
guitarmananyone have issues with kdenlive crashing regularly on ubuntu studio?19:18
guitarmanon ubu8ntu studio 22.0419:18
guitarmankdenlive version 21.12.319:18
guitarmanseems to happen with big proxy clips19:19
guitarmanah that's an older version i notice, i'll see if i can find a more current version.19:20
guitarmaninstalling the snap package, hopefully that's better19:21
Eickmeyerguitarman: Check release notes for how to get a newer version.19:21
Eickmeyerguitarman: Sorry, release announcement.19:24
guitarmanEickmeyer: are you suggestion i add the backkports for kubuntu and ubuntu studio19:25
guitarmani didn't see kdenlive in the post19:25
Eickmeyerguitarman: Why not both?19:25
guitarmanEickmeyer: do you feel an ubuntu studio user should upgrade each release or lts only19:26
guitarmani know being on 22.04 is older19:26
guitarmani can enable both19:26
EickmeyerAdding a backport PPA doesn't preclude LTS.19:26
guitarmanno i'm just asking19:26
guitarman2 questions19:26
guitarman1. should i be upgrading ubuntu studio each release (maybe this is dependent on my believe that the lts is more stable)19:27
guitarman2. if i stay on my version, are you recommending adding the 2 ppas19:27
guitarmansorry rather add backpor4ts to both kde and backports repo19:27
EickmeyerOk, first of all, your idea of "stable" is flawed. If you think "stable" is bug-free, that's a poor notion because there's no such thing. Stable just means not as many updates.19:28
guitarmanthe theory is less updates means less to go wrong19:28
guitarmani know bug free is impossible19:28
EickmeyerAgain, that's based on a poor notion.19:28
guitarmanwell i know i had breakage on arch that i didn't have on debian stable19:29
EickmeyerThe reason "Debian Stable" is "Stable" is because it receives next to no updates, but they put it through the wringer to make sure it's as bug free as possible. Ubuntu has no equivalent.19:30
arraybolt3If you like to not reinstall or do risky upgrades frequently, staying on LTS would be a good idea.19:30
EickmeyerLTS is long-term support meaning it continuously receives updates, but that doesn't mean it's "stable' in the same sense.19:30
EickmeyerIt just means you don't have to upgrade every six momths.19:31
guitarmaninteresting.  ok this is a new way of thinking for me19:31
EickmeyerThe problem with LTS, though, is some things don't receive updates and remain with bugs that you'll live with until the next LTS.19:32
guitarmanEickmeyer: i'll stay current knowing all this19:33
Eickmeyerguitarman: This is why those backports PPAs exist so that you can receive those updates. You gave the version of Kdenlive, and I know for a fact it's some bugfixes behind what's in the Kubuntu PPA.19:34
guitarmanEickmeyer: fair enough19:34
EickmeyerThe Ubuntu Studio backports will be sunset in favor of an official Ubuntu backports repository for the next LTS.19:35
Eickmeyerguitarman: The thing is, I didn't want to just hand you the answer because that's not my job. Only you can decide for yourself what's best for you.19:37
guitarmanEickmeyer: I'd like the latest stuff, i'm upgrading right now as we speak19:37
guitarmanEickmeyer: to be honest my system isn't that stable anyways19:38
guitarmanfirefox or virtualbox hang my desktop regularly19:38
guitarmanmy scarllet interface stops working after a while and i have to replug the usb in19:38
guitarmanso somethings off19:38
guitarmanas in, it can't get much worse hopefully lol19:38
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I noticed on both of my systems that when I did the last install they did not pick up the swap partitions automatically. The default used to be that if there was a swap partition it would get detected and used.23:07
OvenWerksI can understand this could cause problems in some cases.23:08
OvenWerksI don't know how easy it would be but the installer could ask: "swap partitions found, select any partition below if you want this install to use it."23:09
OvenWerksIt apears this was some of my problems with FF locking up or crashing because sinse I added the swap partition to fstab I have not had that happen any more.23:11
OvenWerksIt could be that in the past I did select a swap partition but was surprised when it was also using an older swap partion as well.23:13

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