
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Good news, the cala-settings-ubuntu build failure doesn't appear to be the fault of cala-settings-ubuntu. It's Calamares' fault, due to a CMake file boffo00:27
arraybolt3so now to find what that boffo is00:27
arraybolt3found it00:30
arraybolt3Calamares' CMakeLists.txt includes the module FeatureSummary which includes the command set_package_properties which is used in CalamaresAddTransltions.cmake. But CalamaresConfig.cmake.in (which apparently is called when you do a find_package on Calamares, NOT Calamares' usual CMakeLists.txt) doesn't include that module, and thus the00:32
arraybolt3set_package_properties call fails in CalamaresAddTranslations.cmake making calamares-settings-ubuntu FTBFS.00:32
arraybolt3Actually then that may be our fault, perhaps *we* have to include FeatureSummary.00:33
arraybolt3tsimonq2: around? Could use some debugging help since I'm deep into the weeds with CMake weirdness.00:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> < 20 mins00:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'm not sure on this one tho since CMake docs don't exactly seem clear00:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> But I'm happy to be a rubber ducky00:53
arraybolt3the thing is that we have libkf5coreaddons-dev as a build dep in debian/control, but CMake is erroring with "The link interface of target "Calamares::calamares" contains: KF5::CoreAddons but the targets was not found."00:56
arraybolt3I suspect something significant changes in Calamares' CMake config that I don't know about, and that's what's causing this.00:57
arraybolt3actually I think that's the only thing that makes snse00:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Something changed. I know a Mantic build of the settings worked when I tried it.00:58
arraybolt3yeah and it uses alpha201:00
arraybolt3so I'mma see what's awry01:00
arraybolt3well I fixed it sorta01:40
arraybolt3tsimonq2: I had to hack some pieces of Calamares alpha2's CMakeLists.txt file into our code but it worked. Basically I had to find_package KF5::CoreAddons myself rather than relying on Calamares to do it.01:41
arraybolt3Which feels a bit hacky...? I mean shouldn't Calamares be finding its own deps?01:41
arraybolt3I'm unsure because of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74275590/the-link-interface-of-target-target-contains-dependency-but-the-target-was01:42
arraybolt3so this may be the right way to do things but I dunno01:42
arraybolt3`E: calamares-settings-ubuntu-common: shared-library-is-executable 0755 [usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/calamares/modules/pkgselect/libcalamares_viewmodule_pkgselect.so]` new error?01:43
arraybolt3tsimonq2: pkgselect is your new thing right?01:55
arraybolt3the thing that allows a minimal installation mode?01:55
arraybolt3it *is*, ok ok01:56
arraybolt3tsimonq2: The pkgselect module in its current iteration breaks so many policy rules :P I fear trying to fix them all since I don't know exactly how everything works, so can I get your stamp of approval on uploading this thing Lintian mess and all and let you sort out the things you probably will be better at sorting out?01:57
arraybolt3this is my Lintian output: https://termbin.com/7ujp01:58
arraybolt3sigh, who am I kidding, I can figure this out...01:59
arraybolt3hopefully, with God's help01:59
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LMFAO, I'm so, so sorry XD02:09
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> You don't have to make it policy compliant, God already knew it isn't :P02:09
arraybolt3lol, hey, don't stop me now!02:09
arraybolt3I already debugged why it was getting installed to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/usr/lib/x86_64-linux/gnu/calamares/modules/pkgselect02:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE1FrqheQNI02:10
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> jk lmfao02:10
arraybolt3if you really want me to not touch it I'm fine with not doing it02:11
arraybolt3but I think I have some ideas02:11
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Knock yourself out, but once you start untangling the rules file, don't say I didn't warn you :P02:11
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Some of those aren't too bad to fix and some of them are false positives (the noble stuff)02:12
arraybolt3already there and partially untangled :)02:12
