=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === Roey is now known as DaddiesMoneys === DaddiesMoneys is now known as DaddiesHoneys [03:54] wassup dude [03:54] ss [03:55] anyone on [03:56] johncena: for a few more min [03:56] i installed eurolinux it can't connect to wifi help [03:57] What have you tried? [03:57] nothing just grab the iso. it dont recognize wifi adapter [03:57] which version of the iso? what wifi adapter? [03:58] tp link 725n, latest from their website [04:01] Seems EuroLinux is a CentOS knock-off. This is a Ubuntu support chat. The internals are quite different. You'll probably have better luck asking on a eurolinux forum. [04:02] tp-link does offer a linux driver, so that's good. [04:03] just tried again. 86x64 format .iso latest. installed on usb, reboot. can't detect wifi adapter [04:03] johncena___: sorry, but we only support Ubuntu here. You'll have to seek support with Eurolinux elsewhere [04:03] EuroLinux is hardware-compatible with any device certified for Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® and Oracle® Linux. The list of certified hardware for EuroLinux is therefore the same as the list published by the manufacturers of these systems. [04:04] if i don't have wifi in the live iso. will anything change if i install it [04:04] johncena___: sorry, but we only support Ubuntu here. You'll have to seek support with Eurolinux elsewhere [04:05] johncena___: you're asking the wrong people really. You'll have a better shot with Google, euro-linux.com [04:05] johncena___: or make your life easy, and download an ubuntu iso and get support here every day [04:05] lotuspsychje: excellent answer! [04:06] nah ubuntu from even the home page tells you they share data with aws. [04:06] no point in going linux and then installing ubuntu. i'll just install windows in that case [04:06] johncena___: good luck [04:09] lol [05:52] netplan is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. Just upgraded, belatedly, from 21.10 to 22.04, and lost all of my network settings on an ubuntu server installation. Omg, does every last tutroial suck, thus far. [05:52] tutorial* [05:56] JMichael1, try just reading the real docs at netplan.io, I never had the least problem [05:57] rfm: All right, I will have a look [05:59] JMichael1, I can imagine upgrades going bad, but once you get on the train it's pretty nice. [06:00] rfm: Thx for the encouragement, and that's good to hear. === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [08:22] my syslog folder hit 40GB with no reason [08:22] how to trail problem? [08:24] Yakov: find the biggest logfiles, figure out which process/service is writing them, turn off debug logging and/or use logrotate [08:27] its syslog  (/var/log) how to disable loging for that? [08:29] Yakov: see /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf -> "*.*;auth,authpriv.none -/var/log/syslog" almost everything ends up in /var/log/syslog, look which source is writing the most [08:29] i found that exact files it contains over million lines [08:29] file* [08:32] logrotate and /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog should compress/rotate that file; but again, unless your server is running for years and that file has never been rotated, it shouldn't be that big; find out which service/process is spamming your log [08:32] it must be my logger [08:32] which I use for application [08:46] hello guys , can someone explain me this pls , sysadmin@localhost:~$ cd ~root [08:46] -bash: cd: /root: Permission denied [08:46] sysadmin@localhost:~$ cd ~/root [08:46] -bash: cd: /home/sysadmin/root: No such file or directory [08:46] sysadmin@localhost [08:47] Flo: you don't have permission to change to roots homedir (~root), there is no root directory in ~sysadmin [08:50] i was not the root user so how can i see where his home is ? , I thought only the user how is logged in has permissions to see the home direktory so the ~ symbol does not mean my home dir ? [08:51] Flo: ~root means root's home, ie /root [08:52] Flo: because every homedir is in /etc/passwd which every user can read; that's why your shell knows where ~root is [08:52] Flo: ~ without any valid username is your current user homedir [08:53] thank you CosmicDJ [08:54] that really helped me alot understanding linux [10:00] hey [10:00] i try to connect staarbucks connection with