
mupPR operator#1065 opened: docs: fix Harness.get_filesystem_root example <Created by benhoyt> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/1065>02:49
mupPR operator#1060 closed: fix: if secret ID and label are known, only provide secret-get with ID <bug> <Created by tonyandrewmeyer> <Closed by tonyandrewmeyer> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/1060>22:31
mupIssue operator#1058 closed: [secret API] secret_get should choose one of label/URI <bug> <small item> <Created by phvalguima> <Closed by tonyandrewmeyer> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/1058>22:32
mupIssue operator#1063 closed: Misleading docstring for `get_filesystem_root` <Created by sed-i> <Closed by benhoyt> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/1063>22:43
mupPR operator#1065 closed: docs: fix Harness.get_filesystem_root example <Created by benhoyt> <Merged by benhoyt> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/1065>22:43
mupIssue operator#1051 closed: .unit-state.db is world-readable <bug> <small item> <Created by nobuto-m> <Closed by benhoyt> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/issues/1051>22:55
mupPR operator#1057 closed: fix: reduce mode of SQLite storage file to 0o600 <bug> <Created by tonyandrewmeyer> <Merged by benhoyt> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/1057>22:55

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