arraybolt3kc2bez: true02:12
* Eickmeyer yeets @tsimonq2 into #ubuntu-devel for a ping02:18
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> not at my IRC client so either wait 40 mins for the IRC logs to update or Telegram me the logs :P02:19
EickmeyerDunno if urgent or not, but it's been waiting there a while, not my ping.02:19
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> oiccc02:20
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> bandali's right?02:20
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'll respond $later, nonurgent, thanks for the heads up02:21
arraybolt3tsimonq2: debian/rules untangled \o/02:24
arraybolt3gonna push this to the archive and to Git, I think it's in good shape. Got it Lintian-clean.02:25
arraybolt3there's a no-manual-page warning in there that I think we don't care about02:25
arraybolt3in fact I'm sure of it, so lemme add a lintian override02:25
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Seems like an override02:25
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Yeah02:26
arraybolt3alright fixed02:32
arraybolt3woot, perfectly lintian-clean now after a couple of overrides02:36
arraybolt3whew! Finally done.02:40
arraybolt3If this FTBFS all over the place I'm going to be a bit upset :P02:41
arraybolt3sigh, so far four out of six arches are dead02:44
arraybolt3amd64 seems to have emerged alive and riscv64 is still grinding02:44
EickmeyerYou can probably sleep on that one.02:48
arraybolt3Simon had tried to fix it and it appeared to cause amd64 to fail too but then we found out the total failure was unrelated02:48
arraybolt3cp -v common/modules/pkgselect/pkgselect.qml debian/calamares-settings-lubuntu/etc/calamares/branding/lubuntu/pkgselect.qml02:49
arraybolt3'common/modules/pkgselect/pkgselect.qml' -> 'debian/calamares-settings-lubuntu/etc/calamares/branding/lubuntu/pkgselect.qml'02:49
arraybolt3cp: cannot create regular file 'debian/calamares-settings-lubuntu/etc/calamares/branding/lubuntu/pkgselect.qml': No such file or directory02:49
arraybolt3is how it dies on all but amd6402:49
arraybolt3so for some reason that directory... doesn't exist? Except on amd64?02:49
EickmeyerThat points to odd build rules usually.02:50
EickmeyerOr botched localizations.02:50
arraybolt3I can't find any arch-specific build rules02:51
arraybolt3oh wait, I think I know what's going on!02:53
arraybolt3The module is in calamares-settings-ubuntu-common but the lubuntu/branding directory is in calamares-settings-lubuntu02:54
EickmeyerLogs, my friend. Loooooogs.02:54
EickmeyerYeah, when you see that, always check your .install files.02:55
Eickmeyeroverride_dh_missing was the clue.02:56
arraybolt3bUt iT WOrkS on aMd64!!!!!!11102:56
EickmeyerYeah, because arch=all on common.02:56
arraybolt3wait, I get what you mean02:57
arraybolt3the lubuntu and ubuntustudio packages are arch: all, but the common is arch:any02:57
EickmeyerYeah, I had it backwards, but yes, you're right.02:57
arraybolt3so basically on all but amd64, that directory doesn't exist because... ba-dum-tiss, that package wasn't build this time02:58
arraybolt3the file in question probably has to be under common for things to work, but common should NOT be fiddling with lubuntu's stuff even if this is lubuntu-specific for now02:59
EickmeyerMeans you need to move a file between binary packages. Fun times.02:59
arraybolt3well that's not too hard, except for common probably needs that file in order to build at all03:00
arraybolt3lemme find out03:00
arraybolt3what I need is to say "if on amd64, copy this file"03:00
arraybolt3unless I can move it without setting off Sbuild War III03:00
EickmeyerBut remember, common is arch:any.03:01
arraybolt3even then that would mean having one project split across two packages03:01
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: Right, so when building on amd64, copy the file. Otherwise, don't copy the file, amd64 did that for you already.03:01
EickmeyerSo anything that *doesn't have to be compiled* can be in either package.03:01
Eickmeyeri.e. anything that isn't localized.03:02
arraybolt3ok so Simon wrote the pkgselect module as its own little mini-project and has it, all of it, under common.03:02
arraybolt3but then he copies the qml file from common to lubuntu so that Calamares can find it, as part of debian/rules.03:02
EickmeyerI see.03:03
arraybolt3so if I move that qml file, the compiler may scream, but even if it doesn't, now the pkgselect module has bits and pieces in two different packages.03:03