ubuntu and i got Error performing TLS handshake: The Diffie-Hellman prime sent by the server is not acceptable (not long enough). [10:00] but in phone i can connect that wireless fine [10:00] why can that happen? === spinningcat__ is now known as spinningCat [10:47] e === root is now known as Guest6261 [13:30] Does Ubuntu manage memory like other distros? I have 32GB and just rebooted I'm showing 29GB free and 1.7 GB used for buffers/cache. I thought the linux kernel allocated most memory for buffers/cache and only kept a small amount as free. [13:31] Hi all [13:32] FKAShinobi: just like any other distro, you have to use your system (i.e. read files) to fill your buffer/cache [13:34] CosmicDJ, The problem is that with using over time the memory starts to show almost all _used_ The buffers/cache pretty much stay constant. That's after closing apps and just having a shell open. [13:35] FKAShinobi: that's not a problem [13:35] the memory is just reserved, not committed. It can still be used if needed [13:38] FKAShinobi: also, the kernel allocates (most) memory on demand, so you'll start with lots of free/available memory when the system was just (re)booted; the more/bigger files you read, the more "buff/cache" will grow, the more programs you start, the bigger "used" will be [13:45] leftyfb, CosmicDJ: So where do I find the amount of memory available to be used my more programs (without paging to disk)? [13:46] FKAShinobi: terminal -> free -m "available" [13:49] leftyfb, CosmicDJ: So once the kernel starts using the free memory and those processes die, I assume that the kernel just keeps that memory reserved but not committed and lists it as used for the remainder of it's uptime. Is that correct/ [13:49] ? [13:51] correct [13:51] Thank you both [13:52] I thought reserved would still be released once the process terminated? [13:52] what? are you sure? why should the kernel reserve memory for terminated procs? [13:53] buff/cache is what is available but "reserved" [13:53] look at the "free" command [13:54] e.g. I run a simple C-program that does malloc(4g) and then quits, that 4g would not return to the free list but would be forever remain reserved? [13:54] https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/server/linux/check-memory-usage/ [13:56] I don't actually see the term reserved anywhere in free, or meminfo? [14:00] CosmicDJ, it would definitely become free again - but just the malloc might not have taken 4G of actual memory to begin with, if the process did not use the memory === gnuself1 is now known as gnuself [14:01] calloc then? :) [14:01] yes, that would cost actual memory/swap [15:43] pkgs are "kept back" when they have deps that need to be upgraded too, right? === tag_ is now known as tag [15:44] where do i go to permanently add a dns server to my resolv.conf? that file has a comment at the top that says to not manually edit that file [15:44] !phasedupdates | ash_worksi [15:44] ash_worksi: Since Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info. [15:45] coderman1: change it in your network settings. Either Network Manager if you're using desktop or your netplan if you're using server [15:45] is 23:10 already on netplan too? i never checked [15:45] coderman1: if you are only set to DHCP, then I recommend making the change to the nameserver setting on your DHCP server (more than likely your router) [15:46] i heard somewhere that everything will be netplan. just not when :) [15:47] ravage: regardless if the backend config files are saved to /etc/netplan or /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, if they have a GUI, they should us the GUI to configure network settings [15:47] that was not my question but thx [15:47] leftyfb, it seems like netplan has not even been configured on this server. this is no config file [15:48] coderman1: is this running a desktop GUI? [15:49] no on server [15:49] coderman1: then you're either not running a supported release of ubuntu or you've removed netplan [15:49] ls /etc/netplan [15:50] there is a netplan directory, just no config file in it [15:51] ravage: is that the _only_ reason one would get this message: "The following packages have been kept back:" ? [15:51] it is the most common [15:52] coderman1: ( cat /etc/os-release ; apt policy netplan.io ; apt policy ifupdown ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:52] ash_worksi: