
oerdnjHey folks, is it just me that get 'Upload permissions error' when uploading to Launchpad or is there something rotten globally?08:36
oerdnjSwitching from dput-ng to dput reveals: Uploading bind9_9.18.20.orig.tar.xz: 550 Requested action not taken: internal server error08:43
oerdnjAh, found it: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/70846008:44
oerdnjPerhaps the channel should link the issue in the header?08:44
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #launchpad to: PPA uploads over FTP currently very flaky; use SFTP instead | Help contact: ialmeida (08:00-16:00 UTC) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support and spam reporting: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
cjwatsonWe've deployed new riscv64 builders.  I'm keeping a relatively close eye on them for a while10:26
amurrayhey folks, any chance I can get a new PPA marked private?12:11
amurrayactually never mind - I think I can use an existing PPA instead 12:12
cjwatsonamurray: I saw your internal message, was just dealing with other stuff this morning12:16
cjwatsonhandled now12:16
amurraycjwatson: no probs - I typod a version number for a package destined for ESM and wanted to rebuild the correct version somewhere else - but have been told it should be fine to delete the wrong one and reupload (after waiting the 6 hours for the publisher run) so am trying that first12:17
cjwatsonthat is wrong12:17
amurraydamn 12:17
cjwatsonversions are for life, within a given archive12:17
cjwatsondeleting will let you use a lower version, but it won't let you reuse the same version12:17
cjwatsonso I guess it depends exactly what you're trying to do12:18
amurrayah good - that is fine then - I need a lower version as it was literally just the version number that was wrong in the first upload (I added an extra leading 0 inadvertently)12:18
cjwatsonoh, in that case you shouldn't need to wait anything like six hours12:18
cjwatsonthat's the garbage-collection frequency, but all you need is for the publication to be marked Deleted IIRC12:19
amurraynice - that's two things I have learned today - thanks cjwatson :)12:19
tsimonq2~lubuntu-dev/backports-mantic: 109.6 KiB (0.00%) of 8.0 GiB20:27
tsimonq2...is that like, a new default? Or did a fairy come along and grant us more space? :P20:28
tsimonq2And if it's a new default, could we get the other ~lubuntu-dev PPAs bumped too? ;)20:28
cjwatsontsimonq2: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/43328320:29
cjwatsontsimonq2: Can you use the support link in the topic to have the other ones bumped?20:30
tsimonq2cjwatson: Absolutely, thanks for the context!20:34
arraybolt3Heh, nifty!20:39

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