arraybolt3thus, copy it but only on amd64, thus satisfying all arches03:03
EickmeyerExcept now we have an open can of worms that only Simon can sort.03:03
arraybolt3perhaps we need some way to install the QML to a distro-independent location...?03:04
arraybolt3if Cala even has such a notion03:04
arraybolt3which it may not03:05
EickmeyerI thought common was supposed to take care of the files that were shared between the two flavors, not be complicated spaghetti.03:05
arraybolt3correct, and this QML file may be shared between multiple flavors if any new flavors pick up Calamares.03:06
arraybolt3But it has to be in a flavor-specific spot for Calamares' sake IIUC.03:06
arraybolt3(if any new flavors pick up Calamares - i.e., if you switch back to it, or if I ever make Ubuntu Trinity using TDE, which if I do, I intend on using Cala as the installer)03:06
EickmeyerCorrect, but -lubuntu should be able to just pick it up via .install and put it where it needs to be.03:06
arraybolt3the .install file copies, not moves, right?03:07
* arraybolt3 's brain just uncramped03:07
EickmeyerIt copies at .deb creation time.03:07
arraybolt3I thought it moved things and never thought about doing that03:07
arraybolt3And this is why I'm not a MOTU yet :P03:07
EickmeyerIt's why -lubuntu and -ubuntustudio just needed breaks/replaces against each other since they'd be installing files to the same location, essentially.03:08
arraybolt3that makes perfect sense03:09
arraybolt3alright, if this doesn't fix it, I don't know what will :)03:17
arraybolt3both arm variants have passed, so I think we're good03:19
arraybolt3Eickmeyer: Thank you for your help, I probably would not have figured out how to do this properly without you.03:19
tewardwxl: arraybolt3: it's Simon's fault03:34
tewardwe can stop the mirror and rename it, then do a reverse mirror03:34
tewardit's not trivial but can be done03:34
tewardbut it'll have to be a 'new repo' locally03:35
tewardi know i'm hours late but i've been busy so.  *pushes Simon off the ledge again*03:35
arraybolt3teward: we unraveled that mess like an hour ago04:07
tewardas i said i'm late04:07
tewardi only just got time to rest so :p04:07
teward*drops a small flashbang in the chat*04:07
arraybolt3np, actually more like four hours ago :p just giving you a hard time04:08
arraybolt3I haven't even gotten to the wallpaper yet, the pkgselect module was HARD to get working right04:08
arraybolt3Out of curiosity, do I still have the needed access to kick off image builds?04:09
tewardno idea04:09
arraybolt3I think I need to be part of... /me finds it04:10
arraybolt3Lubuntu Product Managers, that's it04:10
arraybolt3Not part of that team anymore though.04:11
arraybolt3I may never have been part and only gained access during my brief stint on the Council that I had to resign from.04:12
arraybolt3Can't remember now04:12
tewardyeah Council kind of has god rights to everything Lubuntu04:12
tewardwe can talk to the other Council members and see if we want to add you to that.  i think kc2bez is the current lead (tsimonq2 is part of the Ubuntu Release Team now so I have to make sure he can properly split hats xD)04:13
teward(he knows i'm just raising heck on him for no reason xD04:13
arraybolt3It would possibly be handy, and I was trained pretty well on how to use that access before.04:15
dacashHi. It seems i can't just add ppa:lubuntu-dev/backports in Mantic? apt complains about missing Release file and indeed there is none i can see for mantic. Is it only for LTS?13:17
dacash https://pastebin.com/kWMxaMAG , apt-get update with allow-insecure-repos also fails at 404 not found13:27
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> /names13:45
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> dacash: (Assuming you're still on IRC) we only support 22.04 for Backports :)13:45
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'm really, really considering whether we should just, yk, do 23.10 Backports as well13:45
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Eickmeyer: Thank you very much for your help :)13:46
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> arraybolt3: Very nice, great success :D13:46
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Kay, I re-spun our ISO. This new batch of Calamares settings WILL eat your kittens, and probably your lunch, too. Proceed with caution.13:53