it can also happen if you use 3rd party package sources [15:53] ravage: so there's nothing else that would say "due to phasing" or something that would make me feel certain I'll get them eventually? [15:53] ravage: they're all from /jammy-updates [15:54] i fixed it by copying a netplan config file from another server and using netplan try/apply [15:54] thank you! [15:55] coderman1: you should really figure out why it was missing in the first place and if there was network connectivity, how there was network connectivity without a netplan config, [15:57] whattya know, they have a bug report about that (ambiguous message) [16:12] JMichael1: netplan definitly needs some work. I've found faulty logic in it that I had to write a patch for. [16:47] Anyone using Discord on ubuntu? Do you use the stable version or canary? [16:47] ...and how do you keep it up to date? [16:48] Square: the snap package will automatically update [16:48] leftyfb, canary or stable? [16:49] Square: type this into your termina [16:49] Square: type this into your terminal: snap info discord [16:50] leftyfb, yes? [16:51] Square: that will tell you what versions are available [16:54] leftyfb, I'll ditch the canary and run the stable for a while [16:55] Square: you do understand that the "stable" and "canary" versions of discord are both the exact same version at the moment right? So I'm not sure why canary even matters to you [16:55] i used to run the stable release from snap, but that spammed my syslog into oblivion. That's why I switched to canary [16:56] Seems like the "stable" still has some syslog spamming going, even if using the "snap connect discord:system-observe" command. === Abrax- is now known as Abrax [17:05] hola [17:05] saludos buen día [17:07] Saludos buen día [17:07] soy nuevo con este juguetito [17:10] alguien vive ahiii === docmax is now known as Guest5955 === docmax_ is now known as docmax [17:55] Trying to install a fresh installation of 23.10 on thinkpad x230. UEFI selected in BIOS. If I try manual partitioning, the dropdown menu entry of the disk where bootloader should be installed remains grey. Is this a known bug? [17:58] maybe not a bug, what disk is selected to boot UEFI from? [17:58] if it is a different disk, yes, the bootloader option should not apply to that disk [17:59] info system [18:00] oerheks: The same and only SSD in the laptop. [18:01] elias_a: can I ask why you need to do manual partitioning? [18:02] leftyfb: Because I like to keep /home on a separate partition to keep things more simple. [18:02] elias_a: If you ask me, that gives no benefit and only complicates things [18:03] leftyfb: Quite the contrary. It is far more simple to backup a whole partition when needed. [18:04] elias_a: I disagree [18:05] then it is greyed out, as the EFI partition is already there? [18:06] not sure how to see this [18:10] leftyfb: You are free to disagree. There's no faster way to make a full backup of user data than copying the whole /home partition. [18:10] elias_a: rsync [18:11] I don't like to cross-post, but I got no answer elsewhere: what can I do to see why my Ubuntu server seems to hang out at "Fetched X B in Ys (Z B/s)"? [18:11] elias_a: unlike and image, rsync doesn't copy empty space [18:11] oerheks: This was a user error. The selection of boot device has to be made first and then create the partitions. Can not recall if this has been the case before... [18:12] did you select' use whole disk' ? [18:12] leftyfb: Not significant if using a HDD dock. [18:12] oerheks: Nope [18:12] PeGaSuS: when doing what? [18:13] just after "apt update" is stays there [18:13] I even had to hit Ctrl-c after 1h or something [18:26] PeGaSuS: is that while updating any specific package? [18:27] chilversc: not that I remember off [18:27] PeGaSuS: I would start by running apt with various debugging enabled [18:29] PeGaSuS: e.g. https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/apt/apt.conf.5.en.html#DEBUG_OPTIONS [18:29] How do I remove the manufacturer's logo when starting Ubuntu? [18:30] which ones are useful to run? I have no idea of what is useful or not [18:31] InDa_: https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/splash-screen [18:31] InDa_: wait, that might not be right [18:31] Oh... [18:31] Thanks [18:31] InDa_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth [18:31] :) [18:33] elias_a: wich flavour does that occur on, and lvm or regular install? [18:34] PeGaSuS: not sure, I'd just try ones that look like they could be related [18:34] PeGaSuS: aquire http/https could be useful if its a download issue, along with the pkgAcquire options [18:35] PeGaSuS: another thing to check might be the ps tree while apt is stuck, maybe its running a script in the background that's hit an issue [18:44] buonasera a tutti, ho una domanda riguardante un floppy-disk USB.Viene montato e riconosciuto perfettamente,non gli ho dato il montaggio automatico (non mi interessa),però ho notato che hanche da smontato (lo vedo da gestione dispositivi e dischi e dispositivi),lo sento tikkettare (il suono del lettore che normalmente emette.Non dovrebbe smettere se lo smonto come periferica? [18:44] !it | LoZioNe [18:44] LoZioNe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette) [18:50] this is all I got so far with `sudo apt -o Debug::Acquire::http=1 -o Debug::Acquire::https=1 -o Debug::pkgAcquire=1 update`: https://paste2.0bin.xyz/view/04d8f451 [18:51] Hey, how do I get latest development Wine running on Ubuntu 23.04? They only seem to have an old version in their repositories [18:57] lotuspsychje: Regular install. [18:58] lotuspsychje: Probably a user error. It's a long time I did an install from scratch. [18:59] elias_a: i recently saw a lubuntu 24.04 bug similar, but that was for lvm only [19:00] PeGaSuS: and that's the point where it hangs? [19:01] chilversc yeah seems like its stuck there [19:01] chilversc: yes. it doesn't continue after that.. last time it was stuck for 3h before I use Ctrl-C [19:03] PeGaSuS: it's likely some sort of issue with a script or other process that's running after the fetch, though it appears that so far all its done is fetch the list of packages from the repositories [19:05] I can't really understand thiss. it used to work okay and all of a sudden it doesn't [19:06] I'm wondering about the integrity of the local package database, but not sure of the dpkg command to verify it [19:06] annoyingly trying to search for it just brings up lots of info about verifying packages [19:06] maybe; dpkg --audit? [19:08] no output with `dpkg --audit` [19:09] old, but usefull https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure [19:10] PeGaSuS, maybe it is better to pastebin the whole output first. [19:12] I need to execute all commands from step 6? worth to mention that this is a server, though [19:14] no [19:14] without the full output of your update upgrade command, we can go wild random, but that is not usefull [19:15] this is the mpst far that my `apt upgrade` goes: https://paste2.0bin.xyz/view/04d8f451 [19:16] I mean `apt update` [19:16] PeGaSuS, is the disk full? Also, try fsck on the disk (best from a live cd boot if you can) [19:17] still 1.7T to disk fuull [19:17] also, this is a remote server, so not possible to boot from a live ISO [19:21] Hey how do i get latest development Wine running in Ubuntu ? Only old version seems available through repositories [19:22] can I just do `apt dist-upgrade`? or `apt update` is always needed? [19:22] Bearnux: Install from Wine's repos, not Ubuntu's. [19:22] Bearnux: afaik wine offers a repo. keep in mind 3rd party repos are not supported here [19:23] "apt update" gets the list of current packages; without it APT can't know what new packages are available... [19:23] Ubuntu purposefully ships an older one for stability's sake, but you can get new ones from Wine themselves. They should provide support for it if you end up needing help. [19:23] Hello everyone! How does one run Steam with Proton Experimental and Lutris at same time without having issues like game crashing when alt tabbing out of it [19:23] PeGaSuS: if update does not finish you dont get any new packages trough the upgrade command [19:24] arraybolt2: Thankyou very much for your help ! [19:24] weird.. `aptt dist-upgrade` says that there are 15 packages to be upgraded [19:24] ravage : Understood , thank you . [19:24] PeGaSuS: then do those updates first [19:24] I'll give it a shot and see [19:25] there are several repositories (updates, security, etc.) so maybe some were updated [19:26] stupid idea: is there a way to purge apt cache? so it needs to re-fetch all data? [19:26] apt clean [19:26] apt clean only deletes downloaded .deb