
nteodosioI'm no longer able to access my PPAs' autopkgtest results, https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-jammy-nteodosio-ubuntu-pro/?format=plain.08:27
nteodosioGives simply "AccessDenied".08:27
nteodosioCould that be related to the infrastructure migration?08:27
blucaandersson123: morning - how's the firewall taming proceeding? any luck?09:40
andersson123bluca: on it. I made a firewall change before and it turns out what we needed was supposedly a proxy config change10:11
andersson123waiting on an MP for that change to go through, I'll ping you when you can try trigger a test 10:11
blucacool, thank you10:11
andersson123bluca: when you have a moment, feel free to trigger a test and report back to me if it works.12:52
blucaandersson123: I see triggers are working again on PRs now, thanks!13:58
andersson123Awesome, sorry it took so long!13:59
blucano worries at all14:00
blucamanual triggers via the script are also working, excellent14:00
nteodosioIssue with autopgktest results went away. Thanks, whoever worked on that.14:10
andersson123if you have an issue with logs (weird download encoding, "NoSuchKey" or a 404), know these issues are slowly being fixed in long running scripts in some tmux sessions. If you have an issue and you need your logs asap, ping me and I'll amend for you 15:11
andersson123just know *eventually* they'll all be back to normal :) 15:12
blucaandersson123: mmh it seems job results are not being reported back?15:41
blucafor example this PR shows all 4 jobs as pending: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/3003315:41
blucabut 3 of them have completed and disappeared from https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#pkg-systemd-upstream15:41
bluca(if you search for 30033 in the status page)15:42
andersson123bluca: what are the specific jobs? I'll take a look 15:48
blucaI don't know how to check that, as they have disappeared from the status page15:50
blucaPR number 30033 is the example15:50
andersson123hm, I'm not massively familiar with github UI. Do you have a link to the logs of the CI that requests and monitors autopkgtest?15:55
blucathere isn't any15:55
blucaautopkgtest calls back into github15:55
blucawhen the job is finished, and reports the status15:55
andersson123and it just hangs or w/e with no response on the status?15:56
blucayes there's no answer15:57
blucaso for example, for PR 30033 the autopkgtest trigger got: GITHUB_STATUSES_URL=https://api.github.com/repos/systemd/systemd/statuses/6565b9d0b1bc6074a3b66abd14679fa7bd601fc315:57
blucaas a parameter when started15:57
blucaand autopkgtest infra would use that URL to report back the status15:58
andersson123maybe you just (or will have) an update upstream soon bluca17:12
blucathank you, I'll keep an eye on things17:14

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