical-board@lists.ubuntu.com18:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> to kick off this process."18:08
lubot[telegram] <teward001> which overrides anything else because TB requirements are hard18:09
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> my email was first, and I talked to vorlon, and we did lots of backchannel coordination on that, so :) (re @teward001: @tsimonq2 on November 9, 2023, Utkarsh Gupta emailed ubuntu-release@lists and ubuntu-flavors@list stating "touch base on flavor participation for 24.04".  Stating this as well:)18:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> if you disagree with that statement18:09
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I don't disagree at all18:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> then talk to the TB and show me evidence18:09
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> what I'm saying is I'm in the loop18:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> because 'back channel coordination' that isn't on Council's radar irks me18:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> either *way* we still owe a reply there18:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> for *paper trail*18:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so18:09
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *pushes @tsimonq2 out the airlock*18:09
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> nah this was in a personal capacity not with my Lubuntu hat on :P18:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> coordination was regarding announcements/Discourse posts18:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> then we are still boud on this18:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> all the Lubuntu stuff I made public18:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> bound on this* for *action to do*18:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> so yes we still need an email for the TB18:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I believe you volunteered for that :P18:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so basically we just circled back to the whole fact that i was right in the first place18:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> my only slight objection would be re-arranging me and kc2bez but that's meh trivial whatever18:10
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and you just wated my time18:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> no you were wrong in the first place :P18:11
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> so I corrected you :P18:11
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (i woke up grumpy today, arguing me on this case is likely to go poorly for you)18:11
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (and everyone)18:11
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> but yes we both just bikeshedded for like 5 mins18:11
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> /me lets teward continue on18:11
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *goes to go punch something because of aggression*18:11
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> wxl:  I just wanted to pass along a complement and appreciation for the 23.10 wallpaper from a user.18:40
arraybolt3*sneaks up and steals teward's coffee*18:57
* lubot [matrix] <kc2bez> sends coffees all around.18:59
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Didn't do the revert on cala-settings last night, had too much to do here. I'll do it first once I'm up and working.19:05
tsimonq2arraybolt3: No worries, thanks for taking the lead on that.19:06
arraybolt3After that I'd like to tackle our wallpaper situation (scaling, numbat placeholder image) and then maybe work some more on the network editor.19:06
tsimonq2Good stuff.19:06
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Did you catch my PSA to ubuntu-devel@l.u.c?19:07
arraybolt3btw pick a placeholder now or I'm inserting a CC-BY numbat picture from Wikipedia blown up with Upscayl :D19:07
arraybolt3Got the PSA, yes, had to switch to dput-ssh last night.19:07
arraybolt3Thankfully my system username and Launchpad username are identical19:08
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: First there was dput, then there was dput-ng, now there is dput-ssh. XD ^^^19:08
tsimonq2Just kidding, hehe :)19:08
arraybolt3so it was a very easy switch19:08
tsimonq2Nice! Mine too :)19:08
arraybolt3lol, you know what I meant19:08
Eickmeyertsimonq2: systemd-dputd19:08
arraybolt3*screams into the void*19:09
* Eickmeyer knew that would trigger19:09
arraybolt3"Upon boot up, all work-in-progress packages are uploaded to the Archive via the slowest connection available. The system will not boot until every package is successfully uploaded and accepted."19:10
arraybolt3Using FTP.19:10
arraybolt3sigh, I was worried no one would get it19:11
* Eickmeyer what have I done19:11