files [19:26] I think? [19:27] i think so yes [19:28] i think cleaning out /var/lib/apt/lists/* should work? [19:29] like a crude "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*" ? [19:30] I don't see any errors in that "apt update" log, so that command is probably looking at the wrong debug stuff [19:31] it may be some hook that comes after it [19:31] but i dont really know how to debug that. except a process trace maybe [19:31] Janc : Thanks for your help , but how does one get Wine development version from official repo instead of third party ones Bearnux [19:32] maybe strace would at least show if it at least tries to do anything [19:32] Bearnux: you dont [19:32] !latest | Bearnux [19:32] Bearnux: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [19:32] ravange thanks ! [19:33] Thankyou very much Ravanve and everyone else who helped me today . Have an awesome day !! [19:33] i will forward that to this Ravanve when i see him [19:34] ubottu thankyou sir! I understand now :) [19:34] alright, got it. Thanks anyways. [19:34] !ppa [19:34] A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [19:35] thanks again everyone , have great evening / morning . [19:35] oops wrong window [19:44] привет) [19:50] vermitrall I think you need to go to #ubuntu-ru [19:51] sorry my bad [20:07] I'll be damned.. even after a `apt dist-upgrade` the `apt update` still hangs. the hardware isn't fast (Kimusifi, OVH branch with cheap dedicateds due to older hardware) but still.. I've `apt clean` and even `sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*` but still no cigar [20:08] PeGaSuS: did it ever work? do you remember what you did before it stopped working? [20:09] is it maybe posible to just backup and reinstall? [20:09] it always worked.. I have no idea what made it stopped working.. same packages for the last year, basically [20:10] I can't backup since it's a remote server [20:10] Can I talk without logging into my user? [20:11] I see no objections, so here we go! [20:11] I have a brand new Latitude 7440, with a fresh install of 22.04, but my camera doesn't work. [20:12] a few forum posts suggest adding some ppas, but add-apt-repository fails when sudo add-apt-repository [20:13] any suggestions? [20:15] PeGaSuS: hangs where? Did you try another mirror (maybe OVH has one)? did you run apt update with strace? [20:15] sudo add-apt-repository ppa: [20:15] toddc: that is the command i am trying. however, i get a crash, and the OS wants me to report it to devs [20:15] can't get past that stage [20:16] PeGaSuS: I assume the VPS has enough RAM? [20:17] and strace might help to find what it is doing when it hangs indeed [20:17] is this the guide you are look ing at? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1473289/integrated-camera-not-working-on-dell-latitude-7440-and-7340-ubuntu-22-04 [20:18] JanC: 4Gb and about 2Gb free [20:20] toddc: that is it [20:21] I think I'll have a break. my nose hurts (had a septoplasty yesterday) and I need to lay down a bit [20:25] i solved the issue. When connected to work via vpn, that repo is unreachable === gnuself1 is now known as gnuself [20:37] Wifi is also a big issue with Ubuntu on this laptop [20:37] It seems to be very common thou [20:38] back to Windows it is. Thanks. what a dumpster fire this OS is [20:39] ... [20:40] if your hardware doesn't work you should complain to the manufacturer... [20:41] JanC: he left already... guess he's a quitter === Chuggy is now known as MrHuggy [20:49] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1473289/integrated-camera-not-working-on-dell-latitude-7440-and-7340-ubuntu-22-04 [20:49] after bing; brand new Latitude 7440, with a fresh install of 22.04, but my camera doesn't work. === Rahoul9 is now known as Rahoul [22:10] Hello, i can't decrypt my root partition using a custom kernel, anyone using liquorix with Luks partition? [22:20] anyone? [22:21] !liquorix [22:21] ah, bot doesn't know liquorix [22:22] If you have a an issue with a custom kernel ask the projects support channel [22:22] i am, nobody is replying yet is a full channel [22:25] topolin: most of are working other jobs and check here when we have a free second but if anyone has a adea they will reply when there see your post [22:26] using a non-supported kernal creates another level of issues [22:42] Anyone with printing problems in 23.10?