
eol-probhello, is there any chance to upgrade my xubuntu after its eol? i still have 22.10 on my machine.08:29
xu-irc41wwhere would i have to go to get help with rhythmbox?  i'm tired of having to manually edit m3u playlists for my sansa clip16:30
xu-irc41wit doesn't export in m3u by default and has no options for enabling that16:31
xu-irc41wseriously trying to get this to work on it's own has been a bit of a pain16:44
xu-irc41wi miss the ipod sometimes16:44
torvxu-irc41w: Try `#gnome-rhythmbox`. (via `apt show` and https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox)16:49
torvxu-irc41w: Also there is a "Playlists import/export" plugin: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Rhythmbox/Plugins/ThirdParty#Playlists_import.2Fexport16:54
xu-irc41wyikes that plugin is a decade old17:01
xu-irc41wi'm very much a linux noob here so i need something somewhat dummy proof18:10
xanguaSearch a software that fits your needs18:17
xanguaDon't know about my lists, I just use VLC for both audio and video18:18
xu-irc41wyeah but does vlc actually manage the library and sync mp3 players?18:19
xu-irc41wi mean an easier solution would be a way to convert the pls files to m3u18:19
xu-irc41wi tried vlc for that but the code is all gummed up and i think the end of line is wrong18:19
xu-irc41wi can post an example of what i'm talking about18:19
xanguaOh you want to sync?18:23
xu-irc41wyes i do18:23
xu-irc41wi have had to use notepadqq to manually edit the exported m3u files from rhythmbox to fit the directory structure and windows end of line.18:24
xu-irc41wit does not copy m3u files to the player by default18:24
xanguaMaybe something like strawberry (fork of clementine) will do better18:24
xu-irc41wyou have to export m3u files manually and edit them to use relative filepaths18:24
xu-irc41wis there a method to automate the process of modifying the m3u files?19:35
torvxu-irc41w: I can personally second Clementine.21:19
torvxangua: Thanks for pointing to Strawberry. Interesting.21:19
torvxu-irc41w: E.g. shell scripts are great to automate. You could then make use of `sed` to replace paths.21:22
xu-irc41wclementine doesn't seem to have a way to browse the playlists already present on a device21:22

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