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=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
xu-irc41wis there anyone online?07:32
nikolamxu-irc41w, yup, why. You are always free to ask. And wait. 07:35
nikolam#ubuntu is more populated, but depending what you have in mind 07:36
xu-irc41wgood . i wanted to ask when xfce 4.20 will be released?07:36
nikolamxu-irc41w, maybe asking on #xfce ? :P07:36
nikolamprobably sooner if you join testing or something07:37
xu-irc41wthere is a very bad bug on xfce . it's been year that this bug is standing . the bug is that when you have two keyboard layouts and you want to change the keyboard layout via shortcut you can switch from first layout to second layout but you can't switch from second layout to first layout07:39
xu-irc41wthe bug is here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-settings/+bug/180519707:39
-ubottu:#xubuntu- Launchpad bug 1805197 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "cannot switching keyboard layout with xfce4-keyboard-settings" [Undecided, Triaged]07:39
xu-irc41wcan xubuntu team fix this in next release?07:39
nikolamMy change layout key is Alt+Shift . what is yours, xu-irc41w  ? 07:46
xu-irc41wI tried alt+shift . super+space . left shift07:47
xu-irc41wnone of these work good07:47
xu-irc41wbut super left is working good07:47
xu-irc41wbut I want to set it super+space or alt+shift . and use left super as shortcut to open start button07:48
nikolamxu-irc41w, help me understand the bug.. bug is saying, that if one changes the order of keyboards/languages in keyboard settings, you can not longer change layouts with the "Change layout option" shortcut?07:52
nikolamBecause it works for me on 22.04, currently 22.04.307:53
nikolamWhat keyboards/languages you use?07:53
xu-irc41wenglish / persian07:53
xu-irc41wpersian = farsi07:54
nikolamand if you leave english and try other languages, does it behave the same?07:54
xu-irc41wi did not try that07:54
nikolammeaning add german, spanish, Serbian, whatever and remove persian?07:54
xu-irc41woh i will try that next time07:55
nikolamI added persian and it works for me , again07:56
nikolamwoudl like to see what are zour settings exactlz and trz to reproduce a bug..07:56
xu-irc41wI am now going to install xubuntu 23.10 I try to come back here and talk more later07:57
nikolamI disabled "use system defaults", Generic 105-key , Alt+Shift , no compose key and it works. 07:58
epzthi all. under xubuntu Jammy, I lost menu on some applications after tweeking xfce. Don't know exactly where to look at to get back menus. Idea ?08:38
xubuntu98igood day everyone11:06
xubuntu98iI did successful installed xubuntu 22.04 in my old notebook. But failed to install Ubuntu 22.04, it failed on the final part of installing grub. I am trying again to install xubuntu along side Ubuntu and how it will successfully install grub as I did it once before. Does anyone know why Ubuntu fail to install grub while xubuntu successfully11:13
xubuntu98iinstalled grub. Well the old notebook has bios boot only, But xubuntu seem to be smarter than ubuntu since it was successfully install efi in bios boot mode. But some how ubuntu is not as smart on grub installation.11:13
xubuntu36dmy wifi not working11:13
xubuntu36dpls help me to solve11:15
xubuntu98ixubuntu36d: my experience, 1) connect to internet, by RJ45 LAN , if you notebook or pc has Lan port, then update software, sometimes it successfully update the driver automaticly. 2) You need to identify the LAN adaptor hardware, use Terminal , type " sudo lspci and lsusb to see your hardware, 3/) google to find linux driver for them11:25
xubuntu98ixubuntu36d if you cannot connect with your existing network adaptors, then you need to borrow the well know linux compatible USB wifi adptor from somewhere to connect to internet and then try to download your wifi adaptor driver.11:28

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