dacashtsimonq2 that's what i assumed. Tho it's vaguely written "supporting stable versions", Well, i am not using any nightlies )13:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> That being said, it's the start of all of our new installer functionality, and I tested it, it works, so ;)13:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> dacash: No worries. I thought I was clear in the announcement but then again, I too am human :)13:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> @kc2bez arraybolt3 @teward001 wxl this is about a 3-4 hour notice that I'm probably going to be publishing an announcement regarding some preliminary Backports for 23.10. I'll paste the draft link here when I have it. Let's talk about it after I get back from lunch ;)17:43
arraybolt3tsimonq2: Personally I'm -1 on a Backports for interim releases. That's a lot of extra work, plus if an LTS were only going to live for another nine months we probably wouldn't bother backporting to it.17:57
arraybolt3Interims are stable snapshots to get newer stuff before the next LTS. They're not rolling releases. The appeal of Backports for LTS is there because otherwise you use an old version of LXQt for long. But for interim, idk, I'm just not seeing a sufficient return on investment there.17:59
arraybolt3Perhaps I'm wrong though :p17:59
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I've had no less than three media outlets and a half a dozen users ask/complain about it18:06
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'll highlight that in the announcement18:06
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Usually I'm -1 as well... this one it really feels like we kinda have to18:06
arraybolt3*shrug* I mean that makes sense, I guess.18:10
arraybolt3One thing we should keep in mind though is, backporting LXQt means there's less incentive to move to the next release when it comes out.18:13
arraybolt3I.e., we're encouraging people to use their existing installs of interim releases when people need to upgrade to newer releases to stay secure.18:14
arraybolt3Not sure if we want to do that, we might see an increase in "hey why won't my system upgrade" support requests stemming from "your OS is EOL, you need to upgrade ASAP".18:15
arraybolt3For LTS we stop backporting once the new LTS is out, so there's a whole year (or three depending on how you look at it) to get tired of your LXQt and upgrade. Interim doesn't provide that advantage.18:16
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Hi —sorry late reply —was away in Berlin past 7days just got home and yes will resume testing Lubuntu and all the other flavours.. (re @tsimonq2: @guiverc @Leokolb @Roberalz etc. I'd appreciate some testing help with Backports Staging/Backports (if you see this later) :) ^^^^)18:27
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Thank you very much Leó! I hope all is well with you. (re @Leokolb: Hi —sorry late reply —was away in Berlin past 7days just got home and yes will resume testing Lubuntu and all the other flavours..)18:39
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> All is well ..thanks for asking! (re @tsimonq2: Thank you very much Leó! I hope all is well with you.)18:41
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> @tsimonq2 sorry missed out on some messages - what was it you needed help testing? Might be able to run a few tests tomorrow..19:11
arraybolt3tsimonq2: left a note, also I like how you got around the issue of EOL release problems.20:13
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Right, exactly. Strong message saying "upgrade or you shall perish." :P20:17
arraybolt3I have no further objections to the interim backports, and all the ones I had are dealt with, so I'm happy with it.20:18
tsimonq2Thank you.20:20
arraybolt3(I mean, it's not like I exactly get a vote since I'm not on the Council :P Thanks for taking into consideration what I was thinking too.)20:22
tsimonq2Of course :)20:27
arraybolt3Can't say no to free cloud storage :D20:40
arraybolt3Alright, so *today* I'mma try wallpaper stuff.20:44
arraybolt3tsimonq2: I know you were trolling with the retro wallpaper idea... but what if I used one of them for the placeholder SDDM screen?20:45
arraybolt3I could add a watermark like "Lubuntu Noble - DEVELOPMENT EDITION" somewhere to make it obvious it's a placeholder and also to act as a warning for those brave souls that choose to use Noble now other than our testers.20:46
