=== DaddiesHoneys is now known as DaddiesMoneys [02:53] So I'm trying to install kubuntu on someones computere but the internal hard drive isn't detected bu the installer [05:00] I have heard that some BIOS software RAID modes might not be detectable. [05:12] hay === mrnicedandan is now known as je_suis_dandan [12:55] Hi all [12:57] 6tiy [13:09] hi all. i'm running kubuntu 22.04 with an RTX 2080 Ti and driver version 525 which worked fine. I got an update today and things broke down. I had to reinstall nvidia stuff and things got back to normal almost. One weird thing though: i've to screens (hp & benq). In the original setting the benQ was the primary. Now, if i set it primary on the hp screen windows act weird. Eg: if i click on one it disappears and reappears on the benQ. Also the m === ali is now known as aleasty [15:25] hello everyone, I am a new user💗 [15:25] 11H3 [15:25] A1H3 [15:25] 😽 === krupa1 is now known as krupa