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> "Can we upload via telnet?"19:12
Eickmeyertl;dr: yes.19:13
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I might actually do that for April Fools. Provide a telnet upload interface. :P19:13
arraybolt3Oh grief XD19:13
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> "Special Announcement: upload to Ubuntu via telnet, the newest kid on the block!"19:13
arraybolt3Earlier we were talking about reintroducing a retro wallpaper, did we get any further with that idea?19:20
arraybolt3The first one we ever used seemed good if only it wasn't 4:3.19:20
arraybolt3Should I perhaps try to remake it in 16:9?19:21
wxl@kc2bez: oh?20:24
tsimonq2wxl: +1 from people I've talked to IRL as well :)20:25
tsimonq2wxl: Very good stuff. Thanks again for your help!20:25
tsimonq2arraybolt3: I mean, maybe. We do need *something* as a generic placeholder, I only gave the idea of a classic one to troll, tbh. :P20:26
wxli'm kind of shocked overall XD20:26
* tsimonq2 bows down to the new Lubuntu Art Team Leader, wxl 20:27
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> wxl: 100÷ agree with tsimonq2. It turned out very good from my viewpoint too.20:27
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> ZD20:28
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> XD20:28
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Even20:28
wxli don't even know what i don't know when it comes to graphic design, so20:28
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Maybe ignorance is vliss20:29
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Bliss20:29
* wxl hands kc2bez a better keyboard20:29
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Bows in thanks20:29
* tsimonq2 hands kc2bez a stronger coffee, making the new keyboard just as bad XD20:30
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> XD20:31
tsimonq2Kay, probably stepping away to do some $dayjob stuff for a bit.21:06
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Let me know if you run into trouble, if you happen to have the time today. :)21:06
tewardarraybolt3: DM me your address you use on notes again?21:10
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: XD21:12
* tsimonq2 imagines that arraybolt3 has a slight Southern drawl and will probably read that perfectly :P21:13
arraybolt3teward: Same one I use everywhere.22:05
arraybolt3Alright, I am FINALLY here.22:50
arraybolt3(Slight curveball in life slowed me down.)22:50
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Where on earth is the calamares-settings-ubuntu repo on LP?22:54
arraybolt3My Launchpad-fu is failing me badly.22:54
arraybolt3grief, that took forever. It's at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu.22:57
arraybolt3oh funny, so you pushed to Lubuntu's mirror and not to LP.22:58
wxlis there some way to make that easier to find on gitea?22:59
wxli seem to remember phab used to show clone links to the mirror source when a mirror was used22:59
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Doesn't the mirror point to lp22:59
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> There should be a link on the gitea repo23:00
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Upper leftish area from my memory23:00
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Harumpf23:00
wxllike i said i think phab used to point to the mirror23:01
wxlooh i'll link it to the website value23:01
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Is that repo actually mirrored?23:01
wxlgood question23:01
wxlyes but it's a mirror to github actually XD23:02
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Well, that isn't what we were shooting for.23:02
arraybolt3The mirror isn't a real mirror23:02
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Weird23:03
arraybolt3It says it's a mirror of the LP repo but it's a LIE :P23:03
arraybolt3anyways I just synced LP with Gitea, reverted the failed fix and uploaded it to the archive.23:03
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> It Should be a mirror of LP though23:03
arraybolt3well for now I'll just tag and push in both places, then I'll see if I can push some buttons.23:03
arraybolt3If it's too entangled with GitHub though I may have to bail out and let someone more experienced fix it.23:04
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Just push to lp23:04
wxlgithub doesn't seem like it's set up as a mirror23:04
arraybolt3kc2bez: done23:04
wxlit says it is23:04
arraybolt3kc2bez: so I should *not* push to Gitea too?23:05
wxlunless i'm missing something23:05
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> We should change the mirroring on gitea to pull from lp23:05
arraybolt3Gitea is set to *push* to GitHub, and it should *pull* from LP, right?23:06
arraybolt3then theoretically we push to LP, it pulls, then pushes to GH and we're happy23:06
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Yes23:06
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Seems like the best approach23:06