tsimonq2Sure, heh. As long as it looks pretty under a variety of resolutions, lol.20:54
arraybolt3that might even look good as a wallpaper20:56
arraybolt3aspect ratio wasn't as much as a problem as I expected20:56
arraybolt3also the numbat picture: https://i.imgur.com/oCQlcSp.jpg20:57
* arraybolt3 really wishes QEMU supported drag-n-drop files without needing SPICE21:28
tsimonq2Just playing a game of chicken with the publisher.21:42
tsimonq2Don't worry, I have a local, hacky retry script. :P21:42
tsimonq2I would imagine it'll be another couple long publish runs before we fully release this thing.21:43
tsimonq2I'll just do a smoke test... but that's about it, lol.21:43
tsimonq2Also, I just uploaded some extra themes to both the PPAs that will be installed (but not enabled) by default. Like 300 kb. I think that's doable. :P21:43
arraybolt3tsimonq2: any idea what the copyright info is on that old wallpaper I linked earlier?21:56
tsimonq2arraybolt3: *shrug*21:56
* arraybolt3 rummages through Phab to find it21:57
arraybolt3oh wow, we have a data loss situation in Phab21:58
arraybolt3something awry with AWS looks like21:58
arraybolt3teward: !needhelp21:58
tsimonq2arraybolt3: Email him for an instant response, at his personal email :P21:59
arraybolt3not that urgent, just something's Not Right21:59
tsimonq2arraybolt3: With big bold letters "THE NUKES HAVE BEEN UNLEASHED"21:59
arraybolt3tsimonq2: where did you pull that wallpaper from at first?21:59
arraybolt3teward: ohai21:59
arraybolt3DM incoming21:59
tewardyou owe me coffee if yer gonna be summoning meout of the blue :P22:00
arraybolt3don't we always ping you when infra throws a fit? :P22:01
* tsimonq2 throws rocks at teward 22:02
tsimonq2teward, Eickmeyer, RikMills: also FYI in case you fail to read logs, default PPA size is now 8 GB22:04
arraybolt3anyway, PSA: All file access within repos on Phab is entirely b0rked. Every repo, every file, that I try to access, gives an esoteric AWS-related error.22:04
tsimonq2\o\ /o/ \o/22:04
arraybolt3So for now, I have no clue what license or copyright one of these files is under :P gonna have to dig through oldreleases to find it and hope the copyright file is valid22:05
tsimonq2I'm 75% sure it's Rafael Laguna but wxl would know.22:05
tsimonq2This current build cycle has the vast majority of packages, which also means the longest publisher run.22:12
tsimonq2As soon as it's all published in Backports Staging, I'll be smoke testing it, then shipping it right out the door.22:13
arraybolt3tsimonq2: see Matrix DM when you get a chance22:14
arraybolt3welp, I found the 10.04 package for lubuntu-artwork, and it has the (almost) right wallpaper... BUT... the copyright file is malformed so I'm not sure who owns that wallpaper's copyright still :P Looks like Rafael Laguna is most likely though.22:30
* arraybolt3 has the joy of importing a CC-BY-3.0 license into a package :-/22:35
arraybolt3Aaaaaand... I imported BY-SA-3.0 rather than BY-3.0 XD22:39
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Nice job XD22:41
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Use sed/awk/regex22:41
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> :P22:41
arraybolt3just finished using Vim22:42
arraybolt3Those CC licenses are LOGN22:43
arraybolt3sigh, looking through Lubuntu's Wikipedia I miss LXDE.22:50
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> ^^^^^^22:51
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> XD22:51
arraybolt3wxl: Fancy 3d-looking buttons :P22:51
arraybolt3and a less "flat" UI22:51
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (phab is down while i shove it in a sandbox)22:51
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (and will stay down even in the sandbox env)22:52
arraybolt3I get that flat user interfaces are the present and probably the future but I miss the 3d Everything world we had for a bit there.22:52
wxlarraybolt3: that's no reason to miss lxde. 22:52
wxlif you really want 3d looking buttons, make yourself a theme22:52
arraybolt3I guess I could make one that looks suspiciously LXDE-like :P22:53
arraybolt3I loved its overall look and feel too22:53
wxlsounds like you care enough about looks that maybe you should be our new art lead XD22:53
arraybolt3lol, I thought that was you right now22:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I already threatened wxl with it, he threatened me with making Fritz the QA lead so I backed down XD22:54
