[00:01] this sounds confusing, https://jobsfordevelopers.com/jobs/gcp-cloud-engineer-ii-at-rackspace-com-oct-26-2023-f89122 [00:20] meena: I didn't know Microsoft and Linux were languages lol [00:20] I guess Bash could be "loosely" described as a configuration management system ;-) [00:24] holmanb: apparently virt-install is deprecated in RHEL8+ https://blog.wikichoon.com/2020/06/virt-manager-deprecated-in-rhel.html [00:26] holmanb: "some advantage to not using virt-install?" it maybe not be packaged for a particular distro? It's just a frontend to creating/manipulating libvirtd's XML which, as the article I earlier referenced, you can do directly [01:18] minimal: "Also, I'm distinguishing virt-manager UI from the virt-manager project, which includes tools like virt-install. I fully expect virt-install to be shipped in RHEL9 and actively maintained (FWIW Cockpit uses it behind the scenes)." [01:19] minimal: that's from the blog post you linked [01:19] So virt-install isn't going anywhere I guess? [01:28] holmanb: doh! Once again my own fault from not reading the whole article in details lol. Strange though: " I'm distinguishing virt-manager UI from the virt-manager project", I thought virt-manager was basically really just a UI [01:29] anyway to restate once again, libvirtd does not require or assume virt-install, it's just an optional easy way to create VMs rather than manipulating the XML descriptions using virsh [07:37] minimal all good [07:38] For me though I prefer a front end to xml. Hurts my brain and I'd rather just not, though I see what you're saying. [07:43] I remember using expat years ago to write a high performance XML parser in C [07:43] * holmanb shudders [07:44] That was a project I was tasked with ^^ [07:45] What I didn't know at the time was that the performance bottleneck was in the serialization of data, not the deserialization. [07:46] so my effort was wasted - had I just used perf I could have saved myself a lot of pain [07:49] I later rewrote the whole tool by reverse engineering the underlying library (it was undocumented and I didn't have the source) and calling the symbols that did what I wanted. [07:52] Then I found the source and felt pretty dumb for having figured out the library by trial and error. [07:52] That implementation was fast enough, but in retrospect I don't think anyone actually expected me to solve the problem they asked me to solve. [07:53] And I'm sure the code I wrote back then was horrifying [08:16] it was one of those: let's give the new guy a hard problem and no direction and see what happens [08:19] sink or swim is an awful thing to do to people but it was the culture there [13:26] 07:52 That implementation was fast enough, but in retrospect I don't think anyone actually expected me to solve the problem they asked me to solve. ← hah! === pepperoni is now known as Guest212