arraybolt3hrm, does it let you have both a push *and* a pull mirror?23:06
wxlonly one way to find out23:07
arraybolt3I see a big "Add Push Mirror" button...23:07
arraybolt3wxl: and that's to let someone else break it and not you, if you're me :P23:07
* arraybolt3 ducks23:07
arraybolt3in all seriousness I'm fine if I'm the one at fault if it breaks but I would like to try to keep that from happening23:07
arraybolt3"❗❗ NOTE: You can only set up pull mirroring for repos that don't exist yet on your instance. Once the repo is created, you can't convert it into a pull mirror anymore. ❗❗"23:08
arraybolt3so no, we can't make it a mirror now23:08
arraybolt3unless we want to nuke the repo and remake it23:08
wxlseed is set up as a pull only mirror23:08
arraybolt3probably because it was set up that way from the get go?23:08
wxlomg who the heck set this all up23:09
arraybolt3teward :P23:09
wxldefault settings is a push to github mirror too23:10
arraybolt3actually I don't know hwich of the two of them23:10
arraybolt3but I think teward did some of the initial setup, could be wrong23:10
wxli imagine teward set up the infrastructure. i'm sure of it, in fact. but configuring how it's used, i'm sure that's all simonsfault23:10
wxli mean it usually is23:10
arraybolt3well, we have two options:23:11
arraybolt31. I can push my changes to Gitea too and we deal with this some other time.23:11
arraybolt32. I can nuke the cala-settings-ubuntu repo on Gitea and recreate it as an LP mirror.23:11
arraybolt3Option 2 should be *reasonably* safe since I have all commits *and* tags pushed to LP.23:11
wxli say do 1 and make simon fix 2 :)23:11
arraybolt3kc2bez: ^ sound like a good idea? (just making sure I have approval from everyone here before moving forward)23:12
arraybolt3(and yes the ^ is pointing at wxl's idea, not at my "I'll nuke it" idea :P)23:12
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I thought I set it up lol23:13
wxlahhhhhh ahahahah23:13
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I am good with 223:13
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> That was the way I thought it worked unless someone else changed it.23:14
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> bruh23:14
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> cala-settings-ubuntu is the current one23:14
wxlthat could be considered a bit obvious, yes23:14
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Has anyone tried pull-lp-source *or* apt source, I really thought I updated the VCS :P23:15
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> And yes this one was definitely 100% me btw23:15
wxli knew it!23:15
arraybolt3tsimonq2: You pushed to one VCS, there were two that needed updated and you pushed to the secondary one :P23:17
arraybolt3I have the "correct" Git history on my laptop and on LP, and we're discussing what Gitea's fate is now23:17
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I mean, usually it's me. Unless git blame says arraybolt3. In which case I just say "well, Aaron done did 'er this time" :P23:17
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Keep Gitea, @Eickmeyer doesn't GAF anymore about Cala (at least this release... 😈)23:18
arraybolt3Currently we have three Council members and an emeritus here, I don't know what to do, wxl has one idea, kc2bez has another idea, and you've not chipped it :P23:18
arraybolt3*in, not it23:18
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I just did, as wxl would always repeat ad nauseum, patience XD23:18
arraybolt3right :P You typed too fast23:18
arraybolt3Or I typed too slow23:18
arraybolt3 /s23:18
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> *nauseam23:19
arraybolt3so anyway. What should I do? Push to Gitea and let someone else fix it, or nuke the Gitea repo and remake it as a pull mirror?23:20
arraybolt3tsimonq2: well this is fun :) I reverted your failed FTBFS fix that FTBFS everywhere, and the revert now also FTBFS everywhere23:21
arraybolt3so now what?!23:21
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'll send you creds over Matrix for push mirroring, you can force push the correct Git history over the Gitea copy if it's currently wrong (and you're sure and you pinky promise you'll fix it if you break it, meaning, keep some original repo copies lying around), then just make sure mirroring for GH and maybe LP is set up23:21
arraybolt3"Unknown CMake command "set_package_properties"."23:21
arraybolt3tsimonq2: no force push will be needed fwiw, the repos got out of sync but only in one directoin23:22
arraybolt3so LP fell behind Gitea, I updated LP with Gitea and then did work and pushed to LP, so now a normal push to Gitea will put them in sync23:22
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I sent the creds over Matrix23:24
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Sorry for the bad advice if I gave it. I had no idea it was that buggered.23:24