arraybolt3oh yikes :P22:55
wxlmy problem is i don't care enough to be the art lead22:55
lubot[telegram] <teward001> *reassigns tsimonq2 to the salt mines for reasons*22:56
wxlthat and i have zero graphic design skills22:56
wxlwhich is more than the negative skills simon has but you get the idea22:56
tewardi have 2.56% artistic skills xD22:57
tewardso i mean i'm not a good fit either22:57
tewardbut mleh22:57
teward*sips coffee*22:57
wxl2.56 > 0, sooooooo22:57
teward2.56 < 50% competency which is bare minimum so22:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> How far in the negative am I? XD22:57
arraybolt3I'm decent with some things (especially Gimp fractals and basic Inkscape stuff), but my mom is breathtakingly good with a lot of stuff.22:58
tewardtsimonq2: -500000000000%22:58
tewardwhich is why i sent you to the salt mines22:58
tewardgo fix the autodrills22:58
arraybolt3She made the Kinetic and Lunar wallpapers, I'm probably going to talk her into making the Noble one too22:58
tewardthey run on Ubuntu 8.04 and COBOL22:58
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> XD : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/9bab9806/file_10122.jpg22:58
arraybolt3(I got to make the Lunar SDDM screen though :D)22:58
lubot[matrix] <wxl> if simon were in charge we'd look more like this22:58
lubot<system> file image.png too big to download (2373886 > allowed size: 1000000)22:58
lubot[matrix] <wxl> image.png22:58
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Can't see it pastebin it22:58
wxloh whatever22:59
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> No I wanna see it pastebin it XD22:59
wxlit's on matrix go look there22:59
arraybolt3wxl: what is it, MacNCheeseBook?22:59
arraybolt3(I can see it and have no idea what to even name that)22:59
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> You're hired. - Mozilla Thunderbird Team23:00
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> HAHAHAHAHAHA23:00
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> OMGGG23:00
arraybolt3(in reply to Simon's squiggly bird)23:00
wxlnote he didn't say anything like "no i wouldn't be that bad"23:01
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> No I think I'd be worse tbh XD23:02
arraybolt3Uploading new wallpaper and SDDM screen packaging to the archive23:02
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Do ittt23:02
arraybolt3also lubuntu-artwork packaging is a hot mess right now, BUT I didn't leave it in any worse shape than it started, I think.23:03
arraybolt3I'll do a packaging cleanup on it hopefully soon.23:03
arraybolt3PSA: if you upgrade and your SDDM screen and wallpaper are solid black, I botched a symlink, feel free to force me to brew your virtual coffee for the remainder of next week.23:04
arraybolt3(I think I got the symlinks right though.)23:04
arraybolt3(I looked at the existing ones with ls -l and remade them the same way.)23:04
* genii twitches23:04
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> LGTM, ship it. (re @tsimonq2: XD)23:13
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> TBF it is better than mine. At least you can make out that it is a bird. XD23:14
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> LMFAO23:15
tewardgenii: go get me a coffee23:16
* genii breaks out the Aeropress and Death Wish coffee for teward23:17
tewardthank you kindly *takes the caffeine*23:17
arraybolt3I actually wanted to do a UI refresh with the Lunar cycle, and I want to get Breeze out of Lubuntu *this* cycle because it's caused us issues before.23:20
arraybolt3So I might try some theming overhauls and see what y'all think.23:20
arraybolt3For now though, tell https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-artwork/24.04.1 to hurry up and build so you can install it and tell me what you think :P23:21
tsimonq2Let us know what you find!23:21
arraybolt3I'm brave, so I just did an encrypted XFS installation of Lubuntu XD23:25
arraybolt3QTerminal is still broken :(23:35
arraybolt3sigh, I have unfortunate word placement23:36
arraybolt3shoulda put it at the upper-right23:36
arraybolt3oh well, version numbers are cheap, yadda yadda23:37
arraybolt3I really should have tested before uploading it though23:37
tsimonq2Just manually install the package from proposed... :P23:39
* tsimonq2 dinner23:39

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