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Yeah I honestly don't know on that one...23:24
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I think we're all on the same page now, thanks for your help either way :) (re @kc2bez: Sorry for the bad advice if I gave it. I had no idea it was that buggered.)23:25
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Of course.23:25
arraybolt3Final confirmation: * Make dead-sure LP is correct * Nuke Gitea repo * Re-create it to pull from LP * Set up push mirroring to GitHub23:25
arraybolt3If that's 👍 I'll do it.23:26
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Nope23:26
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Gitea is the source, GH and LP are the mirrors23:27
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Then you'd have it right :)23:27
arraybolt3ah kk23:27
arraybolt3then I don't have to nuke anything and just set one-way mirroring to LP from Gitea23:28
arraybolt3tsimonq2: the creds you sent are the LP ones right?23:28
arraybolt3or are those GH?23:28
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> GH23:29
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LP is the same password but that could potentially have its own API key or something23:29
arraybolt3ah kk23:29
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> ll23:30
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> mm23:30
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> and it sends a confirmation email to me (whoops FIXME) so if you happen to want to log into LP, jlmk I'll hook you up23:30
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'm just continuing with the alphabet ;)23:31
arraybolt3I just need to know how on earth to set up push mirroring to LP :P that's the only missing link23:31
arraybolt3it sounds like you probably can do that so I think I'd best stay out of it and let you do that since you're right here and know what needs to be done23:31
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Try an HTTPS push mirror with the existing creds to start23:31
arraybolt3I pushed my changes to Gitea (no force-push needed)23:31
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> meh sure that works too ;)23:31
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> and cool23:31
arraybolt3well I'll try it and we'll see what happens23:32
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> one little Best Practice thing I'll share with you is, you can explicitly set authors for Git commits, and when I'm importing uploads from the archive, I'll just grab that author field right from the changelog23:32
arraybolt3Push mirror added.23:33
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Handy!23:33
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Thanks!23:33
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Does it work/did you test it?23:33
arraybolt3Not sure yet, lemme click Synchronize...23:33
arraybolt3"check back in a minute" says it23:33
arraybolt3so alrighty then23:33
arraybolt3Authorization failed.23:33
arraybolt3oh manage access tokens, that might work23:34
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Also, since you have creds now, can you help me figure out what is pushing what I assume to be the LP copy of the manual to GitHub? Maybe Phab? Some times of the day the most recent commit is old, other times of the day it's brand new. Super weird functionality: https://github.com/lubuntu-team/manual23:34
arraybolt3sure, one moment23:34
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> thanks :)23:35
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> CC @lynorian ^^^23:36
arraybolt3tsimonq2: To me that sounds like Gitea is pushing I would guess, it has a "sync every 8 hours" or something in there23:36
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I think phab (re @tsimonq2: Also, since you have creds now, can you help me figure out what is pushing what I assume to be the LP copy of the manual to GitHub? Maybe Phab? Some times of the day the most recent commit is old, other times of the day it's brand new. Super weird functionality: https://github.com/lubuntu-team/manual)23:37
arraybolt3tsimonq2: see matrix DM23:38
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Okay lol yup it was Phab23:41
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Push mirror works!23:41
arraybolt3So now Lubuntu Gitea is the SSOT for calamares-settings-ubuntu and we can finally forget how to get to that horribly complex and obscure LP URL23:42
arraybolt3(j/k but seriously we should save that in the README so we don't have an aneurysm looking for it)23:43
arraybolt3the link is literally in the description of the Gitea repo23:43
arraybolt3and for some reason I literally didn't see it23:43
arraybolt3so. Now that I've thoroughly embarrassed myself, now I'll go and figure out how to fix the FTBFS hopefully.23:44
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Lmfao nice, thanks in advance for your FTBFS help!23:52

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